国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#en
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The following local news on Tree Felling has become all familiar in the past few years in HK. The public was again challenging Govt Depts for Tree Felling, & demanded an explanation for the action. Social harmony appears to be disturbed.
The solution to this repeated accusation can be simple. Set up a Public Tree Board (PTB) for future incidents to answer all. Many municipalities in western countries would have this body to respond to the public. It is nothing new around the world.
The PTB can comprise the Tree Management Office, the Politicians, the Media & the Technical Experts, like ISA HK/China. ISA HK/China now runs the largest group of Arborists in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We are the genuine Tree Care Professionals, & we follow the ISA Mission of promoting proper Arboriculture & benefits of trees. We do not attack but give facts with research & experience. And best of all, we run ourselves without financial sponsorship.
PTB must consist of the right professionals. For if bringing in horticulturists, designers or turf managers without proper training in Arboriculture would put up the wrong show. PTB may become another target practice.
One good thing to set up the PTB would be to elevate the quality of Tree Assessment in HK. Any case brought forward will no doubt be scrutinized by the experts in the PTB. ISA HK/China will provide our unbiased opinions on technical matters only, & we shall be Fact-finding & Truth-telling, in line with our Station Principles. If we see it as the fault of our Certified Arborist(s), we shall say so without prejudice, & discipline the concerned . This will upgrade the practicing standard in HK.
All we can see if there is any opposition to set up the PTB, would be from those who are afraid for their work to be exposed. They may be closing in to China too soon. If a tree is felled correctly, what's the fear? ISA HK/China will support it with our knowledge & experience. We shall state the facts & answer the consequences. There is really nothing to worry about for the proper work.
What's left now is for all those who are concerned to think about setting up the PTB. We believe it is beneficial, & the PTB will harmonize our society. For what's good is it for a place to live in, with risky trees potently to fall over your head? We here provide our opinion, & this Station Mail is copied to all we know in the media, politicians & public for their consideration.
May the idea of PTB be supported to promote good Tree Planting in HK.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
康文署怕孭鑊 好樹斬無赦
護理欠善 惡性循環
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
ISA HK/China --- First RCA in Asia (亞洲首位 "顧問樹藝師")
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#en
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members, Media & Politician Friends, & Public,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that our Station Manager (SM) Mr. Sammy Au, has just become the first Registered Consulting Arborist in Asia . His certification no. is RCA # 497. He is also the first coloured person & the only Chinese to obtain this prestigious title in the 40 years of history of RCA, & scored a 98.5% in his Final Exam to rank among the highest in the record. This is good news to the Arborists in our territory, as we have proven that we can now stand among the best in the world.
RCA is known to be the highest qualification in practicing arboriculture in the American Continent, & the bigger countries in America have more trees than any single country in Europe. RCA is an international qualification, not national or that of a city. Ever since the RCA system began in the 1960's, no more than 500 RCA's were produced, with only around 300 of them still living. Famous RCA would include Jim Clark & Nelda Matheny who have made tremendous contribution in Tree Risk Assessment in ISA. Others like Prof. Kim Coder regularly provides research on Tree Biology & Biomechanics in ISA. RCA can be considered as the Creme de la Creme in the Arborist Profession.
The RCA requires testing for much more than multiple-choice questions. One also cannot join an "instant" program to become an RCA. The whole idea of RCA is to float up the elite. Even the Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) of ISA can satisfy only part of the entry requirements to become an RCA. At the 2010 ASCA Academy (www.asca-consultants.org), several BCMA's studying with the SM decided to drop out of the RCA program later, because they simply found it too hard.
Most RCA's today are over 45 years of age, & have practiced in the industry for decades. It is an international honour given to the experienced. For those of us who consistently favour overseas credentials (外來的和尚才會唸經?) to our well constructed QA (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/09/isa-hkchina-qualified-arborist-qa.html) & IPA (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html), they should try the RCA. ISA HK/China has actually modeled our QA credential after the RCA.
Regular work of RCA includes advanced Tree Risk Assessment, Expert Witness in Court, arboricultural consultation to junior Arborists, & independent advice to Govt Agencies. Page 206 of the Arborists' Certification Study Guide (Lilly, Sharon 2010) describes to bring in the "Consulting Arborist", if there is any doubt when assessing Tree Risk. The RCA is the "Consulting Arborist" there, because the RCA has gone through sophisticated training & is a senior professional. The relationship between the Certified Arborist (CA) & RCA should be compared to the Solicitor & Barrister. CA frequently calls in RCA to assist his work for advanced consultation & independent opinion, as well as avoidance of liabilities. RCA is also favoured in Tree Dispute to act as an independent party to give expert opinion.
To become an RCA, the candidate must attend the ASCA Academy in North America. No exception. Technical Writing, Professional Ethics, Forensic Science & US laws will be taught, all in US language & speed. The candidate will go through contentious conditions simulated in US Court to learn survival techniques. Passing the Academy is the only way to become an RCA. Failing that, the candidate will fail all. For overseas candidate who has to invest time, money & jetlag to come to the Academy, failing will be a very poor choice. Those of us who are used to "fast-food style" of getting certificates in our territory, may find the ASCA Academy a curse. One must go very determined & well prepared.
Out of all the difficulties to become an RCA, the SM found mastering Technical Writing the hardest. It is something revolutionary to his Administrative English practiced over the years from Britain to HK. Technical Writing is modern communication which demands simplicity, accuracy & effectiveness. It is variant to the conventional Business English we use in HK. But it produces efficient & convincing messages, not those boring drags. In his strife to learn this latest skill, the SM frequently slept with mountains of books & videos, & not his wife. Even now he is surrounded by the latest publications. He also pays her double in household allowance plus many flowers & gifts, just to shut her up.
ASCA Academy is held in the deep winter of North America when everybody is free, but then the Jet Stream in the northern globe is most active for air travel. When the SM flew his 14 hour across the Pacific this February, 80% of the time the plane was jolting up & down like a rodeo. It was not an enjoyable experience at all. Insider later told him that taking a ride on a 250 kmh Jet Stream would save tremendous fuel for the plane. To fly a 7,000 mile leg across the Pacific, this would mean excellent economy. Therefore, never mind the wing tips flipping like birds outside. Just pray & sit tight to get there safe. Planes are made for that.
Ever since the sudden explosion of Arborist work in HK from 2008, most of our CA are really working as a Consultant of some kind, whether in Tree Risk Assessment, Tree Work or training. Very few CA climb & rig trees in our territory like an IPA. The RCA may become a final destination to our CA, if they want to reach the highest peak. We shall issue a separate Station Mail on ASCA later, to elaborate further on this elite group of Consulting Arborists.
With the SM now becoming an RCA, ISA HK/China is led by the top best in the profession to develop ISA in our territory. We shall also take full advantage of it to penetrate China. China may have many Professors & PhD's, but they do not have an RCA. Academic qualifications alone do not make an expert Arborist, but years of experience, profound knowledge & specialist skills. Pragmatic people like the Chinese will soon appreciate the value of RCA, & demand for it. The RCA may become another golden pursuit to them after the CA.
RCA has now landed in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. ISA HK/China will continue to upgrade our profession, to join the international community, & to contribute to our society. We'll follow the ISA Mission, & do all these one tree & one Arborist at a time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
本會會長 歐永森先生 已剛考獲 美洲顧問樹藝師學會的 "顧問樹藝師" 名銜,成為全亞洲首位的 "顧問樹藝師" (Registered Consulting Arborist, RCA),他的牌照號是 RCA#497。
除此以外,他亦以 98.5% 的高分通過最後一組考試 (100分為滿分),成為40年來合格率最高分的考生之一;他也是 RCA 系統成立40多年以來,唯一的有色人種和華人,來考獲這特殊名銜。
"顧問樹藝師" 的工作包括資深樹木風險評估,庭上技術證人,對初級樹藝師提供技術支援,和向部門機構提供獨立專業意見,性質有如大律師向律師提供服務一樣。"顧問樹藝師" 的工作往往由 "注冊樹藝師"(Certified Arborist) 轉介,雙方關係緊密合切。
現今 本會已由世界頂尖級的專業人員領導,相信未來本會的發展將會更上一層樓,精益求精。
本會再次感謝 會員們及社會各屆給我們的不斷支持。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
顧問樹藝師號 RCA#497
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members, Media & Politician Friends, & Public,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that our Station Manager (SM) Mr. Sammy Au, has just become the first Registered Consulting Arborist in Asia . His certification no. is RCA # 497. He is also the first coloured person & the only Chinese to obtain this prestigious title in the 40 years of history of RCA, & scored a 98.5% in his Final Exam to rank among the highest in the record. This is good news to the Arborists in our territory, as we have proven that we can now stand among the best in the world.
RCA is known to be the highest qualification in practicing arboriculture in the American Continent, & the bigger countries in America have more trees than any single country in Europe. RCA is an international qualification, not national or that of a city. Ever since the RCA system began in the 1960's, no more than 500 RCA's were produced, with only around 300 of them still living. Famous RCA would include Jim Clark & Nelda Matheny who have made tremendous contribution in Tree Risk Assessment in ISA. Others like Prof. Kim Coder regularly provides research on Tree Biology & Biomechanics in ISA. RCA can be considered as the Creme de la Creme in the Arborist Profession.
The RCA requires testing for much more than multiple-choice questions. One also cannot join an "instant" program to become an RCA. The whole idea of RCA is to float up the elite. Even the Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) of ISA can satisfy only part of the entry requirements to become an RCA. At the 2010 ASCA Academy (www.asca-consultants.org), several BCMA's studying with the SM decided to drop out of the RCA program later, because they simply found it too hard.
Most RCA's today are over 45 years of age, & have practiced in the industry for decades. It is an international honour given to the experienced. For those of us who consistently favour overseas credentials (外來的和尚才會唸經?) to our well constructed QA (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/09/isa-hkchina-qualified-arborist-qa.html) & IPA (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html), they should try the RCA. ISA HK/China has actually modeled our QA credential after the RCA.
Regular work of RCA includes advanced Tree Risk Assessment, Expert Witness in Court, arboricultural consultation to junior Arborists, & independent advice to Govt Agencies. Page 206 of the Arborists' Certification Study Guide (Lilly, Sharon 2010) describes to bring in the "Consulting Arborist", if there is any doubt when assessing Tree Risk. The RCA is the "Consulting Arborist" there, because the RCA has gone through sophisticated training & is a senior professional. The relationship between the Certified Arborist (CA) & RCA should be compared to the Solicitor & Barrister. CA frequently calls in RCA to assist his work for advanced consultation & independent opinion, as well as avoidance of liabilities. RCA is also favoured in Tree Dispute to act as an independent party to give expert opinion.
To become an RCA, the candidate must attend the ASCA Academy in North America. No exception. Technical Writing, Professional Ethics, Forensic Science & US laws will be taught, all in US language & speed. The candidate will go through contentious conditions simulated in US Court to learn survival techniques. Passing the Academy is the only way to become an RCA. Failing that, the candidate will fail all. For overseas candidate who has to invest time, money & jetlag to come to the Academy, failing will be a very poor choice. Those of us who are used to "fast-food style" of getting certificates in our territory, may find the ASCA Academy a curse. One must go very determined & well prepared.
Out of all the difficulties to become an RCA, the SM found mastering Technical Writing the hardest. It is something revolutionary to his Administrative English practiced over the years from Britain to HK. Technical Writing is modern communication which demands simplicity, accuracy & effectiveness. It is variant to the conventional Business English we use in HK. But it produces efficient & convincing messages, not those boring drags. In his strife to learn this latest skill, the SM frequently slept with mountains of books & videos, & not his wife. Even now he is surrounded by the latest publications. He also pays her double in household allowance plus many flowers & gifts, just to shut her up.
ASCA Academy is held in the deep winter of North America when everybody is free, but then the Jet Stream in the northern globe is most active for air travel. When the SM flew his 14 hour across the Pacific this February, 80% of the time the plane was jolting up & down like a rodeo. It was not an enjoyable experience at all. Insider later told him that taking a ride on a 250 kmh Jet Stream would save tremendous fuel for the plane. To fly a 7,000 mile leg across the Pacific, this would mean excellent economy. Therefore, never mind the wing tips flipping like birds outside. Just pray & sit tight to get there safe. Planes are made for that.
Ever since the sudden explosion of Arborist work in HK from 2008, most of our CA are really working as a Consultant of some kind, whether in Tree Risk Assessment, Tree Work or training. Very few CA climb & rig trees in our territory like an IPA. The RCA may become a final destination to our CA, if they want to reach the highest peak. We shall issue a separate Station Mail on ASCA later, to elaborate further on this elite group of Consulting Arborists.
With the SM now becoming an RCA, ISA HK/China is led by the top best in the profession to develop ISA in our territory. We shall also take full advantage of it to penetrate China. China may have many Professors & PhD's, but they do not have an RCA. Academic qualifications alone do not make an expert Arborist, but years of experience, profound knowledge & specialist skills. Pragmatic people like the Chinese will soon appreciate the value of RCA, & demand for it. The RCA may become another golden pursuit to them after the CA.
RCA has now landed in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. ISA HK/China will continue to upgrade our profession, to join the international community, & to contribute to our society. We'll follow the ISA Mission, & do all these one tree & one Arborist at a time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
本會會長 歐永森先生 已剛考獲 美洲顧問樹藝師學會的 "顧問樹藝師" 名銜,成為全亞洲首位的 "顧問樹藝師" (Registered Consulting Arborist, RCA),他的牌照號是 RCA#497。
除此以外,他亦以 98.5% 的高分通過最後一組考試 (100分為滿分),成為40年來合格率最高分的考生之一;他也是 RCA 系統成立40多年以來,唯一的有色人種和華人,來考獲這特殊名銜。
"顧問樹藝師" 的工作包括資深樹木風險評估,庭上技術證人,對初級樹藝師提供技術支援,和向部門機構提供獨立專業意見,性質有如大律師向律師提供服務一樣。"顧問樹藝師" 的工作往往由 "注冊樹藝師"(Certified Arborist) 轉介,雙方關係緊密合切。
現今 本會已由世界頂尖級的專業人員領導,相信未來本會的發展將會更上一層樓,精益求精。
本會再次感謝 會員們及社會各屆給我們的不斷支持。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
顧問樹藝師號 RCA#497
Sunday, December 12, 2010
ISA HK/China --- ETF trees in HK
Dear Station Members,
In order to test our whether China trees could be produced to the international requirements of good health & structure, some ETF Trees were imported to HK to grow in Eurasian Garden for daily observation & regular Structural Pruning by the Station Manager in 2007.
Three years have passed & the results can be seen in the attached photos for 7 no. of the imported trees.
We are very pleased to find out that by giving the correct maintenance especially Structural Pruning, these ETF trees can grow to meet the international requirements of :
1. Good Central Leader
2. 60+ % Live Crown Ratio
3. Strong Branch Attachment
4. Spiral staircase Limb Arrangement
5. Good Taper
6. Tear-drop shape for maximum Wind Resistance
These quality trees can serve as a live-sample comparison to our common landscape trees planted all over our territory. Everyone is welcomed to come & study them any Sunday when the Station Manager is training his bunch of Expert Tree Climbers (ETC) from 9 am to noon. In reality, seeing is believing. Looking at them is better than to attending seminar after seminar where only 2-D photos are shown.
Planting good quality trees is a start in minimizing maintenance cost & reducing Tree Risk in future. Otherwise, Mother Nature makes the Rules.
Our territory is lucky to have at least one nursery like the ETF which understands & is capable produce quality trees. Quality trees do not just happen, but with knowledge & experience. This is exactly what China Nurseries lack. Most of them would go for quick bucks instead.
HK is lucky to have an ISA-style Nursery like the ETF, & ETF will become a living example for ISA & Quality Trees in China to come.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
In order to test our whether China trees could be produced to the international requirements of good health & structure, some ETF Trees were imported to HK to grow in Eurasian Garden for daily observation & regular Structural Pruning by the Station Manager in 2007.
Three years have passed & the results can be seen in the attached photos for 7 no. of the imported trees.
We are very pleased to find out that by giving the correct maintenance especially Structural Pruning, these ETF trees can grow to meet the international requirements of :
1. Good Central Leader
2. 60+ % Live Crown Ratio
3. Strong Branch Attachment
4. Spiral staircase Limb Arrangement
5. Good Taper
6. Tear-drop shape for maximum Wind Resistance
These quality trees can serve as a live-sample comparison to our common landscape trees planted all over our territory. Everyone is welcomed to come & study them any Sunday when the Station Manager is training his bunch of Expert Tree Climbers (ETC) from 9 am to noon. In reality, seeing is believing. Looking at them is better than to attending seminar after seminar where only 2-D photos are shown.
Planting good quality trees is a start in minimizing maintenance cost & reducing Tree Risk in future. Otherwise, Mother Nature makes the Rules.
Our territory is lucky to have at least one nursery like the ETF which understands & is capable produce quality trees. Quality trees do not just happen, but with knowledge & experience. This is exactly what China Nurseries lack. Most of them would go for quick bucks instead.
HK is lucky to have an ISA-style Nursery like the ETF, & ETF will become a living example for ISA & Quality Trees in China to come.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
ISA HK/China --- ETF trees in HK
Sunday, December 5, 2010
ISA HK/China --- Photos of important 2010 events
Dear Station Members & Public,
ISA HK/China would like to issue you the photos of our recent events for your memory & appreciation. We issue these to the public as well since a lot of them have participated as their support to us. ISA HK/China is highly inclusive to follow ISA Mission. We are now a special icon in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China.
These photos are describing mainly 3 major events: Tanya Chan's Law Seminar, 2010 Tree Climbing Competition (TCC) & 2010 Annual Dinner. Every event was a full house.
Tanya Chan's Law Seminar have drawn in professionals & academics from many sectors of our society, & everyone has learned how the "Duty of Care" would bind the Arborists in their practice. The description & explanation on the Legal System & Legco in HK were condensed & practical. If some thought they could get the same in an ordinary lawyer's briefing, they are wrong. Tanya Chan's is the best.
The TCC is a qualification competition for the Asia Pacific Tree Climbing Competition (APTCC) next year in Singapore. Holding the TCC in our territory has confirmed our acceptance into the system. Anyone can call themselves "experts" & "representative" of any kind, but they cannot join this prestigious organization without completing in the TCC in our territory. ISA HK/China is no longer any "local" organization but part of an international community. This has made us strong & unique.
Photos of the TCC have described it all. We have more than 60 Tree Climbers from various training institutes coming in to compete. Those who did not join have certainly missed the opportunity to compare themselves with the others. After all, how can anybody call themselves "very good" or "professional" in anything, if they are afraid to compare? Is that not just a lot of hot air?
The 2010 Annual Dinner was already expected to be noisy & rowdy, & it lived up to its claim. All 20 full tables of 240+ no. of participants enjoyed themselves without regard to their background or profession. And some say we see the other side of ourselves after a few drinks. Since we already had this foresight of providing only 2 bottles of beer & a bottle of red wine per table for better behaviour, some went on after the Dinner to booze up on their own. We were told that some did not return home to until 6 am the next morning. Oh, what a night!
2010 has been a very successful year for ISA HK/China, & all these have happened while we are gently knocking on the doors in China. We shall need better organization & muscles before penetrating this Land of Old Dragon. It will be a different world. However, armed with ISA Mission, knowledge & a heated heart, we do not fear. Our strategies have been tested & proven in HK which has a 95% Chinese community. If we fail, can anyone do better? No doubt we are the best & most committed to do this job. China will be ours.
With 2010 passing by & most of our goals accomplished, ISA HK/China can now take a rest in December. Christmas is coming & New Year is nearby. Now is the time for joy, unity & celebration. We shall take it easy for the rest of 2010, & plan for 2011.
In this time of joy, ISA HK/China wishes to thank you all for your support in 2010. We shall continue the ISA Mission, & carry on to serve our territory the best we can as we should do.
Thank you all very much indeed.
With warmest regards & Season's Greetings,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
ISA HK/China would like to issue you the photos of our recent events for your memory & appreciation. We issue these to the public as well since a lot of them have participated as their support to us. ISA HK/China is highly inclusive to follow ISA Mission. We are now a special icon in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China.
These photos are describing mainly 3 major events: Tanya Chan's Law Seminar, 2010 Tree Climbing Competition (TCC) & 2010 Annual Dinner. Every event was a full house.
Tanya Chan's Law Seminar have drawn in professionals & academics from many sectors of our society, & everyone has learned how the "Duty of Care" would bind the Arborists in their practice. The description & explanation on the Legal System & Legco in HK were condensed & practical. If some thought they could get the same in an ordinary lawyer's briefing, they are wrong. Tanya Chan's is the best.
The TCC is a qualification competition for the Asia Pacific Tree Climbing Competition (APTCC) next year in Singapore. Holding the TCC in our territory has confirmed our acceptance into the system. Anyone can call themselves "experts" & "representative" of any kind, but they cannot join this prestigious organization without completing in the TCC in our territory. ISA HK/China is no longer any "local" organization but part of an international community. This has made us strong & unique.
Photos of the TCC have described it all. We have more than 60 Tree Climbers from various training institutes coming in to compete. Those who did not join have certainly missed the opportunity to compare themselves with the others. After all, how can anybody call themselves "very good" or "professional" in anything, if they are afraid to compare? Is that not just a lot of hot air?
The 2010 Annual Dinner was already expected to be noisy & rowdy, & it lived up to its claim. All 20 full tables of 240+ no. of participants enjoyed themselves without regard to their background or profession. And some say we see the other side of ourselves after a few drinks. Since we already had this foresight of providing only 2 bottles of beer & a bottle of red wine per table for better behaviour, some went on after the Dinner to booze up on their own. We were told that some did not return home to until 6 am the next morning. Oh, what a night!
2010 has been a very successful year for ISA HK/China, & all these have happened while we are gently knocking on the doors in China. We shall need better organization & muscles before penetrating this Land of Old Dragon. It will be a different world. However, armed with ISA Mission, knowledge & a heated heart, we do not fear. Our strategies have been tested & proven in HK which has a 95% Chinese community. If we fail, can anyone do better? No doubt we are the best & most committed to do this job. China will be ours.
With 2010 passing by & most of our goals accomplished, ISA HK/China can now take a rest in December. Christmas is coming & New Year is nearby. Now is the time for joy, unity & celebration. We shall take it easy for the rest of 2010, & plan for 2011.
In this time of joy, ISA HK/China wishes to thank you all for your support in 2010. We shall continue the ISA Mission, & carry on to serve our territory the best we can as we should do.
Thank you all very much indeed.
With warmest regards & Season's Greetings,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
ISA HK/China --- Tree Climber Song at 2010 Annual Dinner
Dear Station Members,
The Expert Tree Climber (ETC) trainees of the Station Manager will sing the following Tree Climber Song with the Station Manager at the 2010 Annual Dinner this coming Saturday:
The song will be sung in Mandarin, as we shall carry this song of good morale into China later. Those who will be present are welcomed to video the tune as we do not have it to be attached at present.
May all those who know this song join us on this Saturday evening.
For your information, all 20 tables of the Annual Dinner are now all full from the original 18 as planned.
Thank you all for your keen support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
The Expert Tree Climber (ETC) trainees of the Station Manager will sing the following Tree Climber Song with the Station Manager at the 2010 Annual Dinner this coming Saturday:
The song will be sung in Mandarin, as we shall carry this song of good morale into China later. Those who will be present are welcomed to video the tune as we do not have it to be attached at present.
May all those who know this song join us on this Saturday evening.
For your information, all 20 tables of the Annual Dinner are now all full from the original 18 as planned.
Thank you all for your keen support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Saturday, November 27, 2010
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Late for meeting)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The following news a while ago described how Govt officials & Legco Members in HK were late for a Public Hearing to lead to the invited parties marching off to the Government House for protest. ISA HK/China wishes to learn from this event.
Those who have participated long enough in ISA HK/China activities in HK & China would know that we are never late for meeting. We feel it is a personal discipline, & a respect for the participants. Being so also leads the attendees to feel credibility in your word. Good time-keepers are usually good promise-keepers. They can do work to meet agreement. This is the old British Merchant Code of "My word is my bond" that we do not hear much in our territory today.
There may be many reasons for poor time-keeping. Too much work is one of them, & bad traffic is another. Can none of these be avoided by careful planning? Some say no, & we say we usually can. Packing in too much in too little time or poor delegation of responsibilities can lead to that. Making simple task unnecessarily complicated can be another pitfall. Sometimes, it's to do with leadership. ISA HK/China is well known to be led by a strong & capable leader.
ISA HK/China runs our activities with our Station Members in mind as the first priority. We treasure their presence & we have high respect for any of them. We listen carefully to every view & we always respond good or bad, so that the inquirers feel that they are cared for. The net result is a high level of credibility & genuine support by our Station Members. We therefore grow & grow to become influential.
ISA HK/China has become by now a conscience group to be joined in by good men & women. They are the ones who stay. We uphold traditional values & we maintain course without deviation. By this we shall later enter China, & for this see shall see whether we'll bend.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
官員議員懶鬥懶 諮詢民意演鬧劇
有句成語叫做握髮吐哺,係講周公勤政愛民,禮賢下士,凡係有人求見,周公就算沖緊涼都會握住頭髮出嚟接見,就算食緊飯都會立即吐出食物出嚟接待, 因為咁,黎民百姓都好樂意發表意見,終於達成西周嘅成康之治。
今時今日,黎民百姓就冇咁好彩喇,咪話冇一位官員會握髮吐哺招呼你,就算你肯提意見,都未必有人肯聽。話說立法會發展事務委員會原定尋日兩點開會,就市區重建策略聽取市民意見,仲邀請咗幾十個團體參加添。點知團體代表準時到達,等嚟等去都唔見開 會,原來呢場公聽會有十四個議員報名,到兩點十五分都只係得七人到場,未夠法定開會人數,甚至連發展局局長林鄭月娥都冇到,搞到一度要宣布流會。
卒之等到三點先至湊夠議員人數開會,但由始至終都冇話畀人知究竟發生咗乜嘢事,搞到團體代表無名火起,覺得唔受尊重,齊齊拉大隊離場抗議,仲遊行到禮賓府表達不滿。委員會主席劉秀成最終要公開道歉。一場聽取民意嘅公聽會,居然變成一場鬧劇,究竟啲高官同議員去咗邊?原來,林鄭月娥去咗禮賓府接受金紫荊星章,唔得閒應酬市民;至於尊貴議員咯 喎,劉秀成就解釋話,可能係部分議員「記錯時間」,先至遲到,你信唔信吖?
有人擔心今次事件可能加重社會戾氣,其實,戾氣又好,怨氣又好,全部都係呢班官員及議員引起。講真吖,開會本來就係立法會議員嘅主要工作,工作就要有工作嘅態度,點可以粒聲唔出遲大到,好似玩泥沙咁。打個譬喻,如果同樣情形喺私人企業發 生,打工仔日日遲大到,或者失驚無神玩失蹤,唔被炒魷就奇。
事實上,為咗出席公聽會,唔少團體代表專登請假,有人甚至由外地趕返香港,結果議員遲 大到,高官拒出席,連最基本嘅尊重都冇,難怪團體代表扯晒火:「唔通佢哋高高在上,基層市民嘅時間就唔係時間?」
講開等人,功夫茶諗起幾個月前,湖北武漢市十名交警接獲通知,喺烈日下大汗疊細汗苦等半粒鐘,任務就係等交通局政委到場視察,然後排隊畀領導為佢 哋抹汗做騷。件事曝光後,武漢交通局政委被輿論封為官場影帝。正所謂,天下烏鴉一般黑,天下官僚一般懶。今次事件證明,港官一樣係影帝,所謂諮詢民意不過係一場戲。
官員扮大牌,鍾意嚟就嚟,唔嚟就唔嚟,市民 就好似茄喱啡,呼之則來,揮之則去,真係豈有此理!官員係咁,議員又係咁,近年立法會流會已成為家常便飯,旨意佢哋為民喉舌,好難咯。
唉,政府漠視民意,立法會扯貓尾,唔怪之得香港管治愈來愈差, 社會愈來愈亂喇!
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The following news a while ago described how Govt officials & Legco Members in HK were late for a Public Hearing to lead to the invited parties marching off to the Government House for protest. ISA HK/China wishes to learn from this event.
Those who have participated long enough in ISA HK/China activities in HK & China would know that we are never late for meeting. We feel it is a personal discipline, & a respect for the participants. Being so also leads the attendees to feel credibility in your word. Good time-keepers are usually good promise-keepers. They can do work to meet agreement. This is the old British Merchant Code of "My word is my bond" that we do not hear much in our territory today.
There may be many reasons for poor time-keeping. Too much work is one of them, & bad traffic is another. Can none of these be avoided by careful planning? Some say no, & we say we usually can. Packing in too much in too little time or poor delegation of responsibilities can lead to that. Making simple task unnecessarily complicated can be another pitfall. Sometimes, it's to do with leadership. ISA HK/China is well known to be led by a strong & capable leader.
ISA HK/China runs our activities with our Station Members in mind as the first priority. We treasure their presence & we have high respect for any of them. We listen carefully to every view & we always respond good or bad, so that the inquirers feel that they are cared for. The net result is a high level of credibility & genuine support by our Station Members. We therefore grow & grow to become influential.
ISA HK/China has become by now a conscience group to be joined in by good men & women. They are the ones who stay. We uphold traditional values & we maintain course without deviation. By this we shall later enter China, & for this see shall see whether we'll bend.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
官員議員懶鬥懶 諮詢民意演鬧劇
有句成語叫做握髮吐哺,係講周公勤政愛民,禮賢下士,凡係有人求見,周公就算沖緊涼都會握住頭髮出嚟接見,就算食緊飯都會立即吐出食物出嚟接待, 因為咁,黎民百姓都好樂意發表意見,終於達成西周嘅成康之治。
今時今日,黎民百姓就冇咁好彩喇,咪話冇一位官員會握髮吐哺招呼你,就算你肯提意見,都未必有人肯聽。話說立法會發展事務委員會原定尋日兩點開會,就市區重建策略聽取市民意見,仲邀請咗幾十個團體參加添。點知團體代表準時到達,等嚟等去都唔見開 會,原來呢場公聽會有十四個議員報名,到兩點十五分都只係得七人到場,未夠法定開會人數,甚至連發展局局長林鄭月娥都冇到,搞到一度要宣布流會。
卒之等到三點先至湊夠議員人數開會,但由始至終都冇話畀人知究竟發生咗乜嘢事,搞到團體代表無名火起,覺得唔受尊重,齊齊拉大隊離場抗議,仲遊行到禮賓府表達不滿。委員會主席劉秀成最終要公開道歉。一場聽取民意嘅公聽會,居然變成一場鬧劇,究竟啲高官同議員去咗邊?原來,林鄭月娥去咗禮賓府接受金紫荊星章,唔得閒應酬市民;至於尊貴議員咯 喎,劉秀成就解釋話,可能係部分議員「記錯時間」,先至遲到,你信唔信吖?
有人擔心今次事件可能加重社會戾氣,其實,戾氣又好,怨氣又好,全部都係呢班官員及議員引起。講真吖,開會本來就係立法會議員嘅主要工作,工作就要有工作嘅態度,點可以粒聲唔出遲大到,好似玩泥沙咁。打個譬喻,如果同樣情形喺私人企業發 生,打工仔日日遲大到,或者失驚無神玩失蹤,唔被炒魷就奇。
事實上,為咗出席公聽會,唔少團體代表專登請假,有人甚至由外地趕返香港,結果議員遲 大到,高官拒出席,連最基本嘅尊重都冇,難怪團體代表扯晒火:「唔通佢哋高高在上,基層市民嘅時間就唔係時間?」
講開等人,功夫茶諗起幾個月前,湖北武漢市十名交警接獲通知,喺烈日下大汗疊細汗苦等半粒鐘,任務就係等交通局政委到場視察,然後排隊畀領導為佢 哋抹汗做騷。件事曝光後,武漢交通局政委被輿論封為官場影帝。正所謂,天下烏鴉一般黑,天下官僚一般懶。今次事件證明,港官一樣係影帝,所謂諮詢民意不過係一場戲。
官員扮大牌,鍾意嚟就嚟,唔嚟就唔嚟,市民 就好似茄喱啡,呼之則來,揮之則去,真係豈有此理!官員係咁,議員又係咁,近年立法會流會已成為家常便飯,旨意佢哋為民喉舌,好難咯。
唉,政府漠視民意,立法會扯貓尾,唔怪之得香港管治愈來愈差, 社會愈來愈亂喇!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Arborist Credentials)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
ISA HK/China has recently given an interview to Ming Pao, a leading newspaper in HK, on the Arborist Credentials in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. Published details are in the attachment.
The Certified Arborist (CA) & Certified Tree Worker (CTW) credentials of ISA were originally designed to recognize the knwoledge & skill of a practicing Tree Care Professional to meet a designated standard. The tests were first given in English-speaking countries like North America & Commonwealth countries where English is a native tongue. In these places, candidates have been mostly honest to obtain the 3 year Tree Work experience, before applying for the exam.
When the CA & CTW exams were brought into our territory with HK as the first place in 2005, the candidates applying then were mostly veterans in the landscape industry, with years of Tree Work experience as known to the Station Manager. As time progressed, ISA HK/China began to notice that candidates not possessing the relevant experience also came to take the exam. Salesmen, environmentalists, construction workers & others all came to take the test. Among the candidates, some can read, but not speak or write, adequate English to communicate on an international level. Yet a lot of them could produce a "company letter" of some kind to 'verify' their working experience. This would not be good for the credibility & respect of the Arborist Credentials.
In our opinion, getting the quantity is one thing, but these credentials are really about quality & standard. We want our profession to obtain public trust & respect. The tests have the element of relevant years of Tree Work in them. They should be honoured. On the other hand, the Arborist Profession constantly touches law. ISA HK/China has therefore a duty to safeguard the credibility of our Arborist Credentials to make it trustworthy & respectable. we must let it develop in a healthy & sustaining manner, so that we do not become a moment of glory like firework.
To meet the challenge, ISA HK/China has put up our own local credentials of Independent Practicing Arborist (IPA, http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html) in Aug 2008, & then the Qualified Arborist (QA, http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/09/isa-hkchina-qualified-arborist-qa.html) in Sep 2010, to re-assert standard & credibility. Both credentials have included a range of professional elements such as working years, international conference, academic qualification, CEU, etc. to make these credentials meeting our social expectation. We shall use the IPA & QA to enter China to clear their doubts.
The major distinction between the QA & IPA rests on Field Work capability & legal knowledge. While the QA remains a "Desk Arborist" at large producing reports, the IPA is all round with climbing, rigging & Expert Witness in Court. International experience has shown that letting office personnel to supervise Field Work would mess things up. Putting the right Arborist for the job would be like "Planting the Right Tree in the Right Place". Otherwise, it will be Mother Nature makes the Rules again.
We now ask our Station Members & public to support the QA & IPA credentials for the good of the Arborist profession & our Tree Planting. They are established out of our practical need. We shall also use them as our tools to enter China & Taiwan later.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
ISA HK/China has recently given an interview to Ming Pao, a leading newspaper in HK, on the Arborist Credentials in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. Published details are in the attachment.
The Certified Arborist (CA) & Certified Tree Worker (CTW) credentials of ISA were originally designed to recognize the knwoledge & skill of a practicing Tree Care Professional to meet a designated standard. The tests were first given in English-speaking countries like North America & Commonwealth countries where English is a native tongue. In these places, candidates have been mostly honest to obtain the 3 year Tree Work experience, before applying for the exam.
When the CA & CTW exams were brought into our territory with HK as the first place in 2005, the candidates applying then were mostly veterans in the landscape industry, with years of Tree Work experience as known to the Station Manager. As time progressed, ISA HK/China began to notice that candidates not possessing the relevant experience also came to take the exam. Salesmen, environmentalists, construction workers & others all came to take the test. Among the candidates, some can read, but not speak or write, adequate English to communicate on an international level. Yet a lot of them could produce a "company letter" of some kind to 'verify' their working experience. This would not be good for the credibility & respect of the Arborist Credentials.
In our opinion, getting the quantity is one thing, but these credentials are really about quality & standard. We want our profession to obtain public trust & respect. The tests have the element of relevant years of Tree Work in them. They should be honoured. On the other hand, the Arborist Profession constantly touches law. ISA HK/China has therefore a duty to safeguard the credibility of our Arborist Credentials to make it trustworthy & respectable. we must let it develop in a healthy & sustaining manner, so that we do not become a moment of glory like firework.
To meet the challenge, ISA HK/China has put up our own local credentials of Independent Practicing Arborist (IPA, http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html) in Aug 2008, & then the Qualified Arborist (QA, http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/09/isa-hkchina-qualified-arborist-qa.html) in Sep 2010, to re-assert standard & credibility. Both credentials have included a range of professional elements such as working years, international conference, academic qualification, CEU, etc. to make these credentials meeting our social expectation. We shall use the IPA & QA to enter China to clear their doubts.
The major distinction between the QA & IPA rests on Field Work capability & legal knowledge. While the QA remains a "Desk Arborist" at large producing reports, the IPA is all round with climbing, rigging & Expert Witness in Court. International experience has shown that letting office personnel to supervise Field Work would mess things up. Putting the right Arborist for the job would be like "Planting the Right Tree in the Right Place". Otherwise, it will be Mother Nature makes the Rules again.
We now ask our Station Members & public to support the QA & IPA credentials for the good of the Arborist profession & our Tree Planting. They are established out of our practical need. We shall also use them as our tools to enter China & Taiwan later.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
Sunday, November 14, 2010
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Tree Failure in Tsuen Wan)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The newspaper cutting below described how a suspected Araucaria tree had toppled & damaged a Community Centre next to it. The tree was suspected to have Termite Attack from other sources.
ISA HK/China is not interested in the administration & liabilities of this event. However, it should be of interest to our 1,500+ Station Members in the followings:
1. Tree Failure can happen anytime of the year & not confined to rainy seasons. It has been dry for nearly a month before the above incident occurred. Tree Inspection should take care of this & not focusing in the rainy seasons only.
2. Araucaria species appear to be associated frequently with Termite Attack. There have been previous reports & research of this happening. Termites appear to enter the interior trunk of the Araucarias from underground, leaving little visible sign on the exposed surfaces. This is something the Tree Inspector should pay attention to during the inspection.
3. Araucaria species would grow long & slender to 20+ m height over the years. It will appear like a flag pole to catch wind in the sky. Adequate room must be allowed for its root anchorage, or Mother Nature makes the Rules. Araucarias have been planted in their hundreds of thousands as landscaping trees all over HK in the past. Many have reached maturity already.
For those Araucarias grown in confined space, they may gradually turn into Time Bombs. Little have been published in their Wind Stability in confined growth. We are just not sure how safe they will develop in our territory over time.
May the Good Lord now have mercy over our Araucarias in our territory over time, & may our "Tree Assessors" spot their risks, before another bigger incident would occur.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
塌樹毀屋 樹木辦又塞責
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The newspaper cutting below described how a suspected Araucaria tree had toppled & damaged a Community Centre next to it. The tree was suspected to have Termite Attack from other sources.
ISA HK/China is not interested in the administration & liabilities of this event. However, it should be of interest to our 1,500+ Station Members in the followings:
1. Tree Failure can happen anytime of the year & not confined to rainy seasons. It has been dry for nearly a month before the above incident occurred. Tree Inspection should take care of this & not focusing in the rainy seasons only.
2. Araucaria species appear to be associated frequently with Termite Attack. There have been previous reports & research of this happening. Termites appear to enter the interior trunk of the Araucarias from underground, leaving little visible sign on the exposed surfaces. This is something the Tree Inspector should pay attention to during the inspection.
3. Araucaria species would grow long & slender to 20+ m height over the years. It will appear like a flag pole to catch wind in the sky. Adequate room must be allowed for its root anchorage, or Mother Nature makes the Rules. Araucarias have been planted in their hundreds of thousands as landscaping trees all over HK in the past. Many have reached maturity already.
For those Araucarias grown in confined space, they may gradually turn into Time Bombs. Little have been published in their Wind Stability in confined growth. We are just not sure how safe they will develop in our territory over time.
May the Good Lord now have mercy over our Araucarias in our territory over time, & may our "Tree Assessors" spot their risks, before another bigger incident would occur.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
塌樹毀屋 樹木辦又塞責
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
ISA HK --- ISA Tree Seminar (Law Seminar of Tanya Chan) 70+ % Full
Dear Station Members & TCHK Members,
Please note that the Law Seminar of Tanya Chan given below is already 70+ % full by the time this message is issued, after 48 hours of our announcement. We shall proceed to open the booking to the public as scheduled from 9 am of Monday Nov 8, 2010 onwards, to keep our promise.
As a reminder, would those Station Members & TCHK Members interested please send in your booking ASAP?
Please also pass this message to your friends & colleagues for their personal benefit. We do not believe anyone can get such expert advice at such a negligible cost, when they come to need it for any purpose in future. We live in law for everything today. This is an exceptional opportunity.
Thank you all for your support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
各位ISA HK/China 會員 和 TCHK 族員:
以下的 "法律 與 樹藝" 講座至今已有 70+% 滿額。本會將會按照公眾承諾,於 2010年11月8日 上午9時 後,接受任何人仕報名。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
Please note that the Law Seminar of Tanya Chan given below is already 70+ % full by the time this message is issued, after 48 hours of our announcement. We shall proceed to open the booking to the public as scheduled from 9 am of Monday Nov 8, 2010 onwards, to keep our promise.
As a reminder, would those Station Members & TCHK Members interested please send in your booking ASAP?
Please also pass this message to your friends & colleagues for their personal benefit. We do not believe anyone can get such expert advice at such a negligible cost, when they come to need it for any purpose in future. We live in law for everything today. This is an exceptional opportunity.
Thank you all for your support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
各位ISA HK/China 會員 和 TCHK 族員:
以下的 "法律 與 樹藝" 講座至今已有 70+% 滿額。本會將會按照公眾承諾,於 2010年11月8日 上午9時 後,接受任何人仕報名。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
Monday, November 1, 2010
ISA HK/China --- ISA Tree Seminar (Law Seminar of Tanya Chan)
中文版請看下面 !
Dear Station Members,
Thank you for waiting for ISA HK/China to prepare the 8th session of ISA Tree Seminar.
In Session 8, the details are as follows:
Title: Law & Arboriculture (Introduction to the Legal System of HK, the level of Courts, responsibilities of Lawyers, & how Arborists can act as Expert Witness in Court)
Language: Mainly in Cantonese with occasional English to suit the majority of our audience.
Speaker: The Rt. Hon. Miss Tanya Suk-Chong CHAN (陳淑莊 議員), LEGCO Member & Practicing Barrister-in-Law.
Date: Friday, 26 November 2010
Venue: Himalayan Suite, Conference Centre, 5th Floor, Pacific Place One, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, HK (http://www.pacificplace.com.hk/en/hong-kong-conference-venues/floor-plans/himalayan-suite.html)
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm
Capacity: 150 persons. If needed, can be expanded to 200 persons maximum.
Cost: HK$100 per person, payable by cash upon arrival into the Drop Box. Candidates will initial their presence in the Attendance Sheet provided.
Booking Method: Please reserve your seat by e-mail to egc@netvigator.com on a first come first served basis. A booking no. will be provided upon successful entry. There will be no seat assignment. Anyone can sit anywhere available on a first come first occupied basis. Those who have been given a booking no. at Priority Booking do not need to re-book again.
Penalty: Any person who has booked a seat but does not show up, will not be allowed to attend the next session. A sign-in sheet will be kept by ISA HK/China for monitoring. Our future seminars would include "Effective Use of English for Report-Writing" , "Termites & Wood-decaying Fungi in Trees", & "Technical Writing - 3 sessions". Don't miss on that.
CEU: CA/CTW will be awarded 2 CEU for this Seminar. Please prepare your ISA Certification no. to initial in the CEU Sign-in Sheet provided at the seminar. No CEU will be given if Certification no. is not written down.
Eligibility: Station Members will be given a priority in booking from now to 9 am of Nov 8, 2010. After that, the booking will be open to public for the benefit of general education. (Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing full name, age, organization, position, highest education, e-mail & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com anytime. Station Membership is free & is never publicly disclosed to protect privacy. ISA HK/China has 1,500+ Station Members from all walks of life by Nov 2010.)
Seminar Contents:
What is the difference between men & animals - written Laws. Without Laws, there is no modern civilization. Laws keep our society together in order & discipline. Laws govern every step of our modern life.
Miss Chan will provide an introduction to the Legal System of HK; its history & present. She would describe the functions of the law-making institute, e.g. LEGCO & its constitution. She would introduce the various levels of Courts & their responsibilities. She would provide some basic information of working with Lawyers & their hierarchy in the Legal System. She would also briefly touch upon the requirement to work as an Expert Witness in Court, & how the Arborists can act as an Expert Witness.
This seminar aims to deliver public education for our everyday life, & is given by a highly qualified Lawyer & Law-Maker of HK, Miss Tanya Chan. Besides her excellent qualifications & experience, Miss Chan is also a keen Tree Lover. Anyone may not get an opportunity to listen to such professional expertise for a long time in our territory, if missing on this one.
Other information:
1. There will be a Refreshment Bar selling non-alcoholic drinks starting at 6.30 pm & throughout the seminar session. There will be a short break of 10 minutes during the talk for relaxation & convenience. No Dressing Code is given, but please respect yourself & others by coming in tidiness & courtesy.
2. Please note recording of any kind is not allowed during the Seminar. Offender will be asked to leave.
3. A designated number of CEU will be required to qualify for our local Credentials, e.g. Qualified Arborist (QA) & the future Arboricultural Consultant (AC) in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. Now is the time to collect.
Please note the information of ISA Tree Seminars are not released publicly so as to encourage participation into our activity.
Looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you for good education.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
各位ISA HK/China 會員 和 TCHK 族員:
本會的第八次樹藝講座,有幸請到 立法會議員 及 執業大律師 陳淑莊 小姐,講解普及法律知識,內容詳情如下:
講座名稱: 法律 與 樹藝
使用語言: 主為中文,英語作輔。
講者: 陳淑莊 小姐,立法會議員 及 執業大律師
日期: 2010年11月26日 星期五
時間: 晚上 七時 至 九時
地點: 香港 金鐘道88號 太古廣場第一期 5/F Himalayan Suite會議室 (http://www.pacificplace.com.hk/en/hong-kong-conference-venues/floor-plans/himalayan-suite.html)
訂位方法:在2010年11月8日上午9時前,只接受ISA HK/China 及TCHK的會員報名;在此之後,歡迎任何人仕報名;額滿即止。報名者請將姓名電郵至 egc@netvigator.com 留位,並於抵步後簽到。座位並無編號,自由入坐。
缺席處分:任何人仕於訂位後已不簽到出席,將會被拒絕參加下一個ISA講座。未來的ISA講座將會包括 "進楷英語使用","白蟻蛀木及腐木性真菌防治",和 "高級技能英語使用" 等等。
CEU學分:CA/CTW 可得 2 CEU 學分。
陳議員 會首先介紹香港法律基礎的由來和歷史,而進一步去介紹香港的立法程序和機構 - 立法會 的組成和操作。從而會進入介紹各級法庭的功能和區別,亦會簡單講介各類律師的聘用和服務範圍。最後部份乃是法庭對"技術証人"的表現和要求,和樹藝師作為"技術証人"的基本條件。
陳議員 除了是富有經驗的執業大律師兼立法工作者以外,亦是社會上知名的樹木愛護人,陳議員 能以此身份出席本會講座來分享她的專業知識和工作經驗,實乃樹藝行業及大眾之光。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
Dear Station Members,
Thank you for waiting for ISA HK/China to prepare the 8th session of ISA Tree Seminar.
In Session 8, the details are as follows:
Title: Law & Arboriculture (Introduction to the Legal System of HK, the level of Courts, responsibilities of Lawyers, & how Arborists can act as Expert Witness in Court)
Language: Mainly in Cantonese with occasional English to suit the majority of our audience.
Speaker: The Rt. Hon. Miss Tanya Suk-Chong CHAN (陳淑莊 議員), LEGCO Member & Practicing Barrister-in-Law.
Date: Friday, 26 November 2010
Venue: Himalayan Suite, Conference Centre, 5th Floor, Pacific Place One, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, HK (http://www.pacificplace.com.hk/en/hong-kong-conference-venues/floor-plans/himalayan-suite.html)
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm
Capacity: 150 persons. If needed, can be expanded to 200 persons maximum.
Cost: HK$100 per person, payable by cash upon arrival into the Drop Box. Candidates will initial their presence in the Attendance Sheet provided.
Booking Method: Please reserve your seat by e-mail to egc@netvigator.com on a first come first served basis. A booking no. will be provided upon successful entry. There will be no seat assignment. Anyone can sit anywhere available on a first come first occupied basis. Those who have been given a booking no. at Priority Booking do not need to re-book again.
Penalty: Any person who has booked a seat but does not show up, will not be allowed to attend the next session. A sign-in sheet will be kept by ISA HK/China for monitoring. Our future seminars would include "Effective Use of English for Report-Writing" , "Termites & Wood-decaying Fungi in Trees", & "Technical Writing - 3 sessions". Don't miss on that.
CEU: CA/CTW will be awarded 2 CEU for this Seminar. Please prepare your ISA Certification no. to initial in the CEU Sign-in Sheet provided at the seminar. No CEU will be given if Certification no. is not written down.
Eligibility: Station Members will be given a priority in booking from now to 9 am of Nov 8, 2010. After that, the booking will be open to public for the benefit of general education. (Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing full name, age, organization, position, highest education, e-mail & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com anytime. Station Membership is free & is never publicly disclosed to protect privacy. ISA HK/China has 1,500+ Station Members from all walks of life by Nov 2010.)
Seminar Contents:
What is the difference between men & animals - written Laws. Without Laws, there is no modern civilization. Laws keep our society together in order & discipline. Laws govern every step of our modern life.
Miss Chan will provide an introduction to the Legal System of HK; its history & present. She would describe the functions of the law-making institute, e.g. LEGCO & its constitution. She would introduce the various levels of Courts & their responsibilities. She would provide some basic information of working with Lawyers & their hierarchy in the Legal System. She would also briefly touch upon the requirement to work as an Expert Witness in Court, & how the Arborists can act as an Expert Witness.
This seminar aims to deliver public education for our everyday life, & is given by a highly qualified Lawyer & Law-Maker of HK, Miss Tanya Chan. Besides her excellent qualifications & experience, Miss Chan is also a keen Tree Lover. Anyone may not get an opportunity to listen to such professional expertise for a long time in our territory, if missing on this one.
Other information:
1. There will be a Refreshment Bar selling non-alcoholic drinks starting at 6.30 pm & throughout the seminar session. There will be a short break of 10 minutes during the talk for relaxation & convenience. No Dressing Code is given, but please respect yourself & others by coming in tidiness & courtesy.
2. Please note recording of any kind is not allowed during the Seminar. Offender will be asked to leave.
3. A designated number of CEU will be required to qualify for our local Credentials, e.g. Qualified Arborist (QA) & the future Arboricultural Consultant (AC) in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. Now is the time to collect.
Please note the information of ISA Tree Seminars are not released publicly so as to encourage participation into our activity.
Looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you for good education.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
各位ISA HK/China 會員 和 TCHK 族員:
本會的第八次樹藝講座,有幸請到 立法會議員 及 執業大律師 陳淑莊 小姐,講解普及法律知識,內容詳情如下:
講座名稱: 法律 與 樹藝
使用語言: 主為中文,英語作輔。
講者: 陳淑莊 小姐,立法會議員 及 執業大律師
日期: 2010年11月26日 星期五
時間: 晚上 七時 至 九時
地點: 香港 金鐘道88號 太古廣場第一期 5/F Himalayan Suite會議室 (http://www.pacificplace.com.hk/en/hong-kong-conference-venues/floor-plans/himalayan-suite.html)
訂位方法:在2010年11月8日上午9時前,只接受ISA HK/China 及TCHK的會員報名;在此之後,歡迎任何人仕報名;額滿即止。報名者請將姓名電郵至 egc@netvigator.com 留位,並於抵步後簽到。座位並無編號,自由入坐。
缺席處分:任何人仕於訂位後已不簽到出席,將會被拒絕參加下一個ISA講座。未來的ISA講座將會包括 "進楷英語使用","白蟻蛀木及腐木性真菌防治",和 "高級技能英語使用" 等等。
CEU學分:CA/CTW 可得 2 CEU 學分。
陳議員 會首先介紹香港法律基礎的由來和歷史,而進一步去介紹香港的立法程序和機構 - 立法會 的組成和操作。從而會進入介紹各級法庭的功能和區別,亦會簡單講介各類律師的聘用和服務範圍。最後部份乃是法庭對"技術証人"的表現和要求,和樹藝師作為"技術証人"的基本條件。
陳議員 除了是富有經驗的執業大律師兼立法工作者以外,亦是社會上知名的樹木愛護人,陳議員 能以此身份出席本會講座來分享她的專業知識和工作經驗,實乃樹藝行業及大眾之光。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
Sunday, October 31, 2010
ISA HK/China --- 2010 Annual Dinner (FULL HOUSE)
Dear Station Members,
We wish to inform you that our 2010 Annual Dinner is already Full House within 2 days of its announcement. Please do not send in booking request anymore.
We apologize to disappoint some of you, & can only hope to organize a bigger event next year to accommodate the popular demand.
Thank you all for your support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
We wish to inform you that our 2010 Annual Dinner is already Full House within 2 days of its announcement. Please do not send in booking request anymore.
We apologize to disappoint some of you, & can only hope to organize a bigger event next year to accommodate the popular demand.
Thank you all for your support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Saturday, October 30, 2010
ISA HK/China --- 2010 Annual Dinner
Dear Station Members,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that our Station Membership has just passed 1,500 no. this morning. We are now by far the fastest growing ISA group in the world, & this has not taken in account for our future expansion into China.
Looking back for the boisterous & winding development of ourselves in the past 5 years, all we can say is that we have made a dream come true. ISA HK/China has evolved from "ISA HK/China Correspondence Station" to "ISA HK/China Station" to the now properly registered "ISA HK/China". Our mission has also changed from a mere discussion forum, to an important advisory on Tree Care to the public & media, in which we have very strong influence. Our credentials have sailed through various sectors of society, & are highly respected in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We have also begun to develop our own education programs in various aspects of Arboriculture, & we shall continue to invite prominent professionals from all walks of life to share their knowledge with us.
We are now like a rising sun for ISA in our territory, & we simply see no end to our development once China opens up up to us. For this we are working hard step by step.
To celebrate our continuous advancement, we have decided to deliver our first-ever Annual Dinner, with details as follows:
Date: Saturday 4 December 2010
Time: To begin at 5 pm
Venue: Maxim Restaurant, 8/F, New Town Plaza Phase 1, Shatin, NT
Cost: HK180 per person
Eligibility: ISA HK/China Station Member only. Each Station Member can buy a maximum of 2 tickets to bring in his/her spouse or friend. Please state the no. of ticket(s) required during booking, or only one ticket will be issued.
Capacity: 216 no. only (18 tables of 12). We cannot find a bigger room for the night.
Booking Method: Please email to egc@netvigator.com to obtain a booking no.(s), & then pay HK$180 into Bank of China account no. 012-380-00018320 of "ISA HK/China" before 15 Nov 2010. Ticket(s) will then be issued via email to the successful participant to show at the Annual Dinner for seat allocation. Any booking not paid by 15 Nov 2010 will be taken out for another round of public selling, & the participant will be banned for the next Annual Dinner. Ticket(s) is transferrable. Everyone must show the ticket to enter the Annual Dinner. There will be a Lucky Draw for the tickets in the Annual Dinner. (TCHK Members please follow the booking method described in the Chinese announcement below). Participants who have been given Priority Booking before can ignore this notice.
Same details are given in the Chinese version of the Invitation Letter below.
Our Annual Dinner will be a lively event. We allow major playing, karaoke singing & a reasonable amount of drinking, typical mood of an Arborist Gathering around the world. After all, most Arborists in our territory are practitioners to work in the field. We shout & sweat to get things done. If our gathering does not match the sentiment of the participants, we shall fail for our Annual Dinner.
Therefore, join in the Annual Dinner & expect glasses clinking, karaoke jeering & mahjong banging. Take it as a wedding reception, & not a funeral procession. We do not require formal satire to read out boring essays to force applause. Ours will be lively & vibrant to get you to support us from your heart. Therefore, loose yourself in a relaxed atmosphere to see the cheerful side of the Arborist Profession. Free your soul for a night. You will not regret.
We expect our first Annual Dinner to be a full house very soon from the constant support of our events in the past. On the other hand, since ISA HK/China has to subsidize HK$200 per head, & can not find a bigger venue of convenience to house more on the chosen date, we have to settle at 18 tables for a debutante. In such case, would all those who are keen to join send in your booking immediately to avoid disappointment? Once full, we can regrettably allow no more.
Thank you all for your support, & we look forward to have a cheerful event on Dec 4, for all those who can come.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 週年晚宴
本會由2005年起成立至今,不經不覺已達第五個年頭,其間衷心感謝所有會員和各界的支持,才令本會發展至今。 回首這五個年頭,中國地區的樹木護理事業經歷了重大的變化,而香港更在技術水平漸漸與世界其他已發展地區接軌,政府和市民對於樹木管理的要求亦有明顯的改變。
本會一直以來都在樹木管理上向整個社會提供專業意見,並積極地透過教育和技術,推廣及提升樹藝行業的水平。自2005年由總會引入專業資格測試後,現已為本地區提供了300+ 個註冊樹藝師和16+ 個註冊攀樹師。 我們欣喜以上各項工作令本會贏得各方面的認同,然而樹木學乃一門多範疇的科學,必須不斷求精求進。因此,本會將繼續秉承總會之理念,日新又新,為本地區的樹藝專業不斷作出貢獻。
五個年頭過去了,本會總是覺得欠下會員們眾多而未能逐一回報。故此,本會決定舉辦第一次週年晚宴,藉此機會与會員們歡敘一堂,亦會在5.30pm – 6.00pm的小組討論當中給有興趣參加會議的會員們作出報告,和介紹本會的工作和未來方向。
本會現特函誠邀ISA HK/China會員們撥冗出席,在支持本會的發展同時,共同渡過一個溫馨快樂的晚上。
日期: 2010年12月4日(星期六)
時間: 下午五時開始
地點: 沙田 新城市廣場 一期 8樓 美心皇宮
參加者資格:只限 ISA HK/China 會員 或 TCHK "攀爬一族" 族員,每人最多可購門券兩張,以便攜眷同行。訂票
票價: 原價為每位$380, 而本會將為每位參與者提供$200補貼,故參加者現在只需付出每位HK$180去購買門券一張。
訂票方法:有意出席大會暨晚宴的ISA HK/China會員,請即電郵至 egc@netvigator.com 報名留座,並於 2010年11月15日 前提供姓名,訂位號碼,連同入數紙副本以電郵確實訂位。入數戶口:中國銀行帳號 012-380-00018320, 戶名是 ISA HK/China。逾期付款者,其訂位會被取消。已優先訂票者,可不必理會此通知。
(TCHK 族員 請直接致電 6627 2503 或 電郵至 lkman@netvigator.com 留位)
如有疑問,請致電 9335-2760 與 副會長王卓粵,或 9090 6719 与 會長 歐永森 聯絡。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that our Station Membership has just passed 1,500 no. this morning. We are now by far the fastest growing ISA group in the world, & this has not taken in account for our future expansion into China.
Looking back for the boisterous & winding development of ourselves in the past 5 years, all we can say is that we have made a dream come true. ISA HK/China has evolved from "ISA HK/China Correspondence Station" to "ISA HK/China Station" to the now properly registered "ISA HK/China". Our mission has also changed from a mere discussion forum, to an important advisory on Tree Care to the public & media, in which we have very strong influence. Our credentials have sailed through various sectors of society, & are highly respected in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We have also begun to develop our own education programs in various aspects of Arboriculture, & we shall continue to invite prominent professionals from all walks of life to share their knowledge with us.
We are now like a rising sun for ISA in our territory, & we simply see no end to our development once China opens up up to us. For this we are working hard step by step.
To celebrate our continuous advancement, we have decided to deliver our first-ever Annual Dinner, with details as follows:
Date: Saturday 4 December 2010
Time: To begin at 5 pm
Venue: Maxim Restaurant, 8/F, New Town Plaza Phase 1, Shatin, NT
Cost: HK180 per person
Eligibility: ISA HK/China Station Member only. Each Station Member can buy a maximum of 2 tickets to bring in his/her spouse or friend. Please state the no. of ticket(s) required during booking, or only one ticket will be issued.
Capacity: 216 no. only (18 tables of 12). We cannot find a bigger room for the night.
Booking Method: Please email to egc@netvigator.com to obtain a booking no.(s), & then pay HK$180 into Bank of China account no. 012-380-00018320 of "ISA HK/China" before 15 Nov 2010. Ticket(s) will then be issued via email to the successful participant to show at the Annual Dinner for seat allocation. Any booking not paid by 15 Nov 2010 will be taken out for another round of public selling, & the participant will be banned for the next Annual Dinner. Ticket(s) is transferrable. Everyone must show the ticket to enter the Annual Dinner. There will be a Lucky Draw for the tickets in the Annual Dinner. (TCHK Members please follow the booking method described in the Chinese announcement below). Participants who have been given Priority Booking before can ignore this notice.
Same details are given in the Chinese version of the Invitation Letter below.
Our Annual Dinner will be a lively event. We allow major playing, karaoke singing & a reasonable amount of drinking, typical mood of an Arborist Gathering around the world. After all, most Arborists in our territory are practitioners to work in the field. We shout & sweat to get things done. If our gathering does not match the sentiment of the participants, we shall fail for our Annual Dinner.
Therefore, join in the Annual Dinner & expect glasses clinking, karaoke jeering & mahjong banging. Take it as a wedding reception, & not a funeral procession. We do not require formal satire to read out boring essays to force applause. Ours will be lively & vibrant to get you to support us from your heart. Therefore, loose yourself in a relaxed atmosphere to see the cheerful side of the Arborist Profession. Free your soul for a night. You will not regret.
We expect our first Annual Dinner to be a full house very soon from the constant support of our events in the past. On the other hand, since ISA HK/China has to subsidize HK$200 per head, & can not find a bigger venue of convenience to house more on the chosen date, we have to settle at 18 tables for a debutante. In such case, would all those who are keen to join send in your booking immediately to avoid disappointment? Once full, we can regrettably allow no more.
Thank you all for your support, & we look forward to have a cheerful event on Dec 4, for all those who can come.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 週年晚宴
本會由2005年起成立至今,不經不覺已達第五個年頭,其間衷心感謝所有會員和各界的支持,才令本會發展至今。 回首這五個年頭,中國地區的樹木護理事業經歷了重大的變化,而香港更在技術水平漸漸與世界其他已發展地區接軌,政府和市民對於樹木管理的要求亦有明顯的改變。
本會一直以來都在樹木管理上向整個社會提供專業意見,並積極地透過教育和技術,推廣及提升樹藝行業的水平。自2005年由總會引入專業資格測試後,現已為本地區提供了300+ 個註冊樹藝師和16+ 個註冊攀樹師。 我們欣喜以上各項工作令本會贏得各方面的認同,然而樹木學乃一門多範疇的科學,必須不斷求精求進。因此,本會將繼續秉承總會之理念,日新又新,為本地區的樹藝專業不斷作出貢獻。
五個年頭過去了,本會總是覺得欠下會員們眾多而未能逐一回報。故此,本會決定舉辦第一次週年晚宴,藉此機會与會員們歡敘一堂,亦會在5.30pm – 6.00pm的小組討論當中給有興趣參加會議的會員們作出報告,和介紹本會的工作和未來方向。
本會現特函誠邀ISA HK/China會員們撥冗出席,在支持本會的發展同時,共同渡過一個溫馨快樂的晚上。
日期: 2010年12月4日(星期六)
時間: 下午五時開始
地點: 沙田 新城市廣場 一期 8樓 美心皇宮
參加者資格:只限 ISA HK/China 會員 或 TCHK "攀爬一族" 族員,每人最多可購門券兩張,以便攜眷同行。訂票
票價: 原價為每位$380, 而本會將為每位參與者提供$200補貼,故參加者現在只需付出每位HK$180去購買門券一張。
訂票方法:有意出席大會暨晚宴的ISA HK/China會員,請即電郵至 egc@netvigator.com 報名留座,並於 2010年11月15日 前提供姓名,訂位號碼,連同入數紙副本以電郵確實訂位。入數戶口:中國銀行帳號 012-380-00018320, 戶名是 ISA HK/China。逾期付款者,其訂位會被取消。已優先訂票者,可不必理會此通知。
(TCHK 族員 請直接致電 6627 2503 或 電郵至 lkman@netvigator.com 留位)
如有疑問,請致電 9335-2760 與 副會長王卓粵,或 9090 6719 与 會長 歐永森 聯絡。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
Thursday, October 21, 2010
ISA HK/China --- Tree Risk Assessment in HK
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Late development of Arboriculture in HK appears to be a landslide towards Tree Risk Assessment (TRA).
TRA training springs up everywhere in HK like never before. The public & laymen are encouraged to assess trees under short term programs, some as little as a two day training to become "qualified". Some trainers are not even experienced Tree Assessors themselves. Possessing academic qualifications & credentials alone does not make a good Assessor. Field Experience counts. Can you train a Lifeguard in a classroom?
Internationally, TRA Assessors have worked for years in the field to spot visual & potential risks in trees, besides continuous research & training. ISA Arboriculture has only started in HK since 2006 by the Station Manager. We can more or less count how many experienced TRA Assessors there are in HK in the private sector right now.
Another attention should be focused upon are the recommendations given in the TRA Forms commonly used. Treatment like Crown Thinning, Crown Reduction, Cabling & Bracing, etc. are common proposals. But no further details & requirements are laid down for execution of work, including supervision. Such treatment would belong to advanced Arboricultural Techniques to be practiced by experienced Tree Workers like our Certified Tree Workers (CTW). Then how many CTW are now working in HK? May be less than 20.
If the Tree Work is to be thrown to some common landscapers who would sub-contract it several times below to get the the cheapest price, would HK get quality work? If wanton work is accepted at the end, then what's the point of having a TRA in the beginning? Our media friends have already called ISA HK/China for this phenomenon many times. Maybe we cannot keep the cat in the bag for long.
The key to reduce Tree Risks really lies upon Putting the Right Tree in the Right Place. This deals with the Tree Design & Selection. When big trees are selected & installed in small planting holes, no matter for whatsoever the reason, Tree Risks would occur in time naturally. This is particularly true if poor quality trees from China are used.
Tree Design should be endorsed by an Independent Arborist (not in-house) to ascertain liabilities & responsibilities. In-house Arborists have to do what the bosses would say, but not an independent one. This is the way to have good quality trees in our territory. If not, it will be Mother Nature makes the Rules, as well as very good business for the Arborists all the time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Late development of Arboriculture in HK appears to be a landslide towards Tree Risk Assessment (TRA).
TRA training springs up everywhere in HK like never before. The public & laymen are encouraged to assess trees under short term programs, some as little as a two day training to become "qualified". Some trainers are not even experienced Tree Assessors themselves. Possessing academic qualifications & credentials alone does not make a good Assessor. Field Experience counts. Can you train a Lifeguard in a classroom?
Internationally, TRA Assessors have worked for years in the field to spot visual & potential risks in trees, besides continuous research & training. ISA Arboriculture has only started in HK since 2006 by the Station Manager. We can more or less count how many experienced TRA Assessors there are in HK in the private sector right now.
Another attention should be focused upon are the recommendations given in the TRA Forms commonly used. Treatment like Crown Thinning, Crown Reduction, Cabling & Bracing, etc. are common proposals. But no further details & requirements are laid down for execution of work, including supervision. Such treatment would belong to advanced Arboricultural Techniques to be practiced by experienced Tree Workers like our Certified Tree Workers (CTW). Then how many CTW are now working in HK? May be less than 20.
If the Tree Work is to be thrown to some common landscapers who would sub-contract it several times below to get the the cheapest price, would HK get quality work? If wanton work is accepted at the end, then what's the point of having a TRA in the beginning? Our media friends have already called ISA HK/China for this phenomenon many times. Maybe we cannot keep the cat in the bag for long.
The key to reduce Tree Risks really lies upon Putting the Right Tree in the Right Place. This deals with the Tree Design & Selection. When big trees are selected & installed in small planting holes, no matter for whatsoever the reason, Tree Risks would occur in time naturally. This is particularly true if poor quality trees from China are used.
Tree Design should be endorsed by an Independent Arborist (not in-house) to ascertain liabilities & responsibilities. In-house Arborists have to do what the bosses would say, but not an independent one. This is the way to have good quality trees in our territory. If not, it will be Mother Nature makes the Rules, as well as very good business for the Arborists all the time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
Sunday, October 3, 2010
ISA HK/China --- QA Credential (Q and A)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Further to our announcement of the Qualified Arborist (QA) credential in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China on Sep 29, 2010, please kindly study the Q & A below for common enquiries:
Q. Why produce the QA credential in our territory?
A. This is a local credential to be used in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. It elevates experienced Certified Arborists (CA) to a higher level, as well as recognizing their communication skills especially in report-writing in professional English. The QA tests for more than just multiple choice questions, but requiring commitment in ISA & ISA HK/China by staying in membership. It also requires participating into ISA International Conference to meet the world. It requires a number of CEU to ensure post-graduate knowledge without bias in all fields. It requires academic qualification of a degree & recognizes a minimum of 10 year Tree Work as an equivalent. It is a well balanced approach to produce a genuinely Qualified Arborist in our territory.
Q. Why require a degree or equivalent for the QA credential?
A. The QA tests for communication skills for candidates in our territory. The ISA Certified Arborist (CA) credential only tests for reading in English, because it assumes the candidate is already English-speaking, & has 3 year full time tree work experience. In QA, we verify this by asking the candidate to write an Arborist Report in English. We assume that a degree-holder or equivalent will meet this requirement.
Q. Why require the QA to be an ISA Member & ISA HK/China Station Member at the same time?
A. The answer is obvious. We need the candidate to support ISA & ISA HK/China. We can also better monitor the performance of the QA this way.
Q. Why require a 3+ years of CA certification to become QA?
A. There are CA in our territory who do not re-certify after their expiration in 3 years. We need to know whether this candidate is current or not.
Q. Why need 80+ CEU to become a QA?
A. Spreading out 80 CEU in 3 years, it is only 27 hours of arboricultural education per year. Attending one ISA International Conference can get a candidate 40+ CEU already. There are also books, seminars, workshops & other training to get CEU. A CA would need 30 CEU to re-certify anyway. Being a QA & superior, 80 CEU is seen reasonable for a higher status.
Q. Why 25% of the 80 CEU must not come from tree climbing alone?
A. The QA is expected to write Arborist Report in our territory. If the QA can only climb but not write, would he/she be respected for all he/she is required to do?
Q. Why is attending an ISA International Conference a pre-requisite?
A. The QA needs to have met the world in Arboriculture. He/She is expected to be knowledgeable. What's better is it to have our QA see the latest research & technology, communicate with international experts & learn from the advanced in an ISA International Conference?
Q. What is a proof of the attendance of an ISA International Conference?
A. We accept payment receipt, CEU record, written confirmation from an ISA staff & any other form of solid proof to show the candidate has really been there.
Q. Why require report-writing for the QA?
A. The QA is required to write or present in his/her future work, mostly likely for Arborist Reports of all kinds. We are putting up a basic report-writing requirement for the QA candidate to ensure they can write simple reports. This will also test out those CA who can only read, but not write.
Q. Why have the report-writing to be 60% essay & 40% others?
A. This is to prevent we get only graphs & photos for the report. Essay-writing is the essence we are trying to test. This is also exactly ISA HK/China gets most complaints from Govt Depts & clients. We therefore require our QA to be able to describe what they see, & explain how they decide.
Q. Why make such a stringent requirement in grammatical, spelling & punctuation mistake?
A. The English language is a scientific language. One wrong grammar, spelling & punctuation can totally mislead the readers. This is exactly what the QA wants to avoid in report-writing. QA is expected to write clear reports.
Q. Why arboricultural accuracy is not an important criteria in the report-writing submission?
A. The report comes from an actual Arborist Report of the candidate. It should contain adequate arboricultural accuracy for submission to the client. It is also very difficult to go into details, to verify the technical accuracy without visiting the tree & site of the report. Since the report comes from a CA, we respect what is written would comply with international practices, unless we are given rubbish which will be treated otherwise.
Q. Why accept a report of any format?
A. We simply do not know what report is submitted in which format to what client of the candidate. Internationally, there is also no fixed format for Arborist Report.
Q. Why ask for a Reviewing Fee for the report-writing?
A. It costs a lot of time & effort of our Technical Reviewers to examine & give comments on the report coming in. We respect & pay for their time. There will be at least 3 Technical Reviewers to examine each report, & one has to be an IPA. The cost will be equally spread among the three reviewers, which is rather small for their average weekly earning.
Q. What is the quality of the Technical Reviewers?
A. Our Reviewers must be an ISA Proctor & holding an overseas degree at the same time, I.e. they have lived abroad to use English as a living language. Local Technical Reviewers with similar quality may be recruited later.
Q. Why require the fresh report to be on a new tree(s), if the first submission fails?
A. We want a new report for re-submission, not that with correction of the first report, because our Technical Reviewers would have already given comments on the mistakes. What's the point of using our correction to pass the original report? Is that not cheating?
Q. Why make the validity of the QA credential to follow that of CA?
A. The QA credential builds on the CA credential, except it further verifies the CA's abilities in communication. Therefore, the validity should follow that of the CA credential for technical benefits.
Q. How popular would the QA credential in our territory & outside?
A. When the public can see the quality & benefits of the QA credential, they will follow. After all, the QA is a good credential by requiring a range of qualities tested outside the CA credential. Most candidates in our territory are not English-speaking. The QA credential will verify their English communication skills, at least in writing. ISA HK/China will promote the QA credential like the IPA in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We would require our China brothers & sisters to write good English report before we give our QA credential to them.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Further to our announcement of the Qualified Arborist (QA) credential in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China on Sep 29, 2010, please kindly study the Q & A below for common enquiries:
Q. Why produce the QA credential in our territory?
A. This is a local credential to be used in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. It elevates experienced Certified Arborists (CA) to a higher level, as well as recognizing their communication skills especially in report-writing in professional English. The QA tests for more than just multiple choice questions, but requiring commitment in ISA & ISA HK/China by staying in membership. It also requires participating into ISA International Conference to meet the world. It requires a number of CEU to ensure post-graduate knowledge without bias in all fields. It requires academic qualification of a degree & recognizes a minimum of 10 year Tree Work as an equivalent. It is a well balanced approach to produce a genuinely Qualified Arborist in our territory.
Q. Why require a degree or equivalent for the QA credential?
A. The QA tests for communication skills for candidates in our territory. The ISA Certified Arborist (CA) credential only tests for reading in English, because it assumes the candidate is already English-speaking, & has 3 year full time tree work experience. In QA, we verify this by asking the candidate to write an Arborist Report in English. We assume that a degree-holder or equivalent will meet this requirement.
Q. Why require the QA to be an ISA Member & ISA HK/China Station Member at the same time?
A. The answer is obvious. We need the candidate to support ISA & ISA HK/China. We can also better monitor the performance of the QA this way.
Q. Why require a 3+ years of CA certification to become QA?
A. There are CA in our territory who do not re-certify after their expiration in 3 years. We need to know whether this candidate is current or not.
Q. Why need 80+ CEU to become a QA?
A. Spreading out 80 CEU in 3 years, it is only 27 hours of arboricultural education per year. Attending one ISA International Conference can get a candidate 40+ CEU already. There are also books, seminars, workshops & other training to get CEU. A CA would need 30 CEU to re-certify anyway. Being a QA & superior, 80 CEU is seen reasonable for a higher status.
Q. Why 25% of the 80 CEU must not come from tree climbing alone?
A. The QA is expected to write Arborist Report in our territory. If the QA can only climb but not write, would he/she be respected for all he/she is required to do?
Q. Why is attending an ISA International Conference a pre-requisite?
A. The QA needs to have met the world in Arboriculture. He/She is expected to be knowledgeable. What's better is it to have our QA see the latest research & technology, communicate with international experts & learn from the advanced in an ISA International Conference?
Q. What is a proof of the attendance of an ISA International Conference?
A. We accept payment receipt, CEU record, written confirmation from an ISA staff & any other form of solid proof to show the candidate has really been there.
Q. Why require report-writing for the QA?
A. The QA is required to write or present in his/her future work, mostly likely for Arborist Reports of all kinds. We are putting up a basic report-writing requirement for the QA candidate to ensure they can write simple reports. This will also test out those CA who can only read, but not write.
Q. Why have the report-writing to be 60% essay & 40% others?
A. This is to prevent we get only graphs & photos for the report. Essay-writing is the essence we are trying to test. This is also exactly ISA HK/China gets most complaints from Govt Depts & clients. We therefore require our QA to be able to describe what they see, & explain how they decide.
Q. Why make such a stringent requirement in grammatical, spelling & punctuation mistake?
A. The English language is a scientific language. One wrong grammar, spelling & punctuation can totally mislead the readers. This is exactly what the QA wants to avoid in report-writing. QA is expected to write clear reports.
Q. Why arboricultural accuracy is not an important criteria in the report-writing submission?
A. The report comes from an actual Arborist Report of the candidate. It should contain adequate arboricultural accuracy for submission to the client. It is also very difficult to go into details, to verify the technical accuracy without visiting the tree & site of the report. Since the report comes from a CA, we respect what is written would comply with international practices, unless we are given rubbish which will be treated otherwise.
Q. Why accept a report of any format?
A. We simply do not know what report is submitted in which format to what client of the candidate. Internationally, there is also no fixed format for Arborist Report.
Q. Why ask for a Reviewing Fee for the report-writing?
A. It costs a lot of time & effort of our Technical Reviewers to examine & give comments on the report coming in. We respect & pay for their time. There will be at least 3 Technical Reviewers to examine each report, & one has to be an IPA. The cost will be equally spread among the three reviewers, which is rather small for their average weekly earning.
Q. What is the quality of the Technical Reviewers?
A. Our Reviewers must be an ISA Proctor & holding an overseas degree at the same time, I.e. they have lived abroad to use English as a living language. Local Technical Reviewers with similar quality may be recruited later.
Q. Why require the fresh report to be on a new tree(s), if the first submission fails?
A. We want a new report for re-submission, not that with correction of the first report, because our Technical Reviewers would have already given comments on the mistakes. What's the point of using our correction to pass the original report? Is that not cheating?
Q. Why make the validity of the QA credential to follow that of CA?
A. The QA credential builds on the CA credential, except it further verifies the CA's abilities in communication. Therefore, the validity should follow that of the CA credential for technical benefits.
Q. How popular would the QA credential in our territory & outside?
A. When the public can see the quality & benefits of the QA credential, they will follow. After all, the QA is a good credential by requiring a range of qualities tested outside the CA credential. Most candidates in our territory are not English-speaking. The QA credential will verify their English communication skills, at least in writing. ISA HK/China will promote the QA credential like the IPA in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We would require our China brothers & sisters to write good English report before we give our QA credential to them.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
ISA HK/China --- Qualified Arborist (QA) Credential
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://www.blogger.com/)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***Dear Station Members,
Effective from Oct 1, 2010, we accept candidates to apply to become a Qualified Arborist (QA) of ISA HK/China in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China, if this candidate meets all of the following requirements:
1. Holding a degree of any discipline, or with a minimum of 10 years of Tree Work experience certified by a Government Department, or equivalent;
2. A current ISA Member and a current ISA HK/China Station Member;
3. An ISA Certified Arborist with over 3 years of certification and has re-certified;
4. Possessing a cumulative 80 CEU or more, in which at least 25% do not come from Tree Climbing alone, at time of application;
5. Has attended an ISA International Conference at least once with proof;
6. Passing the report-writing requirement of one Arborist Report submitted at time of application.
7. Passing the interview at the Reviewing Board.Please note the report-writing requirements for the QA credential are as follows:
1. A genuine Arborist Report of the candidate written in English but with fictitious names, place & date, etc. to hide all privacy.
2. The report must be at least 10 pages long in A4 size, with supporting information such as graphs, photos, charts, tables, etc. not to exceed 40% of total volume; i.e. 60% of the report must be in essay-writing.
3. No more than one grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistake is allowed in any page; i.e. if there is more than one such mistake is found in any page, this report will fail.
4. The report must contain basic elements such as Title, Date, Author, Client (fictitious), Location (fictitious), Contents (Introduction, Methodology, Observation, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendation, etc.), and Supporting Information (Graphs, Tables, Charts, Photos, etc.). Arboricultural accuracy is not the only criteria.
5. The report can be in any format & binding.
6. There will be a Reviewing Fee of HK$1,600.00 for each report submission.
7. If the candidate fails in any report submission, the report will be returned to him/her with explanation by post. A new report of a different tree(s) is required to be submitted along with another HK$1,600.00 Reviewing Fee for a fresh review.
8. Any fee submitted for report-review is not refundable.
Please note the interview at the Reviewing Board will examine the followings:
1. Checking on the authenticity of the submitted Arborist Report for all its details. The candidate will be required to describe how the report was structured & presented with what observation.
2. Reviewing the oral communication skill of the candidate in English to explain on the details of the Arborist Report submitted.
3. The Reviwing Board will consist of judges in singular number to vote on the success or failure of the candidate to become a QA. The decision is final & not subject to appeal. Candidate failing the interview will have to submit a new Arborist Report for checking & to attend a new interview for assessment. New fee will be provided to ISA HK/China for any re-application of assessment.
Please note the QA Certification Number is the date of passing the exam in 6 digits. The QA credential is valid as long as the ISA Certified Arborist credential is valid, and the QA stays current with ISA Membership and ISA HK/China Station Membership.
A Qualified Arborist certificate will be issued by ISA HK/China to any passing QA for practicing in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China.
Anyone becoming a QA may use the designation of 'QA no. (date of passing)' in their business card.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***Dear Station Members,
Effective from Oct 1, 2010, we accept candidates to apply to become a Qualified Arborist (QA) of ISA HK/China in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China, if this candidate meets all of the following requirements:
1. Holding a degree of any discipline, or with a minimum of 10 years of Tree Work experience certified by a Government Department, or equivalent;
2. A current ISA Member and a current ISA HK/China Station Member;
3. An ISA Certified Arborist with over 3 years of certification and has re-certified;
4. Possessing a cumulative 80 CEU or more, in which at least 25% do not come from Tree Climbing alone, at time of application;
5. Has attended an ISA International Conference at least once with proof;
6. Passing the report-writing requirement of one Arborist Report submitted at time of application.
7. Passing the interview at the Reviewing Board.Please note the report-writing requirements for the QA credential are as follows:
1. A genuine Arborist Report of the candidate written in English but with fictitious names, place & date, etc. to hide all privacy.
2. The report must be at least 10 pages long in A4 size, with supporting information such as graphs, photos, charts, tables, etc. not to exceed 40% of total volume; i.e. 60% of the report must be in essay-writing.
3. No more than one grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistake is allowed in any page; i.e. if there is more than one such mistake is found in any page, this report will fail.
4. The report must contain basic elements such as Title, Date, Author, Client (fictitious), Location (fictitious), Contents (Introduction, Methodology, Observation, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendation, etc.), and Supporting Information (Graphs, Tables, Charts, Photos, etc.). Arboricultural accuracy is not the only criteria.
5. The report can be in any format & binding.
6. There will be a Reviewing Fee of HK$1,600.00 for each report submission.
7. If the candidate fails in any report submission, the report will be returned to him/her with explanation by post. A new report of a different tree(s) is required to be submitted along with another HK$1,600.00 Reviewing Fee for a fresh review.
8. Any fee submitted for report-review is not refundable.
Please note the interview at the Reviewing Board will examine the followings:
1. Checking on the authenticity of the submitted Arborist Report for all its details. The candidate will be required to describe how the report was structured & presented with what observation.
2. Reviewing the oral communication skill of the candidate in English to explain on the details of the Arborist Report submitted.
3. The Reviwing Board will consist of judges in singular number to vote on the success or failure of the candidate to become a QA. The decision is final & not subject to appeal. Candidate failing the interview will have to submit a new Arborist Report for checking & to attend a new interview for assessment. New fee will be provided to ISA HK/China for any re-application of assessment.
Please note the QA Certification Number is the date of passing the exam in 6 digits. The QA credential is valid as long as the ISA Certified Arborist credential is valid, and the QA stays current with ISA Membership and ISA HK/China Station Membership.
A Qualified Arborist certificate will be issued by ISA HK/China to any passing QA for practicing in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China.
Anyone becoming a QA may use the designation of 'QA no. (date of passing)' in their business card.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Saturday, September 25, 2010
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Training Tree Assessors)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The attached news below gave comments on the training of Tree Assessors in HK.
It is apparent that after the Tree Management Office (TMO) in HK was set up in March this year, Tree Assessment has become a hot topic in town. Many ad hoc training programs have suddenly sprung up, & some of the trainers are not even experienced Arborists. Training courses are offered like fast-food service to produce instant "Tree Assessors" sometimes in just a day or two. Academic qualification is seen to be the main requirement to become "qualified" Tree Assessors. Then the media began to question of the quality of our "Tree Assessors" after continuous Tree Failure in recent weeks.
Tree Assessment is one of the highest skills in Practicing Arboriculture, & qualified Tree Assessors must have worked for years in the field, not talking in the classroom. Many famous Tree Assessors including Matheny & Clark, Prof Harris, Prof Gilman & Dr. Thomas Smiley, also do not possess a degree in Arboriculture. In fact, hardly any experienced Consulting Arborists around the world comes with a degree in Arboriculture. As for related discipline, maybe Horticulture is the only subject generally accepted as close, although Horticulture would focus more on smaller plants than trees. Practical experience & constantly catching up with research, rather than brandishing academic qualification, are seen to be the key to becoming a successful Tree Assessor.
One can compare training a Tree Assessor to a Lifeguard. You can not train a Lifeguard in a classroom talking & then just a lesson or two in the pool, for someone who has never swum before. Worst if the Trainers themselves have only just managed swimming. In Arboriculture, we say: Mother nature makes the Rules, not any of us. If we produce fast-food Tree Assessors, we may get wanton Tree Assessment as a result.
The Station Manager (SM) himself have assessed thousands of trees in our territory (6,000+ no. in 2010 alone) with high accuracy in past years. Some of his famous work includes the Erythrina in Sai Wan Terrace which collapsed after 5 days of his warning, the Ficus in Rhenish Church in Bonham Road which he predicted to fail had collapsed to injure 3 persons a year later, & the Maryknoll Ghost Pine which he alone stood against everyone else to predict hazards. The SM has stood up in Courts many times as Expert Witness in Tree Disputes & has not yet lost a case. The SM does not possess a degree in Arboriculture, but in engineering.
Being the first Certified Arborist (CA) & first Certified Tree Worker (CTW) in our territory, & the only Coordinator of the International Tree Failure Database in the HK & China Region, the SM has always regarded updating himself in research in Tree Biology, Wood Properties & Wind Mechanics, to be the key to conduct accurate Tree Assessment. Expert knowledge in these fields is important. The CA credential should be taken as a post-graduate credential to recognize a 3 year full-time Tree Work experience in pruning, fertilization, installation and establishment, diagnosis and treatment of tree problems, cabling and bracing and climbing. It does not make you an instant Tree Assessor to professional requirements.
ISA HK/China will establish the Qualified Arborist (QA) credential as a higher level of recognition in Arboriculture in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China very soon. QA is a local credential to meet our own need in our territory. The QA will pose himself/herself to be a more experienced & knowledgeable Tree Assessor, besides other abilities. Details of the entry requirements will be released very soon.
Our QA credential will prevail in our territory in the coming years. We shall ask our China brothers & sister to follow it as well. We believe the QA will protect the professional image of ISA in our territory.
Please support our QA system to make our trees safer & healthier, one tree & one QA at a time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();
2010年9月24日 星期五 05:30
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The attached news below gave comments on the training of Tree Assessors in HK.
It is apparent that after the Tree Management Office (TMO) in HK was set up in March this year, Tree Assessment has become a hot topic in town. Many ad hoc training programs have suddenly sprung up, & some of the trainers are not even experienced Arborists. Training courses are offered like fast-food service to produce instant "Tree Assessors" sometimes in just a day or two. Academic qualification is seen to be the main requirement to become "qualified" Tree Assessors. Then the media began to question of the quality of our "Tree Assessors" after continuous Tree Failure in recent weeks.
Tree Assessment is one of the highest skills in Practicing Arboriculture, & qualified Tree Assessors must have worked for years in the field, not talking in the classroom. Many famous Tree Assessors including Matheny & Clark, Prof Harris, Prof Gilman & Dr. Thomas Smiley, also do not possess a degree in Arboriculture. In fact, hardly any experienced Consulting Arborists around the world comes with a degree in Arboriculture. As for related discipline, maybe Horticulture is the only subject generally accepted as close, although Horticulture would focus more on smaller plants than trees. Practical experience & constantly catching up with research, rather than brandishing academic qualification, are seen to be the key to becoming a successful Tree Assessor.
One can compare training a Tree Assessor to a Lifeguard. You can not train a Lifeguard in a classroom talking & then just a lesson or two in the pool, for someone who has never swum before. Worst if the Trainers themselves have only just managed swimming. In Arboriculture, we say: Mother nature makes the Rules, not any of us. If we produce fast-food Tree Assessors, we may get wanton Tree Assessment as a result.
The Station Manager (SM) himself have assessed thousands of trees in our territory (6,000+ no. in 2010 alone) with high accuracy in past years. Some of his famous work includes the Erythrina in Sai Wan Terrace which collapsed after 5 days of his warning, the Ficus in Rhenish Church in Bonham Road which he predicted to fail had collapsed to injure 3 persons a year later, & the Maryknoll Ghost Pine which he alone stood against everyone else to predict hazards. The SM has stood up in Courts many times as Expert Witness in Tree Disputes & has not yet lost a case. The SM does not possess a degree in Arboriculture, but in engineering.
Being the first Certified Arborist (CA) & first Certified Tree Worker (CTW) in our territory, & the only Coordinator of the International Tree Failure Database in the HK & China Region, the SM has always regarded updating himself in research in Tree Biology, Wood Properties & Wind Mechanics, to be the key to conduct accurate Tree Assessment. Expert knowledge in these fields is important. The CA credential should be taken as a post-graduate credential to recognize a 3 year full-time Tree Work experience in pruning, fertilization, installation and establishment, diagnosis and treatment of tree problems, cabling and bracing and climbing. It does not make you an instant Tree Assessor to professional requirements.
ISA HK/China will establish the Qualified Arborist (QA) credential as a higher level of recognition in Arboriculture in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China very soon. QA is a local credential to meet our own need in our territory. The QA will pose himself/herself to be a more experienced & knowledgeable Tree Assessor, besides other abilities. Details of the entry requirements will be released very soon.
Our QA credential will prevail in our territory in the coming years. We shall ask our China brothers & sister to follow it as well. We believe the QA will protect the professional image of ISA in our territory.
Please support our QA system to make our trees safer & healthier, one tree & one QA at a time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();
2010年9月24日 星期五 05:30
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
ISA HK/China --- Organization Chart
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
As ISA HK/China keeps on expanding especially into China, we are beginning to regularize ourselves to meet the future challenges to ensure a sustainable development. With our own specific culture & local condition vastly deviating from western ISA Chapters especially when it comes to dealing with China, we equip ourselves with strategies unique of our own to ensure a continuous success. Having a solid organization is a start.
Attached is the latest Organization Chart of ISA HK/China.
The functions of the various committees are as follows:
1. Exam Committee --- Organize & conduct ISA exams in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. Coordinate with exam venue providers, & liaise with proctors & evaluators for meetings & training. Assist Chief Proctor in administering ISA exams within our territory. Mike Leung is currently in charge.
2. Registration & Disciplinary Committee --- Administer registration for our local credentials like IPA, QA & future AC. Process applications & coordinate Technical Reviewers for QA report-writing. Investigate local complaints on ISA HK/China Arborists & maintain discipline of Station Members. Advise Station Manager on discharge of Station Membership for unacceptable individuals. Joseph Lee is currently in charge.
3. Education & Public Relationship Committee --- Conduct Tree Seminars locally & liaise with overseas trainers to provide training opportunities for ISA HK/China. Issue regular Station Mail on local Tree Affairs & ISA activities. Promote image of ISA to media, politicians & public in our territory. Sammy Au is currently in charge.
4. Activities Committee --- Organize Annual Dinner, Informal Dinners & Tree Climbing functions locally. Maintain welfare & unity of ISA HK/China Station Members. Organize overseas visits & provide protocol to overseas visitors including those from China. Chiky Wong is currently in charge.
5. TCHK --- Provide Tree Climbing & Tree Work training. Coordinate local Tree Climbers for local & overseas competition events. Unite local Tree Climbers to support ISA & ISA HK/China. Promote Tree Climbing within our territory. KM Li & Tony Ng are jointly in charge at present.
6. Auxiliary Committee --- The reserve unit within ISA HK/China. Helping any Committee in logistics to make events run smooth. Conduct any other business not specially handled by any Committee. Jack Chan is currently in charge.
As we now begin to develop China, there may be a China Development Committee to be set up in due course. The dotted line on the right in the Organization Chart refers to our future expansion to meet new challenges. We shall make sure we are the rising sun to shine for ISA in our territory.
ISA HK/China now runs very much like a Government Bureau with our staff being appointed rather than elected. The Station Manager ensures our development follow ISA Mission & Policies to the last word without deviation. This has been proven correct in our past 5.5 years to attract 1,400+ Station Members to join in & stay. We now also run the largest ISA exam in the world (200+ no. in Oct for the Certified Arborist exam in HK), & we have not even scratched China proper. We simply can not see how big & far we shall expand. We shall need to prepare for this.
In case if anyone worries the Station Manager might fell out from his motorcycle one day & bring ISA HK/China to a halt, please be assured that he has already instructed his family to open up his computer to release all information to the Deputy Station Managers to ensure smooth running. Let's hope this won't happen one day.
Thank you all for your support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
As ISA HK/China keeps on expanding especially into China, we are beginning to regularize ourselves to meet the future challenges to ensure a sustainable development. With our own specific culture & local condition vastly deviating from western ISA Chapters especially when it comes to dealing with China, we equip ourselves with strategies unique of our own to ensure a continuous success. Having a solid organization is a start.
Attached is the latest Organization Chart of ISA HK/China.
The functions of the various committees are as follows:
1. Exam Committee --- Organize & conduct ISA exams in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. Coordinate with exam venue providers, & liaise with proctors & evaluators for meetings & training. Assist Chief Proctor in administering ISA exams within our territory. Mike Leung is currently in charge.
2. Registration & Disciplinary Committee --- Administer registration for our local credentials like IPA, QA & future AC. Process applications & coordinate Technical Reviewers for QA report-writing. Investigate local complaints on ISA HK/China Arborists & maintain discipline of Station Members. Advise Station Manager on discharge of Station Membership for unacceptable individuals. Joseph Lee is currently in charge.
3. Education & Public Relationship Committee --- Conduct Tree Seminars locally & liaise with overseas trainers to provide training opportunities for ISA HK/China. Issue regular Station Mail on local Tree Affairs & ISA activities. Promote image of ISA to media, politicians & public in our territory. Sammy Au is currently in charge.
4. Activities Committee --- Organize Annual Dinner, Informal Dinners & Tree Climbing functions locally. Maintain welfare & unity of ISA HK/China Station Members. Organize overseas visits & provide protocol to overseas visitors including those from China. Chiky Wong is currently in charge.
5. TCHK --- Provide Tree Climbing & Tree Work training. Coordinate local Tree Climbers for local & overseas competition events. Unite local Tree Climbers to support ISA & ISA HK/China. Promote Tree Climbing within our territory. KM Li & Tony Ng are jointly in charge at present.
6. Auxiliary Committee --- The reserve unit within ISA HK/China. Helping any Committee in logistics to make events run smooth. Conduct any other business not specially handled by any Committee. Jack Chan is currently in charge.
As we now begin to develop China, there may be a China Development Committee to be set up in due course. The dotted line on the right in the Organization Chart refers to our future expansion to meet new challenges. We shall make sure we are the rising sun to shine for ISA in our territory.
ISA HK/China now runs very much like a Government Bureau with our staff being appointed rather than elected. The Station Manager ensures our development follow ISA Mission & Policies to the last word without deviation. This has been proven correct in our past 5.5 years to attract 1,400+ Station Members to join in & stay. We now also run the largest ISA exam in the world (200+ no. in Oct for the Certified Arborist exam in HK), & we have not even scratched China proper. We simply can not see how big & far we shall expand. We shall need to prepare for this.
In case if anyone worries the Station Manager might fell out from his motorcycle one day & bring ISA HK/China to a halt, please be assured that he has already instructed his family to open up his computer to release all information to the Deputy Station Managers to ensure smooth running. Let's hope this won't happen one day.
Thank you all for your support.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
Friday, September 17, 2010
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Good English to Write Arborist Report)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#enzh-CN)。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Below is a set of local news reporting on the English level of the local graduates from the eight Universities in HK.
IELTS, as known to the Station Manager (SM), is a Test in English as an entry requirement for overseas students in the UK. Prestigious universities would generally require a grade 7 for entering science & law subjects. During the days of the Station Manager in the 1970s, a pass in 'O' level English was the basic requirement.
Media in HK has mentioned in the past that the English standard in HK has declined after 1997. This can be understood. This is also felt in our correspondence with Station Members & public everyday. International English with good sentence structure & correct grammar is rarely seen. Unfortunately, this phenomenon appears to spread to the Arborist Reports in our territory at the same time.
Good English is essential in producing a quality report to reflect professionalism. It is also more convincing. Readers generally respect a report free of grammatical & spelling mistakes. Sentences should be joined properly. Logics should flow in an understandable manner. The writing should be consistent, not jagged & halting to make reading difficult. Such are the basics in essay-writing in any scientific discipline.
In our coming Qualified Arborist (QA) credential, we shall demand Basic Report-Writing skill to be a requirement. This is to ensure our QA can write basic scientific report with universal acceptance. Essential elements in report-writing format are being discussed by our Registration & Discipline Committee at present. Technical Reviewers in the Committee will consist of ISA Proctors with overseas degree, as well as an IPA (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html) for professional credibility. Please note that we only ask for basic report-writing skills for the QA, & not Technical Writing. We shall leave that to our future Arboricultural Consultant (AC) credential.
Good report should read like what the Technical Writers would say, "Pour the words from my pinnate pencil with such feverish fluidity." To do this, the Arborist must be trained in communication skills. Chinglish (Chinese-English) in our territory may not be an option for that.
ISA HK/China would try to conduct seminars in English Language Usage & Report-Writing Skills in due course to help our locals to write reports. We shall enlist selected Station correspondences of local writing, to compare with international English as an education. This will be an interesting session every time.
May our Arborists ride on words, & not under, in our territory.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
ODN.ad.write('large2', '00175');
在四個測試項目中,畢業生在「閱讀」及「聆聽」兩方面成績較佳,平均分為七點三五及七點二七分,「書寫」及「會話」較差,平均分僅五點九六及六點○ 四分。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Below is a set of local news reporting on the English level of the local graduates from the eight Universities in HK.
IELTS, as known to the Station Manager (SM), is a Test in English as an entry requirement for overseas students in the UK. Prestigious universities would generally require a grade 7 for entering science & law subjects. During the days of the Station Manager in the 1970s, a pass in 'O' level English was the basic requirement.
Media in HK has mentioned in the past that the English standard in HK has declined after 1997. This can be understood. This is also felt in our correspondence with Station Members & public everyday. International English with good sentence structure & correct grammar is rarely seen. Unfortunately, this phenomenon appears to spread to the Arborist Reports in our territory at the same time.
Good English is essential in producing a quality report to reflect professionalism. It is also more convincing. Readers generally respect a report free of grammatical & spelling mistakes. Sentences should be joined properly. Logics should flow in an understandable manner. The writing should be consistent, not jagged & halting to make reading difficult. Such are the basics in essay-writing in any scientific discipline.
In our coming Qualified Arborist (QA) credential, we shall demand Basic Report-Writing skill to be a requirement. This is to ensure our QA can write basic scientific report with universal acceptance. Essential elements in report-writing format are being discussed by our Registration & Discipline Committee at present. Technical Reviewers in the Committee will consist of ISA Proctors with overseas degree, as well as an IPA (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html) for professional credibility. Please note that we only ask for basic report-writing skills for the QA, & not Technical Writing. We shall leave that to our future Arboricultural Consultant (AC) credential.
Good report should read like what the Technical Writers would say, "Pour the words from my pinnate pencil with such feverish fluidity." To do this, the Arborist must be trained in communication skills. Chinglish (Chinese-English) in our territory may not be an option for that.
ISA HK/China would try to conduct seminars in English Language Usage & Report-Writing Skills in due course to help our locals to write reports. We shall enlist selected Station correspondences of local writing, to compare with international English as an education. This will be an interesting session every time.
May our Arborists ride on words, & not under, in our territory.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."
"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."
ODN.ad.write('large2', '00175');
在四個測試項目中,畢業生在「閱讀」及「聆聽」兩方面成績較佳,平均分為七點三五及七點二七分,「書寫」及「會話」較差,平均分僅五點九六及六點○ 四分。
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
ISA HK/China --- Requirements for taking ISA exams
Dear Station Members & Public,
Please kindly note the pre-qualification requirements for taking the Certified Arborist or Certified Tree Worker exam.
Currently, ISA HQ is getting many applications which do not qualify for entry. For anyone not meeting the standard, the following message will be issued:
"Unfortunately, at this time we are sending you back your Certified Arborist Application as you do not meet the experience requirement and do not qualify to take the exam. With the information that you provided on your application and verification of work history, that information does not qualify you to become a certified arborist. To qualify, the ISA Certification Board requires candidates to have a minimum of three years of full-time (40 hours per week) experience in arboriculture. Acceptable experience includes the practical use of knowledge involved in pruning, fertilization, installation and establishment, diagnosis and treatment of tree problems, cabling and bracing and climbing.
If you have any questions regarding this important matter please contact a member of the ISA Certification Department by email at cert@isa-arbor.com or you can contact Sammy Au by email at egc@netvigator.com . "
Please note supplying faked information will lead to dis-qualification even after obtaining the ISA Credentials in future. ISA Cert Dept welcomes anyone supplying information in this aspect. All information will be treated with strictest confidence.
Please take note of this message for anyone applying & pass it along to someone who is not sure.
Thank you very much indeed.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Please kindly note the pre-qualification requirements for taking the Certified Arborist or Certified Tree Worker exam.
Currently, ISA HQ is getting many applications which do not qualify for entry. For anyone not meeting the standard, the following message will be issued:
"Unfortunately, at this time we are sending you back your Certified Arborist Application as you do not meet the experience requirement and do not qualify to take the exam. With the information that you provided on your application and verification of work history, that information does not qualify you to become a certified arborist. To qualify, the ISA Certification Board requires candidates to have a minimum of three years of full-time (40 hours per week) experience in arboriculture. Acceptable experience includes the practical use of knowledge involved in pruning, fertilization, installation and establishment, diagnosis and treatment of tree problems, cabling and bracing and climbing.
If you have any questions regarding this important matter please contact a member of the ISA Certification Department by email at cert@isa-arbor.com or you can contact Sammy Au by email at egc@netvigator.com . "
Please note supplying faked information will lead to dis-qualification even after obtaining the ISA Credentials in future. ISA Cert Dept welcomes anyone supplying information in this aspect. All information will be treated with strictest confidence.
Please take note of this message for anyone applying & pass it along to someone who is not sure.
Thank you very much indeed.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
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