Dear Station Members,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that our Station Membership has just passed 1,500 no. this morning. We are now by far the fastest growing ISA group in the world, & this has not taken in account for our future expansion into China.
Looking back for the boisterous & winding development of ourselves in the past 5 years, all we can say is that we have made a dream come true. ISA HK/China has evolved from "ISA HK/China Correspondence Station" to "ISA HK/China Station" to the now properly registered "ISA HK/China". Our mission has also changed from a mere discussion forum, to an important advisory on Tree Care to the public & media, in which we have very strong influence. Our credentials have sailed through various sectors of society, & are highly respected in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We have also begun to develop our own education programs in various aspects of Arboriculture, & we shall continue to invite prominent professionals from all walks of life to share their knowledge with us.
We are now like a rising sun for ISA in our territory, & we simply see no end to our development once China opens up up to us. For this we are working hard step by step.
To celebrate our continuous advancement, we have decided to deliver our first-ever Annual Dinner, with details as follows:
Date: Saturday 4 December 2010
Time: To begin at 5 pm
Venue: Maxim Restaurant, 8/F, New Town Plaza Phase 1, Shatin, NT
Cost: HK180 per person
Eligibility: ISA HK/China Station Member only. Each Station Member can buy a maximum of 2 tickets to bring in his/her spouse or friend. Please state the no. of ticket(s) required during booking, or only one ticket will be issued.
Capacity: 216 no. only (18 tables of 12). We cannot find a bigger room for the night.
Booking Method: Please email to to obtain a booking no.(s), & then pay HK$180 into Bank of China account no. 012-380-00018320 of "ISA HK/China" before 15 Nov 2010. Ticket(s) will then be issued via email to the successful participant to show at the Annual Dinner for seat allocation. Any booking not paid by 15 Nov 2010 will be taken out for another round of public selling, & the participant will be banned for the next Annual Dinner. Ticket(s) is transferrable. Everyone must show the ticket to enter the Annual Dinner. There will be a Lucky Draw for the tickets in the Annual Dinner. (TCHK Members please follow the booking method described in the Chinese announcement below). Participants who have been given Priority Booking before can ignore this notice.
Same details are given in the Chinese version of the Invitation Letter below.
Our Annual Dinner will be a lively event. We allow major playing, karaoke singing & a reasonable amount of drinking, typical mood of an Arborist Gathering around the world. After all, most Arborists in our territory are practitioners to work in the field. We shout & sweat to get things done. If our gathering does not match the sentiment of the participants, we shall fail for our Annual Dinner.
Therefore, join in the Annual Dinner & expect glasses clinking, karaoke jeering & mahjong banging. Take it as a wedding reception, & not a funeral procession. We do not require formal satire to read out boring essays to force applause. Ours will be lively & vibrant to get you to support us from your heart. Therefore, loose yourself in a relaxed atmosphere to see the cheerful side of the Arborist Profession. Free your soul for a night. You will not regret.
We expect our first Annual Dinner to be a full house very soon from the constant support of our events in the past. On the other hand, since ISA HK/China has to subsidize HK$200 per head, & can not find a bigger venue of convenience to house more on the chosen date, we have to settle at 18 tables for a debutante. In such case, would all those who are keen to join send in your booking immediately to avoid disappointment? Once full, we can regrettably allow no more.
Thank you all for your support, & we look forward to have a cheerful event on Dec 4, for all those who can come.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 週年晚宴
本會由2005年起成立至今,不經不覺已達第五個年頭,其間衷心感謝所有會員和各界的支持,才令本會發展至今。 回首這五個年頭,中國地區的樹木護理事業經歷了重大的變化,而香港更在技術水平漸漸與世界其他已發展地區接軌,政府和市民對於樹木管理的要求亦有明顯的改變。
本會一直以來都在樹木管理上向整個社會提供專業意見,並積極地透過教育和技術,推廣及提升樹藝行業的水平。自2005年由總會引入專業資格測試後,現已為本地區提供了300+ 個註冊樹藝師和16+ 個註冊攀樹師。 我們欣喜以上各項工作令本會贏得各方面的認同,然而樹木學乃一門多範疇的科學,必須不斷求精求進。因此,本會將繼續秉承總會之理念,日新又新,為本地區的樹藝專業不斷作出貢獻。
五個年頭過去了,本會總是覺得欠下會員們眾多而未能逐一回報。故此,本會決定舉辦第一次週年晚宴,藉此機會与會員們歡敘一堂,亦會在5.30pm – 6.00pm的小組討論當中給有興趣參加會議的會員們作出報告,和介紹本會的工作和未來方向。
本會現特函誠邀ISA HK/China會員們撥冗出席,在支持本會的發展同時,共同渡過一個溫馨快樂的晚上。
日期: 2010年12月4日(星期六)
時間: 下午五時開始
地點: 沙田 新城市廣場 一期 8樓 美心皇宮
參加者資格:只限 ISA HK/China 會員 或 TCHK "攀爬一族" 族員,每人最多可購門券兩張,以便攜眷同行。訂票
票價: 原價為每位$380, 而本會將為每位參與者提供$200補貼,故參加者現在只需付出每位HK$180去購買門券一張。
訂票方法:有意出席大會暨晚宴的ISA HK/China會員,請即電郵至 報名留座,並於 2010年11月15日 前提供姓名,訂位號碼,連同入數紙副本以電郵確實訂位。入數戶口:中國銀行帳號 012-380-00018320, 戶名是 ISA HK/China。逾期付款者,其訂位會被取消。已優先訂票者,可不必理會此通知。
(TCHK 族員 請直接致電 6627 2503 或 電郵至 留位)
如有疑問,請致電 9335-2760 與 副會長王卓粵,或 9090 6719 与 會長 歐永森 聯絡。
國際樹木學會 中國地區分會 會長
Saturday, October 30, 2010
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