Thursday, March 8, 2012

ISA HK/China --- China tree News (Live tree as prop) (用活树作支撑)

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附上的是一篇近期在國內已发表的有关使用 "活体支撑古树" 的文献, 如果这个方法行得通, 将会是树艺界里面的另一个伟大的 "发明创造".

从文中所看到的, 似乎是围绕著两个重点:

1. "通过年轻树体输送的营养让古树生长得更健壮"

2. "这些活力木支撑和古树融成一体"

由此看来, 有关人仕是认为一棵生长了近百年的古树, 它的树皮会与一棵几年生的幼年树的树皮系統互相融合在一起, 然后双方的 "形成层" 会互通互长, 令幼年树里面由叶片所产生的营养糖份, 有足够的液压去输送到古树里面的维管束系統, 情况就好像接驳水管一样. 可能有人会问, 这有否违反了最常见的小苗扦插原理?

另外, 当一棵小树长在一棵大树下面, 都给遮阳了, 小树还会有足够的阳光去进行 "光合作用" 去制造充足的糖份来提供大树使用吗?

在树艺学里面的修剪理论里, 当两条枝条重叠在一起的时候, 我们把它叫做 "交叉枝", 一般会将其中一条剪掉, 让它们不会因为风力摩擦而制造伤口. 而使用 "活体支撑" 会明显的制造 "交叉枝".

树艺学是一门活用科学, 不光讲个人经验, 但追求科学实践, 与国内的做法相比, 可能就是所谓的 "内外有别" 吧 !


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不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”

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Dear Station Members,

Attached is a recent China article on using a live tree as prop for a mature tree. It is said to be an innovation by their tree care specialist to resolve a major problem in supporting heavy lateral branches for especially senile tree in decline. It is also said that the contacting point would probable merge over to turn the two trees into one, & the sap flow of the younger tree would provide nutrients to the mature tree to benefit its growth.

When an Arborist is asked to conduct Crown Cleaning, removal of Crossing Branches would be one of the designated tasks, as such lapping over would create wound at the contacting point to promote future failure. It is also not known that the branch of a mature tree can merge over with that of a young tree as in Grafting. The canopy coverage of the mature tree is likely to diminish the Photosynthesis of the smaller tree under, & the smaller tree would actually grow weaker than the bigger tree under such condition.

When it comes to tree care, China is full of surprises. Yet when ISA HK/China wants to share our knowledge with those "Tree Experts" there, most would usually walk away. Such is the difficulty in bringing ISA into China. Such is the reality to confront us to talk to them.

Any suggestion?

best regards,

Sammy Au

President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China

Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 ( )

Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 ( )

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT ( )

Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 ( )

Certified Mediator of the Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators ( )

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
