Dear Station Members,
The attached essay is a recent article in Simplified Chinese that we have sent to major newspapers in China to promote ISA Arboriculture.
On the other hand, we think you, as a Station Member, can help us to disseminate this message into your contacts in China, through your existing channels to help promote ISA over there. Please note that Station Mail has given up copyright, & can be copied & used freely by anybody for educational purpose & promotion of ISA. Please therefore feel free to propagate it at your wish.
Thank you very much for helping ISA to enter China.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
附件是一篇我们己经传送到中国各大报张,用来宣传 国际树木学会 树艺知识的最近期文章。
(译者:周志贤,国际树木学会 注册树艺师号 HK-0280A。一切内容以英文版本为准。)
国际树木学会 中国地区分会 会长 欧永森
树艺 ( Arboriculture )是一门专科研究树木在绿化功能上有关设计、选料、种植(包括移植) 、护养、修剪、定期检查、风险评估、工地保护和法律资询的一个专业,主力专注城市内的树木。树艺并不相等於园艺,可说是两个完全不同的学术领域,最接近的比较可能是兽医与人医,而树艺是等同人医。
国际树木学会 (International Society of Arboriculture,简称 ISA , 是目前全球最大及历史最悠久的树艺研究和教育机构,始于1924年成立。由於是国际组织,其官方语言是使用英语,这也是为何ISA迟迟未能在远东地区顺利开拓的主因。
截至2011年1月为止,ISA 在全球 50个国家以上均有会员分佈,合共拥有2万5千名以上的注册树艺师 ( Certified Arborist ) 及9百名以上的 注册攀树师 ( Certified Tree Worker Climber Specialist ),在各个绿化领域作出贡献。ISA的会员大都集中在政府部门和学术科研机构,也有一部份是行业专业人员。
位于香港的 国际树木学会中国地区分会ISA HK/CHINA ( ) 是ISA 位於中国地区的唯一分会,管理ISA在香港、澳门、台湾及中国大陆的会务,当中包括树艺知识传播和训练,专业牌照考试和管理,树木修剪和攀爬,参于本地及海外会议,进行互访交流,及提供公众谘询等等会务。在ISA的任务结构下,会务与会员之间的业务是完全独立分开的,会务当中不包含业务,这是ISA操作优越的其中一环。
在专业牌照系统里,除了 “注册树艺师” 和 “注册攀树师” 两个国际牌照资格以外,中国地区再设有 “认可树艺师” (Qualified Arborist)、 “执业树艺师” (Independent Practicing Arborist) 、和 “顾问树艺师” (Registered Consulting Arborist) 的地区专业资格,作为认証本地区内的行业水平。
ISA HK/CHINA 目前是免费加入,不设年龄,学历,资格或任何限制,欢迎有兴趣人士参与,详情请溜览以上网址或电邮至 egc@netvigator.com查询。
树艺师 的工作是什麼?
简单来说,树艺师的两大功能就是作为「树木医生」Tree Doctor 和 「树木侦探」Tree Detective。
人病了,会去找医生诊症。树木生长不良,也要去找「树木医生」来作出诊断,而并非自我凭空决定。树木的诊断工作通常包括检测树木在设计上是否出错、选料是否妥当、栽种是否合理、护理是否正常、有否受到环境因素 ( Abiotic Stress ) 或生理因素 (Biotic Stress) 影响生长、树木的状况会否对周边人命财产构成风险 ( Risk Assessment ) 、应该如何作出处理 ( Treatment ) 等等。
如果不处理有病或存在风险的树木,树木可能会发生断枝或倒塌的危险,造成人命伤亡和财产破坏。香港在2006年、2008年和2010年都发生过断枝或塌树致命的意外,在社会上造成极大迴响。当如此情况发生时, 受害者 ( Victims ) 可以聘用合资格及富经验的树艺师 (例如下述的 ‘认可树艺师’ 、‘执业树艺师’ 和 ‘顾问树艺师’ 等) 作为「树木侦探」去对整件事故作出深入调查,按照国际守则来作出分析判断,然后写出「树艺师报告」(Arborist Report) 呈上法庭,从而追究应有责任和赔偿。
城市里面的树木风险很少是由大自然自我产生,而大部份都涉及人为错误(设计、栽种、护养等等),树艺师要由其中找出理由和责任一般非常容易,而对方如果采用 ‘人力不可抗拒’(Act of God) 来作为事故借口,在一个公正的审判中经常难以成立。
树艺师很多时候被聘作法庭上的「技术证人」(Expert Witness) ,去指证意外事故起因及厘定责任,为事故找寻事实 ( Fact-Finding ) 和道出真相 ( Truth-Telling )。这也是树艺行业和其他绿色事业最大不同之处。
'注册树艺师’ 的投考资格及牌照细则
1. 报考人年龄必须在18岁以上及从事树艺行业3年以上;
2. 或,拥有ISA承认的2年制树艺本科大学学位及同时从事树艺行业2年以上;
3. 或,拥有ISA承认的4年制树艺本科大学学位及同时从事树艺行业1年以上。
4. 符合上述条件者,可前往 下载有关申请表报考。
5. 注册树艺师的申请报考、正式考试和一切通信,只采用国际水平英语。
6. 注册树艺师的牌照有效期是3年,所有注册树艺师必须於此期间内取获30学分(CEU)方可申请续牌,否则需要重考。
7. 请参阅 去取得其他详情。
‘认可树艺师’ 的投考资格及牌照细则
1. 持有任何大学学位,或持有市级政府部门发出文件去証明报考人有10年以上树木工作经验。
2. 同时是ISA会员和ISA HK/China会员;
3. 持有 ‘注册树艺师’ 牌照3年以上并已续牌;
4. 拥有80学分(CEU) 以上,而当中25%以上并不来自攀树活动;
5. 已参加ISA国际年会最少一次;
6. 通过 ‘树艺师报告’ 考核合格。
7. 此牌照的申请报考、正式考试和一切通信,只采用国际水平英语。
8. 此牌照的有效期是跟随 ‘注册树艺师’ 的有效期,如‘注册树艺师’ 的牌照失效,则此牌照同时失效。
9. 请参阅去取得其他详情。
‘执业树艺师’ 的投考资格及牌照细则
1. 持有 ‘注册树艺师’ 牌照3年以上并已续牌;
2. 同时持有 ‘注册攀树师’ 牌照;
3. 已参加ISA国际年会最少一次;
4. 持有 ‘A’ level English Language或同等资历﹔
5. 持有 ‘O’ level Law或同等资历﹔
6. 能够展示出在离地10米以上的树上,使用电油锯将50公斤重以上的木条安全切割,及使用溜缆方式作45度安全下降;
7. 此牌照的申请报考、正式考试和一切通信,只采用国际水平英语;
8. 此牌照的有效期是跟随 ‘注册树艺师’ 的有效期,如‘注册树艺师’ 的牌照失效,则此牌照同时失效。
9. 请参阅去取得其他详情。
‘顾问树艺师’ 的投考资格及牌照细则
1. 必需成为 ‘美洲顾问树艺师学会’( 的会员﹔
2. 已持有 Registered Consulting Arborist的牌照号 (RCA#)﹔(注: 从1960年代至今,只有500人左右取得RCA#,而当中在世的只有大概300人)
3. 已参加ISA国际年会最少一次;
4. 同时是ISA会员和ISA HK/China会员;
5. 此牌照的申请报考、正式考试和一切通信,只采用国际水平英语;
6. 此牌照的有效期是跟随 ‘注册树艺师’ 的有效期,如‘注册树艺师’ 的牌照失效,则此牌照同时失效。
7. 请参阅去取得其他详情。
攀树师 的工作是什麼?
1. 设计及执行所有树上工作,包括攀爬、修剪、流缆、固定和移除高大树木、安装野外观察摄录器材、拆除蜂、蚁巢、及拯救树上动物等等。
2. 熟习各种攀树技巧、绳缆锁扣;安全操作电油链锯、掌握基本锯木流缆技术。
3. 指挥其他工种人员配合树木工作。
4. 教育及训练初级攀爬人员,其中包括 “康乐攀爬” 和 “职业攀爬”。
注册攀树师 的投考资格及牌照细则
1. 报考人的年龄必须在19岁半以上。
2. 报考人必须自购意外保险来参加考试。
3. 报考人必须持有认可的攀爬树木资历18个月以上。
4. 报考人必须持有 ‘空中拯救’训练证明书。
5. 报考人必须持有ISA认可的国际机构发出的 ‘急救员’证明书。
6. 符合上述条件者,可前往 下载有关申请表报考。
7. 注册攀树师的申请报考和一切通信,只采用国际水平英语。
8. 注册攀树师的考试分为笔试和操作试两部份,可以选用中文或英文进行考试。
9. 注册攀树师的牌照有效期是3年,所有注册树艺师必须於此期间内取获15学分(CEU)方可申请续牌,否则需要重考。
10. 请参阅 去取得其他详情。
ISA HK/CHINA 对本会的树艺师 及 攀树师 都要求遵受本分会会规内的“ 诚信、专业、参与社会、找寻事实、及道出真相 ” ( Integrity, Professionalism, Participation, Fact-Finding & Truth-Telling ),违者受到本会的严正纪律处分。
1. 所谓 “美丽” 或”好看”的树木在国际上并没有绝对鉴验标准,但树木的 “结构” 和 “健康” 则有。
2. 如果一棵树在设计、选料、护养、修剪、定期检查、或风险评估当中犯错,则此树最终不会成为社会资产,反会成为大众包袱。
3. 在未有作出专业诊断就胡乱开出树木“处方”(例如修剪),在国际上被认定是鲁莽行为。
4. 树木的种养最终会由大自然去决定成败,而并非由设计人员。
5. 一棵胡乱护理的大树最终会变成一个定时炸弹。
6. 树艺师 就是 “树木医生” 和 “树木侦探”。
Sammy Au 15.1.2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
ISA HK/China --- China Committee
Dear Station Members,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that we have recently set up the very important China Committee to help us enter the China market. Please check out our latest Organization Chart in the attachment.
The Station Manager will initially take up the lead of the China Committee with his past connection & influence in China Greenery. The Committee currently consists of two Committee Members, namely Thomas Chow & John Chong, both working as volunteers to contribute their time & effort to bring ISA into the Land of Old Dragons. We shall continue to recruit the right personnel with knowledge, integrity & passion to man the China Committee, & we shall do so without prejudice.
Thomas Chow is a retired teacher of Fung Kai Secondary School who now runs his own consultancy company called China Arbor Ltd. John Chong is a partner of Muni Arborists Ltd which is perhaps the largest arboricultural consultancy for Govt & private sectors in HK at present. Thomas has a degree in Economics, & John possesses a MPhil in Biology. Both are Certified Arborist, & speak good Mandarin to promote ISA in China.
The first task of the Committee Members will be to translate our Station Mail into Simplified Chinese for public viewing within China. Station Mail is the corner stone of ISA HK/China, & it has an immense impact on the greenery industry in our territory. With it now to be in Simplified Chinese, our brothers & sisters will not need to use translation software to obtain guessing messages. The translation of Station Mail will need to be done quickly by our Committee Members, in fact to be within 24 hours since we need to win on speed. Station Mail will need to catch the right sentiment at the right time. Otherwise, only English messages will appear.
Therefore, if we do no get a steady flow of weekly Station Mail because of the translation, the pressure will be on these Committee Members. All our 1,500+ Station Members & overseas partners will be reading this. That's why not everyone can serve as a Committee Member in this important China Committee.
ISA HK/China is now growing & expanding like a rising sun. The Station Manager is known to be a determined man, & he will live up his pledge to bring ISA into China. This is also the expectation of ISA HQ & our Station Members. We have also not forgotten our overseas partners, as we shall bring them in along with us. China is a big enough market to accommodate everybody, & their bigger trees in their 900+ cities now will need our care.
Support your China Committee. To our local Station Members, set your eyes away from just HK. There is a virgin land full of greener pastures up north waiting for us to explore. This is how we can sustain our growth for the next generation & more.
Let us work hand in hand to open up this Final Frontier with our Integrity, Professionalism, Participation, Fact-finding & Truth-telling. Let us promote proper arboriculture with research & education, along with the benefits of trees to our brothers & sisters.
We shall have faith, & China will be ours.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
ISA Certified Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174AT (
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that we have recently set up the very important China Committee to help us enter the China market. Please check out our latest Organization Chart in the attachment.
The Station Manager will initially take up the lead of the China Committee with his past connection & influence in China Greenery. The Committee currently consists of two Committee Members, namely Thomas Chow & John Chong, both working as volunteers to contribute their time & effort to bring ISA into the Land of Old Dragons. We shall continue to recruit the right personnel with knowledge, integrity & passion to man the China Committee, & we shall do so without prejudice.
Thomas Chow is a retired teacher of Fung Kai Secondary School who now runs his own consultancy company called China Arbor Ltd. John Chong is a partner of Muni Arborists Ltd which is perhaps the largest arboricultural consultancy for Govt & private sectors in HK at present. Thomas has a degree in Economics, & John possesses a MPhil in Biology. Both are Certified Arborist, & speak good Mandarin to promote ISA in China.
The first task of the Committee Members will be to translate our Station Mail into Simplified Chinese for public viewing within China. Station Mail is the corner stone of ISA HK/China, & it has an immense impact on the greenery industry in our territory. With it now to be in Simplified Chinese, our brothers & sisters will not need to use translation software to obtain guessing messages. The translation of Station Mail will need to be done quickly by our Committee Members, in fact to be within 24 hours since we need to win on speed. Station Mail will need to catch the right sentiment at the right time. Otherwise, only English messages will appear.
Therefore, if we do no get a steady flow of weekly Station Mail because of the translation, the pressure will be on these Committee Members. All our 1,500+ Station Members & overseas partners will be reading this. That's why not everyone can serve as a Committee Member in this important China Committee.
ISA HK/China is now growing & expanding like a rising sun. The Station Manager is known to be a determined man, & he will live up his pledge to bring ISA into China. This is also the expectation of ISA HQ & our Station Members. We have also not forgotten our overseas partners, as we shall bring them in along with us. China is a big enough market to accommodate everybody, & their bigger trees in their 900+ cities now will need our care.
Support your China Committee. To our local Station Members, set your eyes away from just HK. There is a virgin land full of greener pastures up north waiting for us to explore. This is how we can sustain our growth for the next generation & more.
Let us work hand in hand to open up this Final Frontier with our Integrity, Professionalism, Participation, Fact-finding & Truth-telling. Let us promote proper arboriculture with research & education, along with the benefits of trees to our brothers & sisters.
We shall have faith, & China will be ours.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
ISA Certified Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174AT (
ISA HK/China --- China Committee
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