Dear ISA HK/China & TCHK Members 各位亲爱的会员,
It is our pleasure & honour to inform you that we have invited one of the best Tree Care Specialist in the world called Mr. Tim Bushnell to come to meet our members in HK as follows 本会有幸邀请到国际知名的树艺技术专家 添布殊先生 到纺本会,本会特意安排活动如下:
(A) Demonstration 示范表演
Date 日期: Sunday March 15, 2009年3月15日星期日
Time 时间: 2pm - 5pm
Venue 地点: Eurasian Garden Ltd., 22B, Kam Road, Kam Tsin Village, Sheung Shui, HK. 香港上水金钱村金钱路22B欧亚园艺 (电:9090 6719)
Topics of discussion 示范项目: Demonstration of various Tree Climbing Equipment & Techniques on trees; Structural Pruning & Rigging Techniques. 各种攀树、锯木、流缆、修剪的器材使用和技术
Capacity 人数 : 50 人
Cost 费用: Free of charge 全免
Deadline of Entry 截止报名日期: 9am Sunday March 15, 2009年3月15日上午9点
(B) Informal Dinner 便饭叙会
Date 日期: Sunday March 15, 2009年3月15日
Time 时间: 6pm - 9pm
Venue 地点: In a restaurant with location to be confirmed later in the Sheung Shui / Fanling Area for transport convenience. 未定,将会在离欧亚园艺不远的上水 / 粉岭地区的某家酒楼内进行
Seminar 演讲内容: A one hour presentation in power point on the use & care of Tree Climbing & Rigging Equipment, & the relationship in Structural Pruning & Rigging. Chinese translation will be provided. 一小时左右的幻灯片发布会,展出当今国际流行的攀树、锯木、流缆、修剪的器材使用和技术,多为本地没有购进和使用的部份,用以补充在下午示范表演时的不足
CEU 学分: One CEU will be offered for any CA / CTW attending 持有树艺师 / 攀树师牌照人员可得一个学分
Capacity 人数: 30 人
Cost 費用: The Dinner cost will be shared evenly among all participants like in all our Informal Dinners before. 于饭后埋单时由各人平均摊分
Deadline of Entry 截止报名日期: 9am Friday March 13, 2009年3月13日上午九点
Background of Tim Bushnell 讲者背景: Tim is the Chief Technical Officer of the International Tree Climbing Championship of ISA & the International/Regional Business Manager of Sherrill Tree which is more or less the designated Tree Climbing & Rigging Equipment supplier in our territory. The Station Manager himself practically obtain all his gears from Sherrill Tree in the past. Tim is an experienced Tree Climber & Tree Worker for decades himself, & his specialty rests internationally in these topics. Tim has flown half way across the globe to attend the HK Flower Show seminar & this is a rare opportunity in our territory that we can get to meet an International expert like Tim. This is certainly an occasion not to be missed. 添布殊先生是ISA国际攀树比賽的总技术主任,他在本行极负盛名。添先生目前任职沙路树艺器材公司的国际营销经理,此公司与ISA合作多年,而本会长的自用器材也大部份由此公司购进。添先生本身是一位在树艺工作数十年的老行家,其专项在攀树、锯木、流缆、修剪的器材使用和技术方面。此次他远渡重洋参加由康文署主办的香港花展研讨会同时,接受本会邀请作出示范和讲座两场,實为本会福祉。故祈各会员踊跃参加,一睹此君的知识风范。
Please note anyone can participate in either event or both events, although the knowledge given is different & separate in each event. It is therefore our recommendation for anyone to attend both events. 各会员可自选参加两个项目的一项或全部两项,然而两个项目并不相同,知识重点各异。本会建议各会员同时参加两个项目以得其长。
Looking forward to hearing from the participants soonest. 上述项目均有中文翻绎,欢迎各会员踊跃报名。
best regards 此致,
Sammy Au 欧永森
Station Manager of ISA HK/China 国际树木学会 中国地区分会 会长
TCHK Chieftain 香港树木学会 会长
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