Friday, November 25, 2011
ISA HK/China --- China Tree News (TRA in China) 城市 "不定时炸弹"
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( BB%E1/blog) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
附上的是近日在 中国花卉报 的一篇对本分会长的专访, 内容非常精确简明, 可说是写作能力远远在我们的水平之上.
至於报导在提升本分会长成为 "亚洲树艺第一人" 的殊衔, 本分会长实在愧不敢当, 他的前人在全球为树艺发展的人多的是, 分会长只不过是少数的能操流利普通话在国内公开讲树艺课的人而矣, 诸位看倌不必挂在心上.
国内目前在种树投资上的犯点, 与香港的七十年代起相似, 很多的所谓 "即时效果"、"老树临风" 等等现象, 在香港早就司空见惯, 难道国内的园林设计是跟著香港的老方向走?
正如文中所提到的 "知易行难" 这一点, 要把传统利益重新分配, 和把用苗的人的思想改变过来, 恐怕并非瞬间之事, 所谓 "江山易改、品性难移', 有钱的可以买到硬件, 但在软件配套方面又怎么样呢? 这点在许多的国内城市发展可见一班.
国内要马上推行国际树艺学, 可能不符合目前的中国国情; 照搬硬套, 可能会弄巧反拙. 按本分会之浅见, 国内应该发展起具有中国特色的树艺行业和牌照制度, 参照 ISA 作为一个模式, 把全国参与树木设计、施工、护养和检查的人, 用科学制度把他们归纳起来, 成立中央级、省级和市级的树艺师牌照去作出管理, 也成立各种的树艺组织去推广, 令国内的种树投资更安全、更省钱.
为此, 本分会将会积极的架起桥梁作用, 将国内与国际靠拢接轨, 这也完合符合 ISA 的使命 (ISA Mission). 国内需要的不是学术论者, 而是有实战操作经验的行业模范; 需要懂得现场解决问题, 而不是天天 "文山会海"; 树艺人不能光讲不做, 不能攀树用锯写报告的, 算是什么类型的 "树艺师" 啊?
尊贵的会员们, 本分会叮囑你们去学好普通话, 学好攀树用锯写报告, 为未来的祖国树艺发展作出应有的贡献吧!
顾问树艺师号RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
"速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Attached is the latest report on an interview of the Station Manager (SM) on Tree Risk Management & ISA with the largest Green Newspaper in China called the China Gardening News (CGN). CGN has at least 20 million readers in China in landscaping alone, as well as in nursery production, wholesale & academic research. It is read by every Landscape Bureau in China, & can be regarded as what the west would call a "Party Newspaper". The SM has been contributing articles to CGN since 1994 on cold hardy palms & on ISA lately, & has an excellent relationship with them.
For those who don't read Chinese to understand the contents of the attachment in Mandarin, one way is to show it to a local Chinese restaurant for a casual translation. The name of the SM is "Au Wing Sum" in Cantonese, & "Our Yung Sen" in Mandarin.
Although the discussion was supposed to be on Tree Risk Management, the reporter has candidly brought on the many aspects of Tree Care in China. Such issues include the lack of knowledge for modern arboriculture, the refusal of the academics to accept international practices, & the attitudes of the municipal leaders to go after "instant effect" with mature trees in tree planting. The report was written in such a way unusual to the "united front" of most Party Newspapers. It has surfaced sensitive issues which may invite attacks.
The SM has already been actively involved with building the arboricultural profession in China for about 2 years already. From what the SM has seen, forcing what has been practiced in the western world into China strongly, would simply meet heavy resistance. This is because of the existing conditions from design, production, & supervision would not support contemporary ideas. In China, the word "harmony" ranks above all. Causing disturbance in the green industry in general, because of something recognized elsewhere & is said to be good, is not a valid reason enough to push an overall change. It has to be done in a smarter way to comply with realities.
Therefore, the SM has been proposing some kind of a National Arborist Association (NAA) for China, similar to those abroad. The Chinese experts would run it, with us giving advices on it. ISA would be the model for construction, & this NAA would build the industry under the consideration of their existing resources. NAA would produce their own credentials, with ISA credentials to be their ultimate goal.
There are very few Station Members of ISA HK/China who can communicate enough to deliver seminars & technical advice in Mandarin for China. A lot think they do, but would fall apart during a confrontation. The Chinese are pragmatic to see our experts to be well versed in not just the theory, but the actual practices of arboriculture such as tree climbing, chainsaw uses, presentations & report writing. Someone who talks all day but not be able to do it on site, would not be respected by them, because they have too many "experts" of this kind in China already. For our overseas experts to go into China, the language will be a huge barrier, as less than 0.5% of the China landscapers can speak understandable English. Translating technical practices will be a nightmare.
China now wants to move forward to meet the world in arboriculture. This complies with the ISA Mission. We need to help their 1.3 billion population & countless billions of trees in their 900 cities. Yet there is not even one single Certified Arborist in China at this moment. The opportunities there will be immense.
May the world help China to bring them into ISA, as they are already willing to accept us.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
ISA HK/China --- HKTCC 2011 (2011年 香港攀树锦标赛)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
2011年香港攀树锦标赛, 在赛事三天前突然改变场地, 加上碰上连续降雨, 在八十多名的工作人员努力奋战下, 如期在11 月 19 - 20 日的新场地里成功举办, 创造了另一项 '香港奇迹"。 ISA 总会派过来的总裁 Mr. James Skiera 先生在看毕全程后, 给予赛事高度评价。
是次比赛是历年来最多攀树手参与的一次, 包含新加坡、美国和澳洲的选手在内, 一共有33人。 五项赛果当中 (投掷袋、空中拯救、双绳脚锁、速度攀爬和工作攀爬), 每项都产生了冠、亚、季军, 而五项的总成绩达到某个水平之时, 赛员可以参加11月20日的 "大师赛". 是次 "大师赛" 一共有来自香港、美国和澳洲的男女选手合共9人参加, 却都是由香港选手夺得男女冠军。
附上的照片当中, 描绘了攀树者的纯真一面, 有苦有乐。 所有参与是次活动的人, 心里面只有一条, 就是要全心全意把赛事搞好; 虽然屡经波折, 依然克服困难, 这可能就是这次活动最感人之处。
但愿如此有意义的体育运动能够在中国地区发展起来, 造福社会百姓。
顾问树艺师号RCA#497 (
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Despite persistent rain & a sudden change of venue, the HK Tree Climbing Competition (HKTCC) has been successfully held on Nov 19 - 20, 2011 in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong. Mr. James Skiera, Executive Director of ISA, was kindly staying with the event full time for two days, & was impressed by the dedication & efficiency of the organizers & participants to successfully manage it.
Tree Climbers from the US, Australia & Singapore were joining the event. Some of the most candid moments of the HKTCC have been captured in the photos attached for public enjoyment. A photography contest was also held by a professional group to take the actions up & down the canopy. The competition ground has been jam packed with visitors from time to time, to witness the success of the event.
All the competitions were held to the rules of the International Tree Climbing Championship (ITCC), & this was the first time tree climbing in HK ran with such rules. The winners of the Master Challenge & other events have the right to represent HK to participate in the Asia Pacific Tree Climbing Championship (APTCC), & in the ITCC. The HKTCC is a qualifying event to select Tree Climbers from HK to enter international competition. To be in it, is the first step to meet the world.
Tree Climbing is an environmental friendly sport, healthy to the body & mind, & builds conservation concept by action. It is safe for recreational purpose under trained hands, & it opens up a career to young people who prefers strenuous adventure aloft, while contributing to the society.
Looking forward to this healthy sport developing fast in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China soonest.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
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