攀爬一族 報名申請表 2007年11月8日版本
1 中文姓名: 2 英文姓名:
3 出生日期: 日 月 年 4 最高學歷:
5 工作機構:
6 職位:
7 電郵或傳真:
8 手提電話: 9 辦公室電話:
10 攀樹經驗: 年 / 全無經驗
11 已考獲的樹藝專業資格:
12 身体有否缺陷?
13 閣下有否任何其他補充?
14 填表日期:
免責條款:任何人仕在參與「攀爬一族」及ISA HK/China Station 所舉辦的任何活動之時,均已自我檢查其身心狀況是已經完全符合當次活動的實際要求,才會加入是項活動,並對此條件絶無異議。參于者亦完全同意自負所有活動風險,不會追究舉辦者任何民事或賠償責任。所有參加本族或ISA HK/China Station 活動的人仕均完全明白及同意此「免責條款」後,才自願參加任何活動。
本人同意上述「免責條款」,自願加入「攀爬一族」。本人現將上述表格傳送至 ISA HK/China Station 或 攀爬一族 的egc@netvigator.com 電郵地址,並同意一經傳送,是完全代表本人同意上述「免責條款」,和現行或日後新増的族規族例。
1 是否批准此項申請:
2 不批准此項申請的理由:
2 族號:
3 族類:
3 其他:
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
ISA HK/China --- Inauguration of ' Tree Climbing HK '
「攀爬一族」的族規族例 2007年11月8日版本
1. 本族有權拒絕任何人仕加入,而無須給與解釋或理由。
2. 為維持本族和諧團結,族長有權無須給予通知或解釋理由,將任何族員驅逐出族,所有族員對此不得異議。
3. 為了本族日後的可持續發展,日後本族可能會因應情況,在得到長老會議的批准後,對族員收取年費,及對舉辦的活動籌募經費,此等費用一經徵收,不會予以退回。
4. 所有族員必須堅持 ISA HK/China Station 所訂下的道德守則,包括誠信、專業、參與社會,找尋事實及道出真相等標準,違反者可能被導致驅逐出族。
5. 所有族員在參加本族活動之時,必須完全遵守導師指示,以免發生危險,違者可能會被馬上終止參與資格及被驅逐出族。
6. 為保持族員的參與本族的熱誠,以下規定各族類人員每年必須參與本族活動的最低次數:
a. 族長、副族長及長老族員:5次
b. 精英族及康體族:3次
c. 修行族:1次
7. 如當族族員未能達到上述第6項的出席次數,可能會被降格至下一族群或被驅逐出族。
8. 周年族員大會(AGM)是本族的最高權力架構,每兩年(暫定)會選出各族群人員(族長除外)。族長只由當屆ISA HK/China Station Manager 担任,無須經選舉產生。
9. 所有族群人員必須堅守自己崗位,族長有權在於任可時間改動族員架構,而無須通過周年大會進行。此舉只是必要時才會採用的緊急措施,以便本族不會發生部落衝突或權力鬥爭。
10. 日後本族可經長老會議商討論後,增添其他族規族例,與本版本同具效力。
1. 本族有權拒絕任何人仕加入,而無須給與解釋或理由。
2. 為維持本族和諧團結,族長有權無須給予通知或解釋理由,將任何族員驅逐出族,所有族員對此不得異議。
3. 為了本族日後的可持續發展,日後本族可能會因應情況,在得到長老會議的批准後,對族員收取年費,及對舉辦的活動籌募經費,此等費用一經徵收,不會予以退回。
4. 所有族員必須堅持 ISA HK/China Station 所訂下的道德守則,包括誠信、專業、參與社會,找尋事實及道出真相等標準,違反者可能被導致驅逐出族。
5. 所有族員在參加本族活動之時,必須完全遵守導師指示,以免發生危險,違者可能會被馬上終止參與資格及被驅逐出族。
6. 為保持族員的參與本族的熱誠,以下規定各族類人員每年必須參與本族活動的最低次數:
a. 族長、副族長及長老族員:5次
b. 精英族及康體族:3次
c. 修行族:1次
7. 如當族族員未能達到上述第6項的出席次數,可能會被降格至下一族群或被驅逐出族。
8. 周年族員大會(AGM)是本族的最高權力架構,每兩年(暫定)會選出各族群人員(族長除外)。族長只由當屆ISA HK/China Station Manager 担任,無須經選舉產生。
9. 所有族群人員必須堅守自己崗位,族長有權在於任可時間改動族員架構,而無須通過周年大會進行。此舉只是必要時才會採用的緊急措施,以便本族不會發生部落衝突或權力鬥爭。
10. 日後本族可經長老會議商討論後,增添其他族規族例,與本版本同具效力。
ISA HK/China --- Inauguration of ' Tree Climbing HK '
<攀爬一族> 的基本結構 2007年11月8日版本
Basic Structure of Tree Climbing HK ( TCHK )
族長 ( ISA HK/China Station Manager 兼任 )
Chief(s) Tribal Council
副族長 (由選舉產生,人數未定) 長老會議 ( 由長老族員維持 )
族長 (Chieftain) --- 無投票權,但有最後決定權,只能在零票或相等票才能投票,由當屆ISA HK/China Station Manager擔任。
副族長 (Chief) --- 有投票權,有實權,管理日常事務,必須是ISA考牌官,每2年由族員大會選出 ,任期2年。
長老會議 (Tribal Council) --- 由當屆長老族主持,決定所有會務,任期2年,由每2年的族員大會確定任期。
長老族 (Councillors) --- 成員必須是 CTW 或持有其他國家認可的攀爬修業証書,成員由族長或長老會議過半數長老族員同意後邀請進入,任期2年,由每2年的族員大會確定任期。
精英族 (Professionals) --- 懂職業攀爬,但未考獲上述牌照者,任期不限。
康體族 (Recreationals) --- 只懂康體攀爬者,任期不限。
修行族 (Diciples) --- 所有其他人仕,任期不限。
攀爬一族 — 的其他資料:
宗旨:不論年齡、性別、宗教、種族、學歷 、身體狀況及社會地位,謀其共同發展攀樹活動,由攀爬過程中學習保護樹木及維護生態平衡,從而促進個人身心健康發展。
A. 康體攀爬 – 旨在為都市人減壓,發展其體力心智,歡迎任何人仕參加。
B. 職業攀爬 – 磨練樹上工作的各種技巧,例如鋸木、流纜、拯救、鏈鋸使用等等。安全訓練為主要重點,在於“ 預防勝於治 ”成員主為職業攀爬人仕,亦歡迎康體族員加入受訓。
C. 樹藝訓練 – 任何樹木知識和相關護養技術,歡迎任何人仕加入。
裝備: TCHK 歡迎族員自携攀樹器材以作自用。TCHK 亦可提供網上選購方便,本族亦可現場借出族員裝備以供試用,直至本族成功合資購買器材為止。
免責條款:任何人仕在參與「攀爬一族」及ISA HK/China Station 所舉辦的任何活動之時,均已自我檢查其身心狀況是已經完全符合當次活動的實際要求,才會加入是項活動,並對此條件絶無異議。參于者亦完全同意自負所有活動風險,不會追究舉辦者任何民事或賠償責任。所有參加本族或ISA HK/China Station 活動的人仕均完全明白及同意此「免責條款」後,才自願參加任何活動。
Basic Structure of Tree Climbing HK ( TCHK )
族長 ( ISA HK/China Station Manager 兼任 )
Chief(s) Tribal Council
副族長 (由選舉產生,人數未定) 長老會議 ( 由長老族員維持 )
族長 (Chieftain) --- 無投票權,但有最後決定權,只能在零票或相等票才能投票,由當屆ISA HK/China Station Manager擔任。
副族長 (Chief) --- 有投票權,有實權,管理日常事務,必須是ISA考牌官,每2年由族員大會選出 ,任期2年。
長老會議 (Tribal Council) --- 由當屆長老族主持,決定所有會務,任期2年,由每2年的族員大會確定任期。
長老族 (Councillors) --- 成員必須是 CTW 或持有其他國家認可的攀爬修業証書,成員由族長或長老會議過半數長老族員同意後邀請進入,任期2年,由每2年的族員大會確定任期。
精英族 (Professionals) --- 懂職業攀爬,但未考獲上述牌照者,任期不限。
康體族 (Recreationals) --- 只懂康體攀爬者,任期不限。
修行族 (Diciples) --- 所有其他人仕,任期不限。
攀爬一族 — 的其他資料:
宗旨:不論年齡、性別、宗教、種族、學歷 、身體狀況及社會地位,謀其共同發展攀樹活動,由攀爬過程中學習保護樹木及維護生態平衡,從而促進個人身心健康發展。
A. 康體攀爬 – 旨在為都市人減壓,發展其體力心智,歡迎任何人仕參加。
B. 職業攀爬 – 磨練樹上工作的各種技巧,例如鋸木、流纜、拯救、鏈鋸使用等等。安全訓練為主要重點,在於“ 預防勝於治 ”成員主為職業攀爬人仕,亦歡迎康體族員加入受訓。
C. 樹藝訓練 – 任何樹木知識和相關護養技術,歡迎任何人仕加入。
裝備: TCHK 歡迎族員自携攀樹器材以作自用。TCHK 亦可提供網上選購方便,本族亦可現場借出族員裝備以供試用,直至本族成功合資購買器材為止。
免責條款:任何人仕在參與「攀爬一族」及ISA HK/China Station 所舉辦的任何活動之時,均已自我檢查其身心狀況是已經完全符合當次活動的實際要求,才會加入是項活動,並對此條件絶無異議。參于者亦完全同意自負所有活動風險,不會追究舉辦者任何民事或賠償責任。所有參加本族或ISA HK/China Station 活動的人仕均完全明白及同意此「免責條款」後,才自願參加任何活動。
ISA HK/China --- Inauguration of ' Tree Climbing HK '
Dear Station Members & Respected Guests,
Inauguration of TREE CLIMBING HK (TCHK)
Today is another milestone in the development of ISA HK/China Station.
After hard work & careful planning by many, it is the utmost pleasure of ISA HK/China Station to announce that the Tree Climbing HK (TCHK) will be set up as an extension of our Station from today onwards !!
TCHK devotes mainly to Tree Climbing & anything relating to manoeuvring in a tree, be it Recreational & Professional. TCHK will focus on the action part of arboriculture. Yes, it will be on rope & on tree. TCHK will encourage participants to touch trees to love trees, & to enjoy the benefits of trees by physical contact. It will be an experience for those who sit in office all day to come out on a tree to dangle on rope. The climbing will be rehabilitating & refreshing. TCHK is promised to be fun-filled, action packed & very educational.
A major feature of TCHK is that it will communicate in Chinese to fit our public requirement, although English is used in time when necessary. TCHK will follow the Station Mail system of having its own channel to broadcast weekly messages, & it will reply enquiries in Chinese. This is intended to bring TCHK to our public at large & everybody is encouraged to join, be they office personnel to tree care professionals. Just everyone is welcomed.
There is no cost to join TCHK at present & TCHK Membership will be kept alone by the Chieftain who is the Station Manager by appointment. TCHK Membership will not be disclosed publicly just like Station Membership. Our Station Code of Honour of Integrity, Professionalism & Participation with an attitude of fact-finding & truth-telling will equally apply in TCHK. Please refer to the attachments for more information of TCHK which are in Chinese. Please also note TCHK has started up with a firmer structure than our Station which is more knowledge based. Tree Climbing can be dangerous & rules/regulations must be set up for beginners to follow. They are all for good intention because without them, accident may occur.
TCHK welcomes anybody to join !! TCHK has no distinction in colour or creed, education or wealth. Anyone interested in Tree Climbing & touching trees are welcomed to come in. Tree Lovers are particularly welcomed because this is their chance to talk to their favourite trees.
Please take a moment to study through the attached information of TCHK. Do enquire at 9090 6719 or by e-mail if anyone has any queries & TCHK is always there to help. Employers are kindly requested to pass this information to their Chinese staff for their individual consideration. All Station Members are requested to pass this message to their friends & colleagues for their interest to participate. This message will also be placed on Station Blog.
TCHK looks forward to your participation to climb, protect & preserve our precious trees in our territory, one tree at a time.
Climb safely. Touch trees to love trees.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager & TCHK Chieftain
熱烈慶祝ISA HK/CHINA STATION 「攀爬一族」的成立
同志們,ISA HK/China Station 籌備已久的「攀爬一族」,現在正式宣告成立!
攀爬一族 全体成員敬啟
Inauguration of TREE CLIMBING HK (TCHK)
Today is another milestone in the development of ISA HK/China Station.
After hard work & careful planning by many, it is the utmost pleasure of ISA HK/China Station to announce that the Tree Climbing HK (TCHK) will be set up as an extension of our Station from today onwards !!
TCHK devotes mainly to Tree Climbing & anything relating to manoeuvring in a tree, be it Recreational & Professional. TCHK will focus on the action part of arboriculture. Yes, it will be on rope & on tree. TCHK will encourage participants to touch trees to love trees, & to enjoy the benefits of trees by physical contact. It will be an experience for those who sit in office all day to come out on a tree to dangle on rope. The climbing will be rehabilitating & refreshing. TCHK is promised to be fun-filled, action packed & very educational.
A major feature of TCHK is that it will communicate in Chinese to fit our public requirement, although English is used in time when necessary. TCHK will follow the Station Mail system of having its own channel to broadcast weekly messages, & it will reply enquiries in Chinese. This is intended to bring TCHK to our public at large & everybody is encouraged to join, be they office personnel to tree care professionals. Just everyone is welcomed.
There is no cost to join TCHK at present & TCHK Membership will be kept alone by the Chieftain who is the Station Manager by appointment. TCHK Membership will not be disclosed publicly just like Station Membership. Our Station Code of Honour of Integrity, Professionalism & Participation with an attitude of fact-finding & truth-telling will equally apply in TCHK. Please refer to the attachments for more information of TCHK which are in Chinese. Please also note TCHK has started up with a firmer structure than our Station which is more knowledge based. Tree Climbing can be dangerous & rules/regulations must be set up for beginners to follow. They are all for good intention because without them, accident may occur.
TCHK welcomes anybody to join !! TCHK has no distinction in colour or creed, education or wealth. Anyone interested in Tree Climbing & touching trees are welcomed to come in. Tree Lovers are particularly welcomed because this is their chance to talk to their favourite trees.
Please take a moment to study through the attached information of TCHK. Do enquire at 9090 6719 or by e-mail if anyone has any queries & TCHK is always there to help. Employers are kindly requested to pass this information to their Chinese staff for their individual consideration. All Station Members are requested to pass this message to their friends & colleagues for their interest to participate. This message will also be placed on Station Blog.
TCHK looks forward to your participation to climb, protect & preserve our precious trees in our territory, one tree at a time.
Climb safely. Touch trees to love trees.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager & TCHK Chieftain
熱烈慶祝ISA HK/CHINA STATION 「攀爬一族」的成立
同志們,ISA HK/China Station 籌備已久的「攀爬一族」,現在正式宣告成立!
攀爬一族 全体成員敬啟
Sunday, November 4, 2007
ISA HK/China --- Square Rootballs at ETF

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/ , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
This Station takes on the mission to constantly research on new arbor skills with our limited facilities at disposal. ETF is such a facility for trialling out various techniques & the results are forwarded on Station Mail form time to time for public viewing. The provision of Square Rootballs is now one of them.
Traditional rootballs are round in shape. This is described in many literature as Balled & Burlaped (B & B) trees grown & dug in field. B & B trees are nearly the standard practice for supplying landscaping trees in our territory due to low cost & a tendency of not having Girdling Roots if used fresh & not stored, in favour of Containerized Trees which frequently have developed Girdling Roots. Internationally, the recommended rootball size is about 10 x trunk diameter according to ISA education & also BS 4043, although this practice is not much observed in some of our landscape work especially in transplanting mature trees.
The idea of Square Rootballs at ETF is copied from some western tree nurseries who have been using it for some time silently maybe for commercial reasons. Square Rootballs have the following advantages as compared to traditional round rootballs:
1. More Roots --- For any given diameter, a square will have a bigger area & volume (at the same depth) than a circle, & will therefore contain more roots & soil volume to endure 'Transplant Shock'. More roots retained will favour recovery & enhance growth after transplant.
2. Transport Safety --- A cubic rootball will not roll as easily as a circular rootball in transport. Rolling can damage rootball & lead to foliage chafing & branch breaking in the canopy.
3. Preventing Girdling Roots --- Trees dug with Square Rootball can be stored up to a certain time without the development of Girdling Roots, because the new roots emerged will hit the flat sidewall & be generally deflected at 90 degree in any direction. Traditional round container will guide the roots to turn in circle to form Girdling Roots, which can strangle the tree later by constricting central vessels.
4. Storage Ease --- Square Rootball can generally stand upright on its own unlike conventional round rootball which curves from top down on the side. The side boards in a Square Rootball will perform as a square container for vertical standing.
ETF has sold trees with Square Rootballs to Govt Depts in HK & to customers in China. No adverse comments have been received so far. On the other hand, ETF will be pleased to hear any response with regard to this latest practice for improvement anytime.
HK now is pushing ahead with innovation in arbor development spear-headed by our Station with knowledge gained internationally through ISA contacts. It is this kind of trial & error that the tree care practice in our territory can advance to new height. Quality Nursery Stocks are always the first step to ensure a successful landscape besides a good design. Trees not selected & planted properly are likely to become future liability rather than asset.
This Station would welcome comments on the results of using Square Rootballs against round rootballs for open discussion anytime. Just send in your observation. Thank you.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
The ISA Mission - Through research, technology, and education, promote the professional practice of arboriculture and foster a greater public awareness of the benefits of trees. (http://www.isa-arbor.com/)
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