Thursday, December 29, 2011
ISA HK/China --- Annual Dinner 2011(2011 周年晚宴)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" ( 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。一切内容, 谨供参考。
本分会的2011年周年晚宴已成功的在12月17日晚上举行, 本来予定的16桌 (每桌12人) 的门票, 几天之内卖光后又被热心会员们苦心追加, 也有说收不到通知而临时报到的, 加起来一共筵开18桌, 有些桌坐下13-14人, 结果无人介意, 乐也融融.
附会人仕从专家教授、中产精英到施工人员都有, 完全没有论资排辈, 没有谈官论贾, 人人平等开心的放松自我, 畅所欲言, 渡过一个温馨愉快的晚上.
附上的照片可以看到正副分会长们向嘉宾祝酒, 会员们兴高采烈的吃喝玩乐, 颁奖和抽奖的进行, 可以看到人们脸上的真挚笑容, 无拘但有礼的玩乐, 正确反映了会员们放松的另一面.
本分会是属於老百姓的学术机构, 它由人民组成, 也为人民服务, 没有官威霸气, 没有台阶架子, 这点由分会长们带头做起, 也是为何本分会不断拓大的原因. 本分会不收会费, 宽大包容的欢迎任何背景的人加入, 讨论的议题只有树木一个, 尊重科研标准, 遵从诚信专业, 令本分会不断壮大茁长.
今天在香港举办的年会, 希望日后能在国内举行. 本分会是负责整个中国地区的, 香港只不过是其中一个点. 目前 ISA 在香港的发展已经非常成熟, 是时候把资源投放到国内去了, 而本分会未来的主要任务也会尊注於此, 为祖国的绿化发展出一分力.
但愿有一天本分会的周年晚宴能在国内举行, 届时必然大事报导!
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference only. ***
Dear Station Members,
On Dec 17, 2011, ISA HK/China held our second Annual Dinner to bring together our Station Members & public for an informal gathering. This is a time where Station Members & supporters would come to share our views, exchange market information & formulate future policies.
We originally booked the largest room available in a Shatin restaurant at a cost bearable to us to house only 16 tables. Things did not work out as planned which can be common in some of our activities. A total of 18 tables were served at the end, with some tables having 13-14 person occupying, instead of the normal 12. Tickets were sold out within a week after the announcement, but we could not push away those who are our keen supporters, who came in with one reason or another not to book in time. ISA HK/China belongs to our supporters, & we are here serve them.
From the background of the attendees of the Annual Dinner, there were professors, landscapers, designers, businessmen, tree climbers, students & many other trades. All came to support ISA HK/China out of passion, without regard to formality or social ranking. Cheers & laughter were heard loud throughout the event. All genuinely enjoyed themselves in an atmosphere of relaxation. All were good hearts without pretence. It was a good group indeed.
Annual Dinner costs ISA HK/China money to run. We subsidized HK$200 per head during the 2010 dinner, & HK$100 per head in 2011. We paid the money out of the meager income of exam subsidies from ISA HQ. With now some of our money diverting to traveling to China, future Annual Dinners may need to be charged at cost. As from the response we have been getting, Station Members do not mind to pay, & would take it as a good opportunity to network in an oriental way.
Looking forward to seeing more of our Station Members coming to our Annual Dinner in the coming years. Also looking forward to doing the same in China some day.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
ISA HK/China --- Consulting Arboriculture ("顾问树艺师" 行业)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (
), 亦可查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。一切内容, 谨供参考。
树艺知识的发展从 ISA 的1924年开始到现在, 已经走过了88个年头, 当中创造了大量的树艺人才为社会服务, 包括了从1994开始的 '注册树艺师' 牌照制度. 这当中的小部份专业人员, 又自我组织了几个 "顾问树艺师学会", 成为行业当中的最高荣誉.
"顾问树艺师" 的主要服务, 是提供最高层次的树艺知识监证, 和详尽资询给基层树艺工作者和公众, 有点像专科医生提供顾问服务给普通科医生一样. "顾问树艺师" 很多都是由基层做起, 通过 "边做边学边考试" 的方式不停的往上爬, 经过多年努力以后, 才能进入这个树艺行业的最高境界.
通常挂上 "顾问树艺师" 名衔来执业的人, 都会加入某个 "顾问树艺师学会" 来厘定自己的身份. 国际上比较有名的 "顾问树艺师学会" 目前有三个, 它们是:
1. 美洲顾问树艺师学会 ( --- 在1960代成立, 是目前 "顾问树艺师学会" 当中最大和历史最悠久的, 分两级会员制合共600多人, 最高牌照是 "Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA)" . 目前尚在世的 RCA 大概只有200人, 当中只有本分会长欧永森一人是华人和亚洲人. 这学会接受任何人仕加入.
2. 英国顾问树艺师学会 ( --- 在2003年从英国的另外一个树艺组织叫做 AMIUG 哪里产生过来, 主力为英伦三岛的树艺行业服务, 没有听过招收远东人仕加入, 挂靠于 ISA UK & I 分会底下, 最高牌照是 "Professional Member 专业会员".
3. 澳洲顾问树艺师学会 ( --- 在2003年由澳洲的一批专业树艺从业员成立, 会员人数不达100人, 最高牌照是 "Accredited Member 认证会员", 招收海外会员, 本分会长欧永森是其 "认证会员", 和目前唯一的海外会员. 它的牌照在英联邦国家里普遍获得承认.
以上三个学会都只用英语作通信, 当中又以 RCA 必须前往美洲大陆接受指定受训和考试, 这对亚洲人来说是有一定困难.
以我国的现状看来, 国内目前连最基本的 "注册树艺师" 牌照都没有, "顾问树艺师" 的出现可能会是 "注册树艺师" 出现后10年以上的事. 以目前国内树木数量比人口还要多的情况看来, 树艺行业是一种基本社会建设, 而短时间内 "顾问树艺师" 的供应还可能要靠 "进口", 这可能是一个现实吧 .
但愿国内能尽快建立起符合国情的树艺行业和制度, 为此本分会将会提供一切协助.
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 ( )
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference only. ***
Dear Station Members,
Consulting Arboriculture, a special branch of arboricultural practice, is sometimes regarded as the pinnacle of the profession, with their practitioners having years of working experience in the field, & possessing advanced knowledge to give consultation to their clients, be it in assessment, supervision, evaluation, protection, or even legal advice. Consulting Arborists are usually regarded as the Creme de la Creme of the industry. Like tree climbers, they are a special breed, & hold themselves to a very high standard of practice & moral standards in the profession.
A lot of the Consulting Arborists began their career in the fundamental parts of the industry to work the basics. Some started off as tree climbers. Through their time in the profession, they learn & progress themselves with collection of credentials to advance their capabilities. Academic qualifications alone are usually not the only criteria to become a Consulting Arborist. What are treasured more are the working experience & practical knowledge to resolve confronted issues. The end product of consultation is usually in the form of a written report, & sometimes verbal presentation. Communication skill is therefore a strong ability of the Consulting Arborists throughout the world.
To be called a Consulting Arborist in the industry, this practitioner would usually attach himself/herself to a professional body for public recognition. There are three well known Consulting Arborist Societies in the world. They are:
1. The American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA, --- This is probably the oldest & the biggest Consulting Arborist Society in the world set up in the 1960's with around 600 members currently. Most members are ISA Certified Arborists, & they have strong connection to ISA Chapters in their education programs & activities. The highest membership class there is the Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA) , where only around 200 of them are still living. ASCA accepts overseas membership & there are our Station Members in it.
2. The Consulting Arborist Society of the UK (CAS, --- This is a British institute serving primarily the British Isles under their laws & regulations. The CAS evolved from the AMIUG of 1995 & is affiliated to the ISA UK & I Chapter. The Professional Member class of membership is the highest, & the requirements demand mainly British qualifications & working experience. ISA HK/China is not aware of any of our Station Members joining the CAS so far.
3. The Australian Institute of Consulting Arboriculturists (IACA, --- This was set up in 2003 by a group of Australian experts to advance the consultation profession in their country. The IACA primarily serves Australian interests but is willing to recruit overseas membership to share their knowledge & experience. Australian trees are planted widely in HK & Southern China. HK is also the only place in China to use English as an official language. Civil Servants of HK frequently go to Australia for various types of training. The connection is apparently there. The highest class of membership in IACA is the Accredited Member (ACM) which requires a high level of knowledge & expertise to qualify entry. It is known to us that several Station Members have begun enquiries to join the IACA already .
For our Station Members in HK who want to join any of the above societies, please kindly go online to enquire. ISA HK/China has no preference on any of them, & would regard every one is just as good & professional. Please do note the requirements in attaining the highest status in each, like going to North America to attend an Academy for the RCA in ASCA. The British CAS also demands a string of British qualification & experience. The ACM of the IACA appears to be more "user-friendly" to our HK candidates, although strict requirements would need to be met in qualification & experience.
For your information, the Station Manager Sammy Au has just become an ACM of the IACA recently. He is their first overseas ACM & is currently the only Chinese. For those who wish to join the IACA or ASCA, it may help to mention ISA HK/China for their statistics. ISA HK/China works in good term with the IACA & the ASCA.
It is only a matter of time that Consulting Arboriculture will grow in our territory. Personal advancement will push it. It is also not in conflict with the ISA Mission.
Looking forward to more Consulting Arborists emerging in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China over time. This will upgrade the industry in all.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Accredited Member of the Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
), 亦可查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。一切内容, 谨供参考。
树艺知识的发展从 ISA 的1924年开始到现在, 已经走过了88个年头, 当中创造了大量的树艺人才为社会服务, 包括了从1994开始的 '注册树艺师' 牌照制度. 这当中的小部份专业人员, 又自我组织了几个 "顾问树艺师学会", 成为行业当中的最高荣誉.
"顾问树艺师" 的主要服务, 是提供最高层次的树艺知识监证, 和详尽资询给基层树艺工作者和公众, 有点像专科医生提供顾问服务给普通科医生一样. "顾问树艺师" 很多都是由基层做起, 通过 "边做边学边考试" 的方式不停的往上爬, 经过多年努力以后, 才能进入这个树艺行业的最高境界.
通常挂上 "顾问树艺师" 名衔来执业的人, 都会加入某个 "顾问树艺师学会" 来厘定自己的身份. 国际上比较有名的 "顾问树艺师学会" 目前有三个, 它们是:
1. 美洲顾问树艺师学会 ( --- 在1960代成立, 是目前 "顾问树艺师学会" 当中最大和历史最悠久的, 分两级会员制合共600多人, 最高牌照是 "Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA)" . 目前尚在世的 RCA 大概只有200人, 当中只有本分会长欧永森一人是华人和亚洲人. 这学会接受任何人仕加入.
2. 英国顾问树艺师学会 ( --- 在2003年从英国的另外一个树艺组织叫做 AMIUG 哪里产生过来, 主力为英伦三岛的树艺行业服务, 没有听过招收远东人仕加入, 挂靠于 ISA UK & I 分会底下, 最高牌照是 "Professional Member 专业会员".
3. 澳洲顾问树艺师学会 ( --- 在2003年由澳洲的一批专业树艺从业员成立, 会员人数不达100人, 最高牌照是 "Accredited Member 认证会员", 招收海外会员, 本分会长欧永森是其 "认证会员", 和目前唯一的海外会员. 它的牌照在英联邦国家里普遍获得承认.
以上三个学会都只用英语作通信, 当中又以 RCA 必须前往美洲大陆接受指定受训和考试, 这对亚洲人来说是有一定困难.
以我国的现状看来, 国内目前连最基本的 "注册树艺师" 牌照都没有, "顾问树艺师" 的出现可能会是 "注册树艺师" 出现后10年以上的事. 以目前国内树木数量比人口还要多的情况看来, 树艺行业是一种基本社会建设, 而短时间内 "顾问树艺师" 的供应还可能要靠 "进口", 这可能是一个现实吧 .
但愿国内能尽快建立起符合国情的树艺行业和制度, 为此本分会将会提供一切协助.
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 ( )
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference only. ***
Dear Station Members,
Consulting Arboriculture, a special branch of arboricultural practice, is sometimes regarded as the pinnacle of the profession, with their practitioners having years of working experience in the field, & possessing advanced knowledge to give consultation to their clients, be it in assessment, supervision, evaluation, protection, or even legal advice. Consulting Arborists are usually regarded as the Creme de la Creme of the industry. Like tree climbers, they are a special breed, & hold themselves to a very high standard of practice & moral standards in the profession.
A lot of the Consulting Arborists began their career in the fundamental parts of the industry to work the basics. Some started off as tree climbers. Through their time in the profession, they learn & progress themselves with collection of credentials to advance their capabilities. Academic qualifications alone are usually not the only criteria to become a Consulting Arborist. What are treasured more are the working experience & practical knowledge to resolve confronted issues. The end product of consultation is usually in the form of a written report, & sometimes verbal presentation. Communication skill is therefore a strong ability of the Consulting Arborists throughout the world.
To be called a Consulting Arborist in the industry, this practitioner would usually attach himself/herself to a professional body for public recognition. There are three well known Consulting Arborist Societies in the world. They are:
1. The American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA, --- This is probably the oldest & the biggest Consulting Arborist Society in the world set up in the 1960's with around 600 members currently. Most members are ISA Certified Arborists, & they have strong connection to ISA Chapters in their education programs & activities. The highest membership class there is the Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA) , where only around 200 of them are still living. ASCA accepts overseas membership & there are our Station Members in it.
2. The Consulting Arborist Society of the UK (CAS, --- This is a British institute serving primarily the British Isles under their laws & regulations. The CAS evolved from the AMIUG of 1995 & is affiliated to the ISA UK & I Chapter. The Professional Member class of membership is the highest, & the requirements demand mainly British qualifications & working experience. ISA HK/China is not aware of any of our Station Members joining the CAS so far.
3. The Australian Institute of Consulting Arboriculturists (IACA, --- This was set up in 2003 by a group of Australian experts to advance the consultation profession in their country. The IACA primarily serves Australian interests but is willing to recruit overseas membership to share their knowledge & experience. Australian trees are planted widely in HK & Southern China. HK is also the only place in China to use English as an official language. Civil Servants of HK frequently go to Australia for various types of training. The connection is apparently there. The highest class of membership in IACA is the Accredited Member (ACM) which requires a high level of knowledge & expertise to qualify entry. It is known to us that several Station Members have begun enquiries to join the IACA already .
For our Station Members in HK who want to join any of the above societies, please kindly go online to enquire. ISA HK/China has no preference on any of them, & would regard every one is just as good & professional. Please do note the requirements in attaining the highest status in each, like going to North America to attend an Academy for the RCA in ASCA. The British CAS also demands a string of British qualification & experience. The ACM of the IACA appears to be more "user-friendly" to our HK candidates, although strict requirements would need to be met in qualification & experience.
For your information, the Station Manager Sammy Au has just become an ACM of the IACA recently. He is their first overseas ACM & is currently the only Chinese. For those who wish to join the IACA or ASCA, it may help to mention ISA HK/China for their statistics. ISA HK/China works in good term with the IACA & the ASCA.
It is only a matter of time that Consulting Arboriculture will grow in our territory. Personal advancement will push it. It is also not in conflict with the ISA Mission.
Looking forward to more Consulting Arborists emerging in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China over time. This will upgrade the industry in all.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Accredited Member of the Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
ISA HK/China --- ISA Today on Jinhua visit ("今日 ISA " 对金华苗交会的全球报导)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。一切内容, 谨供参考。
"今日ISA " 是 ISA 在全球发行给所有会员和公众人仕的定期刊物, 内容环绕著最新的树艺发展动态和科技知识, 以英语登出.
本分会有幸的被选中刊出我们在浙江金华的苗交会报导, 令全世界都知道 ISA 树艺知识, 已经初步与国内同行接触.
本分会目前能同时掌握基本树艺知识, 和能操流利普通话讲课的持牌树艺师可能不达五人, 这是本分会最大的弱点. 五人当中, 有攀树用锯树上溜缆经验和能力的树艺师暨攀树师, 又只有两人, 真的是少得可怜; 面对目前国内的庞大市场, 完全不成比例. 树艺师是 "树木医生", 如果不能攀树用锯, 就好像医生不懂临床做手术一样, 其公信力大减. 写报告方面需要累积多年的工作经验, 保持接触最新研究, 文笔流畅, 触觉敏锐, 方能写出好的报告; 一般需要五年以上的持牌功力和保持在市场上工作方可.
ISA 目前最逼切的就是要赶快培养出国内的第一代能攀树用锯写报告的树艺师教练, 然后再由他们把知识推广出去, 这些教练们又以年青大学毕业懂少许英语的为好, 学科不限, 活泼为主; 本分会长以前是工程专科毕业, 后来也成为全亚洲树艺牌照最高的树艺师, 所谓 "根正苗红" 这种古老思想, 可能应用不上在树艺行业吧.
希望树艺行业能够在国内发展起来, 让国内的树木种植更壮观、更安全、和更省钱.
顾问树艺师号 RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference only. ***
Dear Station Members,
Please kindly find the ISA Today's report on our seminar in China recently.
China has by now taken up great interest in developing modern arboriculture. ISA HK/China has convinced them that working with ISA is the right direction. On the other hand, there are very few arborists in HK who speak enough Mandarin to conduct quality training in China. There are even fewer of such arborists who possess adequate experience in climbing, rigging & report writing to meet China challenges. In China, they want to see results, & not credentials or academic qualifications. Starting ISA there with conferences & seminars like in the west may not work, simply because of the translation difficulties. Academics there also do not influence government policies as much as the hands-on people. It is indeed a different world up there.
China is a huge market that awaits exploration. ISA HK/China wants China to start up well. It is important for us to send up the right personnel to let the Chinese feel that we are genuinely helping them, & not pushing training & credentials to ask them align with the world. China is traditionally afraid of foreign intervention, even for their trees. Asserting too hard will invite resistance. Maintaining good relationship & perfect harmony would be the key.
ISA HK/China have the expertise, the experience & the knowledge to travel China. We speak the language, understand the culture, & can disappear into the crowd without public attention. We are one of them, & our fore fathers came from there.
ISA HK/China will become the bridge to link the ISA world with China. As for this, all our friends are welcomed to come work along with us. Patience would be a virtue.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
ISA� Best Management Practices Inspire Chinese Landscape Professionals
Sammy Au, station manager for ISA Hong Kong (HK)/China, was invited to speak at the October 2011 National Conference of Nursery Products in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province (Central China). This is a large conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from nearly every region in China.
Sammy presented a three-hour session on Tree Planting and Tree Pruning to ISA Best Management Practices. Proper tree care practices were completely new to his audience and ISA had been virtually unheard of in Central China before this presentation. Sammy explained tree planting and pruning techniques in simple terms in Mandarin Chinese using photo illustrations. He reported that the attendees were largely enthusiastic about the information they learned, and it whet their appetite for more. Audience members stayed long after the presentation to ask follow-up questions until security staff finally began turning off lights to usher them out. Sammy found their interest and desire for more knowledge to be very rewarding.
By introducing ISA and proper tree care practices at the conference, ISA HK/China station gained dozens of tree care professionals as new members. The new members, many of whom are researchers and senior landscape engineers, were encouraged to spread the word about ISA and Best Management Practices throughout China.
Sammy summed it up: Now ISA HK/China awaits more opportunities to promote ISA arboriculture into China. This is a social need for Chinese cities. Trees can be time bombs if not looked after well. ISA will improve the quality of living for our brothers and sisters with our tremendous research and educational abilities. It will be good for all in the end.
国际树木学会的 “最佳树木管理实践知识” 启发了中国园林工作专才
国际树木学会 中国地区分会的会长欧永森先生 (以下简称 S Au) 于本年十月被邀出席浙江省金华市的 ”2011中国苗木交易会” 作出演讲。 这个盛会集中了全国各地的同业翘楚。
S Au 在研讨论坛上发表了长达三小时的”园林苗木栽培与管理如何与国际接轨” 的议题。 对台下听众来说,国际树木护理知识是一个崭新的议题,他们亦未听闻过国际树木学会这个组织。 S Au 以普通话用简单的词语向他们讲解国际树木学会的园林苗木栽培的技巧,并辅以图片解释。 这次演讲题材引发出席者极大兴趣,更激起他们渴求得到更多知识的欲望。 当演讲完毕后,台下听众仍不断追问直至保安需用关灯来提醒他们离场。 他们对国际树木学会的树艺知识的热诚及追求, 使S Au感觉得到很大回报。
透过这次介绍国际树木学会和学会的科学化树木护理实践知识,国际树木学会 中国地区分会 获得数十个园林工作专才加入会籍。 他们将协助本分会向中国各地推介国际树木学会及其最佳树木管理实践知识。
S Au 总结谓,国际树木学会 中国地区分会 正在等候有更多机会向中国推广国际树木学会的树艺知识。 中国各地城市对此都应该存在一个社会需求。在城市里,树木如得不到正确的护理, 可变成一个不定时炸弹。 国际树木学会的庞大科研和教育力量, 应能改善我们兄弟姐妹同胞的生活质素, 最终会达致双赢。
(以上由 霍健,香港注冊房屋經理 R.P.H.M.-119 翻譯。一切內容以英文版本為准。)
"今日ISA " 是 ISA 在全球发行给所有会员和公众人仕的定期刊物, 内容环绕著最新的树艺发展动态和科技知识, 以英语登出.
本分会有幸的被选中刊出我们在浙江金华的苗交会报导, 令全世界都知道 ISA 树艺知识, 已经初步与国内同行接触.
本分会目前能同时掌握基本树艺知识, 和能操流利普通话讲课的持牌树艺师可能不达五人, 这是本分会最大的弱点. 五人当中, 有攀树用锯树上溜缆经验和能力的树艺师暨攀树师, 又只有两人, 真的是少得可怜; 面对目前国内的庞大市场, 完全不成比例. 树艺师是 "树木医生", 如果不能攀树用锯, 就好像医生不懂临床做手术一样, 其公信力大减. 写报告方面需要累积多年的工作经验, 保持接触最新研究, 文笔流畅, 触觉敏锐, 方能写出好的报告; 一般需要五年以上的持牌功力和保持在市场上工作方可.
ISA 目前最逼切的就是要赶快培养出国内的第一代能攀树用锯写报告的树艺师教练, 然后再由他们把知识推广出去, 这些教练们又以年青大学毕业懂少许英语的为好, 学科不限, 活泼为主; 本分会长以前是工程专科毕业, 后来也成为全亚洲树艺牌照最高的树艺师, 所谓 "根正苗红" 这种古老思想, 可能应用不上在树艺行业吧.
希望树艺行业能够在国内发展起来, 让国内的树木种植更壮观、更安全、和更省钱.
顾问树艺师号 RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference only. ***
Dear Station Members,
Please kindly find the ISA Today's report on our seminar in China recently.
China has by now taken up great interest in developing modern arboriculture. ISA HK/China has convinced them that working with ISA is the right direction. On the other hand, there are very few arborists in HK who speak enough Mandarin to conduct quality training in China. There are even fewer of such arborists who possess adequate experience in climbing, rigging & report writing to meet China challenges. In China, they want to see results, & not credentials or academic qualifications. Starting ISA there with conferences & seminars like in the west may not work, simply because of the translation difficulties. Academics there also do not influence government policies as much as the hands-on people. It is indeed a different world up there.
China is a huge market that awaits exploration. ISA HK/China wants China to start up well. It is important for us to send up the right personnel to let the Chinese feel that we are genuinely helping them, & not pushing training & credentials to ask them align with the world. China is traditionally afraid of foreign intervention, even for their trees. Asserting too hard will invite resistance. Maintaining good relationship & perfect harmony would be the key.
ISA HK/China have the expertise, the experience & the knowledge to travel China. We speak the language, understand the culture, & can disappear into the crowd without public attention. We are one of them, & our fore fathers came from there.
ISA HK/China will become the bridge to link the ISA world with China. As for this, all our friends are welcomed to come work along with us. Patience would be a virtue.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
ISA� Best Management Practices Inspire Chinese Landscape Professionals
Sammy Au, station manager for ISA Hong Kong (HK)/China, was invited to speak at the October 2011 National Conference of Nursery Products in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province (Central China). This is a large conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from nearly every region in China.
Sammy presented a three-hour session on Tree Planting and Tree Pruning to ISA Best Management Practices. Proper tree care practices were completely new to his audience and ISA had been virtually unheard of in Central China before this presentation. Sammy explained tree planting and pruning techniques in simple terms in Mandarin Chinese using photo illustrations. He reported that the attendees were largely enthusiastic about the information they learned, and it whet their appetite for more. Audience members stayed long after the presentation to ask follow-up questions until security staff finally began turning off lights to usher them out. Sammy found their interest and desire for more knowledge to be very rewarding.
By introducing ISA and proper tree care practices at the conference, ISA HK/China station gained dozens of tree care professionals as new members. The new members, many of whom are researchers and senior landscape engineers, were encouraged to spread the word about ISA and Best Management Practices throughout China.
Sammy summed it up: Now ISA HK/China awaits more opportunities to promote ISA arboriculture into China. This is a social need for Chinese cities. Trees can be time bombs if not looked after well. ISA will improve the quality of living for our brothers and sisters with our tremendous research and educational abilities. It will be good for all in the end.
国际树木学会的 “最佳树木管理实践知识” 启发了中国园林工作专才
国际树木学会 中国地区分会的会长欧永森先生 (以下简称 S Au) 于本年十月被邀出席浙江省金华市的 ”2011中国苗木交易会” 作出演讲。 这个盛会集中了全国各地的同业翘楚。
S Au 在研讨论坛上发表了长达三小时的”园林苗木栽培与管理如何与国际接轨” 的议题。 对台下听众来说,国际树木护理知识是一个崭新的议题,他们亦未听闻过国际树木学会这个组织。 S Au 以普通话用简单的词语向他们讲解国际树木学会的园林苗木栽培的技巧,并辅以图片解释。 这次演讲题材引发出席者极大兴趣,更激起他们渴求得到更多知识的欲望。 当演讲完毕后,台下听众仍不断追问直至保安需用关灯来提醒他们离场。 他们对国际树木学会的树艺知识的热诚及追求, 使S Au感觉得到很大回报。
透过这次介绍国际树木学会和学会的科学化树木护理实践知识,国际树木学会 中国地区分会 获得数十个园林工作专才加入会籍。 他们将协助本分会向中国各地推介国际树木学会及其最佳树木管理实践知识。
S Au 总结谓,国际树木学会 中国地区分会 正在等候有更多机会向中国推广国际树木学会的树艺知识。 中国各地城市对此都应该存在一个社会需求。在城市里,树木如得不到正确的护理, 可变成一个不定时炸弹。 国际树木学会的庞大科研和教育力量, 应能改善我们兄弟姐妹同胞的生活质素, 最终会达致双赢。
(以上由 霍健,香港注冊房屋經理 R.P.H.M.-119 翻譯。一切內容以英文版本為准。)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
ISA HK/China --- Tree Climbing Fun Day 2011 (香港攀树同乐日 2011)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 ( zh-CN), 亦可查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。一切内容, 谨供参考。
TCHK 在 11月27日举办了 "香港攀树同乐日", 给所有对攀树运动有兴趣的公众人仕免费参与. 是次活动, 所有的攀树装备、器材和教练均由 TCHK 的志愿人员提供, 是一次非常有意义的社会公益行为.
从附上的照片可以看得出, 许多参与是项活动的公众人仕, 特别是小朋友们, 都对攀树运动又怕又爱, 从他们脸上真实的表情可以感觉到, 离开地面而把生命寄附在一条绳子上面, 需要的是勇气和信心. 攀树运动是一项全神贯注的体育项目, 其好处是可以宁神减压, 同时锻练体格, 既环保, 又健康, 只要有10米高以上的大树的地方都可以进行, 在国内的大部份公园里都可以举办如此运动.
香港的公园目前是不批准攀树远动的. 很多的西方国家的公园, 只要由一位合资格人仕去填上一份安全保证书, 是可以申请攀树活动, 他们认为这是一种公民权益, 国内对攀树运动认识未深, 对其安全和技术要求尚未了解, 可能还要等候一段时间吧.
香港到现在已经训练出过千名的攀树人员, 其中约有25名已经考获了 ISA 的 "注册攀树师" 牌照, 相信在协助国内发展攀树工作和运动上面, 将会有所帮助.
顾问树艺师号 RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
致:各族員 / 學員
香港樹木學會現舉辦一天的單繩攀樹課程,目標是讓學員能掌握最新的單繩攀樹技巧,能應付比賽的要求外, 更能滿足工作上的需要。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. All information here is for reference only. ***
Dear Station Members,
TCHK has organized a Tree Climbing Fun Day on Nov 27, to share Recreational Tree Climbing (RTC) with the public. Attached are some selected photos to show the candid side of the attendees on this educational day.
RTC has grown rapidly in the past 30 years in western countries. According to previous information from Tree Climbers International (, more than 250,000 people have already climbed in North America alone. Tree Climbing Taiwan also reported more than 50,000 & Tree Climbing Japan more than 150,000 have climbed in their territory. HK & China are far behind in this aspect.
RTC is a therapeutic sport. It is excellent in reducing mental stresses. Imagine by dangling 5 m off the ground where any accidental fall can result in serious injury, would the RTC climber not focus on the rope, but to think about his daily problems? Working oneself up a tree demands heavy physical strength. RTC is totally aerobic. The combination of mental relaxation & physical workout is what RTC climbers would benefit most in this sport. That's one of the reasons why RTC has developed so rapidly in western countries & in the Pacific Rim among the public.
TCHK runs RTC classes every weekend. A full training set takes about 9 days to learn about basic tree climbing. It will take much longer for RTC climbers to turn professional, if they desire. Professional tree climbers handle chainsaws & perform rigging. RTC climbers do not.
Looking forward to RTC developing in our territory rapidly like the rest of the world.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Friday, November 25, 2011
ISA HK/China --- China Tree News (TRA in China) 城市 "不定时炸弹"
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( BB%E1/blog) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
附上的是近日在 中国花卉报 的一篇对本分会长的专访, 内容非常精确简明, 可说是写作能力远远在我们的水平之上.
至於报导在提升本分会长成为 "亚洲树艺第一人" 的殊衔, 本分会长实在愧不敢当, 他的前人在全球为树艺发展的人多的是, 分会长只不过是少数的能操流利普通话在国内公开讲树艺课的人而矣, 诸位看倌不必挂在心上.
国内目前在种树投资上的犯点, 与香港的七十年代起相似, 很多的所谓 "即时效果"、"老树临风" 等等现象, 在香港早就司空见惯, 难道国内的园林设计是跟著香港的老方向走?
正如文中所提到的 "知易行难" 这一点, 要把传统利益重新分配, 和把用苗的人的思想改变过来, 恐怕并非瞬间之事, 所谓 "江山易改、品性难移', 有钱的可以买到硬件, 但在软件配套方面又怎么样呢? 这点在许多的国内城市发展可见一班.
国内要马上推行国际树艺学, 可能不符合目前的中国国情; 照搬硬套, 可能会弄巧反拙. 按本分会之浅见, 国内应该发展起具有中国特色的树艺行业和牌照制度, 参照 ISA 作为一个模式, 把全国参与树木设计、施工、护养和检查的人, 用科学制度把他们归纳起来, 成立中央级、省级和市级的树艺师牌照去作出管理, 也成立各种的树艺组织去推广, 令国内的种树投资更安全、更省钱.
为此, 本分会将会积极的架起桥梁作用, 将国内与国际靠拢接轨, 这也完合符合 ISA 的使命 (ISA Mission). 国内需要的不是学术论者, 而是有实战操作经验的行业模范; 需要懂得现场解决问题, 而不是天天 "文山会海"; 树艺人不能光讲不做, 不能攀树用锯写报告的, 算是什么类型的 "树艺师" 啊?
尊贵的会员们, 本分会叮囑你们去学好普通话, 学好攀树用锯写报告, 为未来的祖国树艺发展作出应有的贡献吧!
顾问树艺师号RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
"速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Attached is the latest report on an interview of the Station Manager (SM) on Tree Risk Management & ISA with the largest Green Newspaper in China called the China Gardening News (CGN). CGN has at least 20 million readers in China in landscaping alone, as well as in nursery production, wholesale & academic research. It is read by every Landscape Bureau in China, & can be regarded as what the west would call a "Party Newspaper". The SM has been contributing articles to CGN since 1994 on cold hardy palms & on ISA lately, & has an excellent relationship with them.
For those who don't read Chinese to understand the contents of the attachment in Mandarin, one way is to show it to a local Chinese restaurant for a casual translation. The name of the SM is "Au Wing Sum" in Cantonese, & "Our Yung Sen" in Mandarin.
Although the discussion was supposed to be on Tree Risk Management, the reporter has candidly brought on the many aspects of Tree Care in China. Such issues include the lack of knowledge for modern arboriculture, the refusal of the academics to accept international practices, & the attitudes of the municipal leaders to go after "instant effect" with mature trees in tree planting. The report was written in such a way unusual to the "united front" of most Party Newspapers. It has surfaced sensitive issues which may invite attacks.
The SM has already been actively involved with building the arboricultural profession in China for about 2 years already. From what the SM has seen, forcing what has been practiced in the western world into China strongly, would simply meet heavy resistance. This is because of the existing conditions from design, production, & supervision would not support contemporary ideas. In China, the word "harmony" ranks above all. Causing disturbance in the green industry in general, because of something recognized elsewhere & is said to be good, is not a valid reason enough to push an overall change. It has to be done in a smarter way to comply with realities.
Therefore, the SM has been proposing some kind of a National Arborist Association (NAA) for China, similar to those abroad. The Chinese experts would run it, with us giving advices on it. ISA would be the model for construction, & this NAA would build the industry under the consideration of their existing resources. NAA would produce their own credentials, with ISA credentials to be their ultimate goal.
There are very few Station Members of ISA HK/China who can communicate enough to deliver seminars & technical advice in Mandarin for China. A lot think they do, but would fall apart during a confrontation. The Chinese are pragmatic to see our experts to be well versed in not just the theory, but the actual practices of arboriculture such as tree climbing, chainsaw uses, presentations & report writing. Someone who talks all day but not be able to do it on site, would not be respected by them, because they have too many "experts" of this kind in China already. For our overseas experts to go into China, the language will be a huge barrier, as less than 0.5% of the China landscapers can speak understandable English. Translating technical practices will be a nightmare.
China now wants to move forward to meet the world in arboriculture. This complies with the ISA Mission. We need to help their 1.3 billion population & countless billions of trees in their 900 cities. Yet there is not even one single Certified Arborist in China at this moment. The opportunities there will be immense.
May the world help China to bring them into ISA, as they are already willing to accept us.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
ISA HK/China --- HKTCC 2011 (2011年 香港攀树锦标赛)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
2011年香港攀树锦标赛, 在赛事三天前突然改变场地, 加上碰上连续降雨, 在八十多名的工作人员努力奋战下, 如期在11 月 19 - 20 日的新场地里成功举办, 创造了另一项 '香港奇迹"。 ISA 总会派过来的总裁 Mr. James Skiera 先生在看毕全程后, 给予赛事高度评价。
是次比赛是历年来最多攀树手参与的一次, 包含新加坡、美国和澳洲的选手在内, 一共有33人。 五项赛果当中 (投掷袋、空中拯救、双绳脚锁、速度攀爬和工作攀爬), 每项都产生了冠、亚、季军, 而五项的总成绩达到某个水平之时, 赛员可以参加11月20日的 "大师赛". 是次 "大师赛" 一共有来自香港、美国和澳洲的男女选手合共9人参加, 却都是由香港选手夺得男女冠军。
附上的照片当中, 描绘了攀树者的纯真一面, 有苦有乐。 所有参与是次活动的人, 心里面只有一条, 就是要全心全意把赛事搞好; 虽然屡经波折, 依然克服困难, 这可能就是这次活动最感人之处。
但愿如此有意义的体育运动能够在中国地区发展起来, 造福社会百姓。
顾问树艺师号RCA#497 (
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Despite persistent rain & a sudden change of venue, the HK Tree Climbing Competition (HKTCC) has been successfully held on Nov 19 - 20, 2011 in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong. Mr. James Skiera, Executive Director of ISA, was kindly staying with the event full time for two days, & was impressed by the dedication & efficiency of the organizers & participants to successfully manage it.
Tree Climbers from the US, Australia & Singapore were joining the event. Some of the most candid moments of the HKTCC have been captured in the photos attached for public enjoyment. A photography contest was also held by a professional group to take the actions up & down the canopy. The competition ground has been jam packed with visitors from time to time, to witness the success of the event.
All the competitions were held to the rules of the International Tree Climbing Championship (ITCC), & this was the first time tree climbing in HK ran with such rules. The winners of the Master Challenge & other events have the right to represent HK to participate in the Asia Pacific Tree Climbing Championship (APTCC), & in the ITCC. The HKTCC is a qualifying event to select Tree Climbers from HK to enter international competition. To be in it, is the first step to meet the world.
Tree Climbing is an environmental friendly sport, healthy to the body & mind, & builds conservation concept by action. It is safe for recreational purpose under trained hands, & it opens up a career to young people who prefers strenuous adventure aloft, while contributing to the society.
Looking forward to this healthy sport developing fast in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China soonest.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
ISA HK/China --- HKTCC 2011 香港树木攀爬锦标赛 2011
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members & TCHK Members,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that the HK Tree Climbing Championship 2011 (HKTCC) is to be held as follows:
Date: November 19 - 20, 2011
Venue: Eurasian Garden, 22B, Kam Tsin Road, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong.
Time: 9 am - 5 pm
Attendance is free & everybody welcomed.
Hoping to see you all there.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
香港树木攀爬锦标赛, 将会于以下时间地点举行:
日期: 2011年11月19 - 20 日
地点: 香港上水金錢村金錢路22B歐亞園藝
时间: 9 am - 5 pm
入场费全免, 欢迎参观支持 .
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members & TCHK Members,
ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that the HK Tree Climbing Championship 2011 (HKTCC) is to be held as follows:
Date: November 19 - 20, 2011
Venue: Eurasian Garden, 22B, Kam Tsin Road, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong.
Time: 9 am - 5 pm
Attendance is free & everybody welcomed.
Hoping to see you all there.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
香港树木攀爬锦标赛, 将会于以下时间地点举行:
日期: 2011年11月19 - 20 日
地点: 香港上水金錢村金錢路22B歐亞園藝
时间: 9 am - 5 pm
入场费全免, 欢迎参观支持 .
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
ISA HK/China --- 2011 China National Conference of Nurssery Products 2011 中国苗交会
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (
zh-CN), 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
在2011年10月中旬, 国际树木学会 中国地区分会有幸获邀参加位于浙江省金华市举办的 “2011中国苗木交易会” (苗交会). 是次盛会, 集中了全国最大最优秀的苗木生产商和园林工作者, 也是本分会首次离开广东, 到华中地区推介 ISA 的树艺知识.
本分会长在研讨论坛上发表了三小时的 “园林苗木栽培与管理如何与国际接轨” 的议题, 台下的高级园林工程师、研究员、农艺师们从怀疑、好奇、平淡的始端态度, 走进积极、追查和相信的末端态度. 从会场内的手机不响, 没人睡觉和三小时的全神贯注, 本分会长感觉到台下听众的反应是积极呤听, 小心求证, 跟以往本分会在华南地区所给的讲座差不多.
树艺知识对华中地区的园林从业员来说是崭新的领域. 以前, 他们顶多是看过听过国外的景观设计, 但对正当的树木护理, 从育苗、选种、设计、栽种、修剪、护理、检查、风险评估、工地保护和法律责任咨询方面,可说仍然是仃留在西方国家的六十、七十年代的知识, 当他们在国外看到优质的大树种植之时, 也不了解有树艺师这个专业存在, 这也是此次交流的最大得益之处.
眼看金华城区里的城市树木种植, 很多都犯上了香港七十年代起的错误: 小树洞里种大树; 使用 “去顶树”; 树底下种满其他小花等等. 基本概念仍是 “贪多求大”; 树根是往深里长; 和 “不死就是好货” 这种态度. 目前的做法是与 “陪了夫人又折兵” 无疑, 也为日后制造大量的 “危险树” 定下了基础. 这种观念在国内要改变, 要追上, 恐怕还需要漫长旅程.
“苗交会” 本来就是做买卖的, 但本分会长也引导听众们眼光要扩阔放长, 才能长期赚大钱. 比如说, 做苗木买卖大部份是一次性的生意, 卖了又不知道何时有返单; 投资大、风险高; 冬天又有农闲季节. 假如学会了正当的树艺技术, 可以把一部份的劳动力放上城市树木护理上面, 市区树木是不能不理的, 在每个季节都有忙碌的工种, 而冬季农闲则是树木修剪搬移的最好时机, 城区树木的风险评估也应该全年进行.
可以看到, 树艺行业在国内的发展空间巨大, 能创造就业, 促进社会繁荣稳定, 给市民种好大树茂林, 为城市增值.
可能国内目前最急需的, 是要为树艺行业培训人才, 也切勿 “找外行来领导内行”; 树艺行业的领导者就是树艺师, 国际上并没有其他行业能够代替. ISA 是世界上最大和最有历史的园林树木护理机构, 它在树艺行业的研究和教育能力, 目前没有单一国家或且任何绿化组织能予以相比, ISA 可以在这方面为我国作出贡献.
从现在开始, 本分会将积极接受国内邀请, 把正当的树艺知识向国人传播, 造福社会.
顾问树艺师号RCA#497 (
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“速成出来的树木评估员,只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。”
Dear Station Members,
It is the pleasure of ISA HK/China to be invited to speak at the 2011 National Conference of Nursery Products in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province in October 2011. It was also the first time that ISA was heard in Central China.
This conference has gathered all the biggest nurseries & landscapers from all around China. It was well advertised & well attended by hundreds of thousands of visitors. From the business cards so collected by the Station Manager (SM), nearly every region of China was represented there. It has been a very successful event.
The SM has delivered a 3 hour talk in “Tree Planting & Tree Pruning to ISA Best Management Practices”. It was very well received. In fact, the audience was so zealous that even at 5 pm when the lecture room was to be shut down by the security staff, the audience were still crowding around the SM for questions & photos. It was not until the securities turned off some of the lights that the audience would let go. It can be called a complete success.
Tree Planting in China right now is following the outdated practices of the third world with topped trees, miniaturized tree pit & dense packing. ISA knowledge fell upon them like something from outer space, yet the knowledge itself is nothing difficult. When the SM explained the facts to the audience with simple terms & photo depiction (in Mandarin off course), hardly any attendee would raise the hand to object. ISA knowledge is not ocean deep. It’s just that they have not heard it before. Now the Chinese audiences want more.
Dozens of Station Membership has been collected in this visit, & the SM has encouraged the new entries to spread the word for us. Comparing to HK, nearly every new Station Member from China is at least a degree holder. Many are researchers & Senior Landscape Engineers. These new members will make an impact for us in China in future.
ISA will no doubt spread into China. This is a social need for the China cities. Trees can be Time Bombs if not looked after well. Mother Nature always makes the Rules.
Now ISA HK/China awaits for more opportunities to promote ISA Arboriculture into China. This will be good to the Chinese societies & all the citizens there with better & safer trees. ISA will improve the quality of living for our brothers & sisters, with our tremendous research & education abilities. It will be good for all at the end.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
zh-CN), 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
在2011年10月中旬, 国际树木学会 中国地区分会有幸获邀参加位于浙江省金华市举办的 “2011中国苗木交易会” (苗交会). 是次盛会, 集中了全国最大最优秀的苗木生产商和园林工作者, 也是本分会首次离开广东, 到华中地区推介 ISA 的树艺知识.
本分会长在研讨论坛上发表了三小时的 “园林苗木栽培与管理如何与国际接轨” 的议题, 台下的高级园林工程师、研究员、农艺师们从怀疑、好奇、平淡的始端态度, 走进积极、追查和相信的末端态度. 从会场内的手机不响, 没人睡觉和三小时的全神贯注, 本分会长感觉到台下听众的反应是积极呤听, 小心求证, 跟以往本分会在华南地区所给的讲座差不多.
树艺知识对华中地区的园林从业员来说是崭新的领域. 以前, 他们顶多是看过听过国外的景观设计, 但对正当的树木护理, 从育苗、选种、设计、栽种、修剪、护理、检查、风险评估、工地保护和法律责任咨询方面,可说仍然是仃留在西方国家的六十、七十年代的知识, 当他们在国外看到优质的大树种植之时, 也不了解有树艺师这个专业存在, 这也是此次交流的最大得益之处.
眼看金华城区里的城市树木种植, 很多都犯上了香港七十年代起的错误: 小树洞里种大树; 使用 “去顶树”; 树底下种满其他小花等等. 基本概念仍是 “贪多求大”; 树根是往深里长; 和 “不死就是好货” 这种态度. 目前的做法是与 “陪了夫人又折兵” 无疑, 也为日后制造大量的 “危险树” 定下了基础. 这种观念在国内要改变, 要追上, 恐怕还需要漫长旅程.
“苗交会” 本来就是做买卖的, 但本分会长也引导听众们眼光要扩阔放长, 才能长期赚大钱. 比如说, 做苗木买卖大部份是一次性的生意, 卖了又不知道何时有返单; 投资大、风险高; 冬天又有农闲季节. 假如学会了正当的树艺技术, 可以把一部份的劳动力放上城市树木护理上面, 市区树木是不能不理的, 在每个季节都有忙碌的工种, 而冬季农闲则是树木修剪搬移的最好时机, 城区树木的风险评估也应该全年进行.
可以看到, 树艺行业在国内的发展空间巨大, 能创造就业, 促进社会繁荣稳定, 给市民种好大树茂林, 为城市增值.
可能国内目前最急需的, 是要为树艺行业培训人才, 也切勿 “找外行来领导内行”; 树艺行业的领导者就是树艺师, 国际上并没有其他行业能够代替. ISA 是世界上最大和最有历史的园林树木护理机构, 它在树艺行业的研究和教育能力, 目前没有单一国家或且任何绿化组织能予以相比, ISA 可以在这方面为我国作出贡献.
从现在开始, 本分会将积极接受国内邀请, 把正当的树艺知识向国人传播, 造福社会.
顾问树艺师号RCA#497 (
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
“速成出来的树木评估员,只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。”
Dear Station Members,
It is the pleasure of ISA HK/China to be invited to speak at the 2011 National Conference of Nursery Products in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province in October 2011. It was also the first time that ISA was heard in Central China.
This conference has gathered all the biggest nurseries & landscapers from all around China. It was well advertised & well attended by hundreds of thousands of visitors. From the business cards so collected by the Station Manager (SM), nearly every region of China was represented there. It has been a very successful event.
The SM has delivered a 3 hour talk in “Tree Planting & Tree Pruning to ISA Best Management Practices”. It was very well received. In fact, the audience was so zealous that even at 5 pm when the lecture room was to be shut down by the security staff, the audience were still crowding around the SM for questions & photos. It was not until the securities turned off some of the lights that the audience would let go. It can be called a complete success.
Tree Planting in China right now is following the outdated practices of the third world with topped trees, miniaturized tree pit & dense packing. ISA knowledge fell upon them like something from outer space, yet the knowledge itself is nothing difficult. When the SM explained the facts to the audience with simple terms & photo depiction (in Mandarin off course), hardly any attendee would raise the hand to object. ISA knowledge is not ocean deep. It’s just that they have not heard it before. Now the Chinese audiences want more.
Dozens of Station Membership has been collected in this visit, & the SM has encouraged the new entries to spread the word for us. Comparing to HK, nearly every new Station Member from China is at least a degree holder. Many are researchers & Senior Landscape Engineers. These new members will make an impact for us in China in future.
ISA will no doubt spread into China. This is a social need for the China cities. Trees can be Time Bombs if not looked after well. Mother Nature always makes the Rules.
Now ISA HK/China awaits for more opportunities to promote ISA Arboriculture into China. This will be good to the Chinese societies & all the citizens there with better & safer trees. ISA will improve the quality of living for our brothers & sisters, with our tremendous research & education abilities. It will be good for all at the end.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Monday, October 17, 2011
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Typhoon Nesat passing through HK 台风 "纳沙" 给香港树木的影响)
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 (, 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The typhoon "Nesat" took HK by surprise on Sep 29, 2011. It is rather unusual that HK would get a typhoon signal no. 8 in the end of September, way passed the Mid-Autumn Festival. For more information on the wind effects of the HK Typhoon warning system, please go to .
At typhoon signal no. 8, the wind speed is estimated to be around 63 - 117 kmh. If struck directly with this wind speed face-on, ISA research has shown that even healthy branches can break. However, since HK is a hilly country & trees are located in many different places, some may get the wind upfront, & others sheltered by the landscape. ISA research has shown that if the right tree is planted in the right place , & is given the proper maintenance (including Structural Pruning), this tree can resist wind better & is safer. For those species poorly selected with brittle wood, planted in a 1m x 1m tree pit surrounded by concrete, with a big crown without Structural Pruning; in typhoon, it is always Mother Nature makes the rules for them.
A newspaper report below has given a count of 400+ Tree Failures during the Typhoon Nesat.
Additional information on the same Tree Failures can be found at:
As Nesat is the only typhoon reaching signal no. 8 in the year of 2011, & it is not considered to be a very strong typhoon, while there can be 400+ Tree Failures as a result of it, questions may be raised on how safe our urban trees really are, after rounds of Tree Risk Assessments (TRA) after 2008. Numerous "dangerous" trees have already been cut down, as a result of the recent TRA. Does it mean that we have to cut down even more trees to keep the Tree Failure incidents even lower? Or is there other consideration?
It is possible that the higher authorities may wish to review why so many Tree Failures could still happen, even though many TRAs are given. Would this be from looking at past design, tree selection, tree installation, regular inspection, etc.? Would Arborists be required to be involved from the design stage & sign off proposals to take up the liabilities, like in western countries?
The next stronger typhoon in 2012 may help to consolidate some of the above answers.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 ( )
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT ( )
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 ( )
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
在2011年09月29日,一个毫无予见的台风 “纳沙” 突然吹袭香港。在香港来说,中秋节之后的九月底,台风的出现是相当不寻常的。有关香港台风系统,可参照以下网上连结: .
在8 号台风信号下,风速估计为每小时63 - 117公里。ISA的研究显示,如果直接面对如此高速的风吹,算是健康的枝干也有可能折断。香港的地形多山多变,树木生长在不同的地方,有树木身处当风位置,有些却被周围的环境所庇护。ISA的研究已经表明,在合适的地点种植适当的树种, 并给予适当的保养(包括结构性修剪),树木能更好的抵御强风和更安全。在台风吹袭下,种上木质脆的品种,种在只有一米平方的树洞,或容许树冠过大而不作修剪等等, 都是树木倒塌事故的原因。大自然始终会决定成败。
在以下的报导,台风纳沙曾做成超过400多起的树木倒塌事故; 其他的塌树事件可在以下的连结找到:
“纳沙” 是2011年唯一达到八号信号的台风, 虽然它并未归类为强台风,但它却导致超过400多起树木倒塌事故。有人会问,经过多轮树木风险评估之后,无数的“构成危险”的树木已被移除,为何仍然有这么多的塌树事故发生? 这是否意味着我们必须移除更多树木,以减少树木倒塌事故?
有关当局可能须要检讨一下为何在进行多次树木风险评估后, 塌树仍然频繁? 这会否和以往的园境设计、选种、树木种植或定期检查等有关呢? 树艺师是否应该像西方国家一样,在树木的设计阶段就已经参与设计队伍,并在计划书上签署和负上一定责任呢?
在2012年,下一个较强的台风来临之后, 可能会带来一些答案。
国际树木学会 中国地区分会 会长
顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 ( )
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT ( )
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 ( )
(以上由莊俊榮 注册树艺师 /市政树艺师号 HK-0009AM 翻绎。一切内容以英文版本为准。)
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
The typhoon "Nesat" took HK by surprise on Sep 29, 2011. It is rather unusual that HK would get a typhoon signal no. 8 in the end of September, way passed the Mid-Autumn Festival. For more information on the wind effects of the HK Typhoon warning system, please go to .
At typhoon signal no. 8, the wind speed is estimated to be around 63 - 117 kmh. If struck directly with this wind speed face-on, ISA research has shown that even healthy branches can break. However, since HK is a hilly country & trees are located in many different places, some may get the wind upfront, & others sheltered by the landscape. ISA research has shown that if the right tree is planted in the right place , & is given the proper maintenance (including Structural Pruning), this tree can resist wind better & is safer. For those species poorly selected with brittle wood, planted in a 1m x 1m tree pit surrounded by concrete, with a big crown without Structural Pruning; in typhoon, it is always Mother Nature makes the rules for them.
A newspaper report below has given a count of 400+ Tree Failures during the Typhoon Nesat.
Additional information on the same Tree Failures can be found at:
As Nesat is the only typhoon reaching signal no. 8 in the year of 2011, & it is not considered to be a very strong typhoon, while there can be 400+ Tree Failures as a result of it, questions may be raised on how safe our urban trees really are, after rounds of Tree Risk Assessments (TRA) after 2008. Numerous "dangerous" trees have already been cut down, as a result of the recent TRA. Does it mean that we have to cut down even more trees to keep the Tree Failure incidents even lower? Or is there other consideration?
It is possible that the higher authorities may wish to review why so many Tree Failures could still happen, even though many TRAs are given. Would this be from looking at past design, tree selection, tree installation, regular inspection, etc.? Would Arborists be required to be involved from the design stage & sign off proposals to take up the liabilities, like in western countries?
The next stronger typhoon in 2012 may help to consolidate some of the above answers.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 ( )
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT ( )
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 ( )
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
在2011年09月29日,一个毫无予见的台风 “纳沙” 突然吹袭香港。在香港来说,中秋节之后的九月底,台风的出现是相当不寻常的。有关香港台风系统,可参照以下网上连结: .
在8 号台风信号下,风速估计为每小时63 - 117公里。ISA的研究显示,如果直接面对如此高速的风吹,算是健康的枝干也有可能折断。香港的地形多山多变,树木生长在不同的地方,有树木身处当风位置,有些却被周围的环境所庇护。ISA的研究已经表明,在合适的地点种植适当的树种, 并给予适当的保养(包括结构性修剪),树木能更好的抵御强风和更安全。在台风吹袭下,种上木质脆的品种,种在只有一米平方的树洞,或容许树冠过大而不作修剪等等, 都是树木倒塌事故的原因。大自然始终会决定成败。
在以下的报导,台风纳沙曾做成超过400多起的树木倒塌事故; 其他的塌树事件可在以下的连结找到:
“纳沙” 是2011年唯一达到八号信号的台风, 虽然它并未归类为强台风,但它却导致超过400多起树木倒塌事故。有人会问,经过多轮树木风险评估之后,无数的“构成危险”的树木已被移除,为何仍然有这么多的塌树事故发生? 这是否意味着我们必须移除更多树木,以减少树木倒塌事故?
有关当局可能须要检讨一下为何在进行多次树木风险评估后, 塌树仍然频繁? 这会否和以往的园境设计、选种、树木种植或定期检查等有关呢? 树艺师是否应该像西方国家一样,在树木的设计阶段就已经参与设计队伍,并在计划书上签署和负上一定责任呢?
在2012年,下一个较强的台风来临之后, 可能会带来一些答案。
国际树木学会 中国地区分会 会长
顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 ( )
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT ( )
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 ( )
(以上由莊俊榮 注册树艺师 /市政树艺师号 HK-0009AM 翻绎。一切内容以英文版本为准。)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
ISA HK/China --- Guidance of the Labour Dept of the HKSAR Govt on Tree Work with Ropes & Hardnesess (香港特区政府 劳工署 对 使用绳索攀树工作 的指引)
This is an important message for our Tree Workers. Please read it carefully!!! 对树艺工作者, 本文是重要信息, 请细阅!!!
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 ( , 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Further to our Station Mail of 14.9.2011 challenging Tree Work without ropes & harnesses, but with ladders & lifting platforms alone, the matter has gone all the way to the Chief Secretary Office in the HKSAR Govt. Through their help, we have obtained a reply form the Labour Dept on 29.9.2011 of below:
----- Original Message -----
To: Sammy Au
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: ISA HK/China --- Tree Work without Ropes & harnesses
Dear Mr. Sammy AU,
Thank you for your email of 14 September 2011 addressed to the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office concerning tree work safety, and your further email of 21 September 2011 on the same subject.
The Labour Department is highly concerned about the work-at-height safety of workers. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Cap. 509), contractors or employers (including those undertaking tree work) shall provide and maintain a safe system of work to ensure the safety and health at work of their employees. Where any work at height is involved, the contractor or employer shall, among others, conduct a pre-work risk assessment by a competent person to identify and evaluate risks involved and determine the most suitable, and safe, work method for the job. A
specific method statement for the work should be prepared and properly documented.
In determining the work method, the following hierarchy of control measures should be adopted -
Work on or from ground and avoid working at height wherever possible.
Where work cannot be safely done on or from ground, use elevating work platforms or suitable scaffolds as safe means of access and support for the work.
Where use of elevating work platforms or scaffolds is not practicable, use of rope access or other work positioning techniques may be considered.
If you have any further questions on the matter, please feel free to
contact me at 2852 4960.
Yours sincerely,
NG Ho-wang
for Commissioner for Labour
We are truly grateful for the help of the Chief Secretary Office for their interest & re-direction of our enquiry to the Labour Dept. On the same hand, the Labour Dept has given a clear indication for allowing Rope Access (i.e. tree climbing with ropes & harnesses), in the event that lifting platforms or scaffolds are impractical. This is an important milestone for the development of tree climbing in HK.
As for the "competent person" who would perform the "pre-work risk assessment", ISA HK/China has recommended our Certified Arborist, or even better, our Certified Tree Worker ( to the Labour Dept & the Chief Secretary Office as the qualified personnel due to their training & testing. After all, would an ordinary Safety Officer of construction background be willing to bear the risk for conducting such assessment, while he has no experience in using ropes & harnesses to carry out tree work aloft? This is a matter of experience & knowledge, & the right personnel is required for the job.
ISA HK/China has been supplying good information on Tree Care & Tree Management to the Chief Secretary Office & the Chief Executive Office for some years by now. We are always grateful for their help in our development. This event is yet another example that both Offices are working for the good of all of HK, not just for a profession or for a Dept. Our Station Members should support both Offices in their work as ISA HK/China does all the time.
We wish to thank again the HKSAR Govt for this excellent guidance & clarification on our daily Tree Work. ISA HK/China now looks forward to producing more qualified Tree Workers to serve our territory all the time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
继本分会在2011年9月14日的会员通讯里, 质疑树木工作只能采用梯架和升降工作台, 而不能使用绳索和攀树腰带的说法, 本分会将事件提升到香港特区政府政务司办公室里作出反映。 经过他们的热心协助, 本分会在9月24日得到香港政府劳工署的回复, 现将原文节录如下:
“ 欧先生:
多谢你2011年9月14日给政务司司长的电邮, 关乎于树木工作的安全问题, 和9月21日再传达给我们有关同一题目的电邮。
劳工处对工人高空工作的安全问题至为关注。 根据香港法例第509章的职业安全及健康条例, 承办商或雇主(包括树木工作行业) 需要提供及维持一个安全的工作系统, 以确保其雇员的工作安全和健康。 任何涉及高空工作, 承办商或雇主除了要注意其它事项外, 还需要委聘一名 “合资格人仕”, 来进行一项工作前期的风险评估, 去识别和估计可能涉及的风险, 然后制定有关合适而又安全的工作方法。 同时具体的工作方法必须刊利用书面编制及记录在案。 在确定工作方法时, 应采取以下控制措施层次:
>工作尽量在地面进行; 如有可能, 应避免高空作业。
>当工作不能在地面进行时, 应使用升降台或棚架作为一个安全工作落脚点及支撑点。
>当升降台或棚架不适用时, 可以考虑使用绳索及其它工作定位技术。
有关此事宜, 如你尚有其它疑问, 可随时拨2852 4960, 致电给我。
(吴豪宏代行) “
我们十分感激政务司办公室对事件的关注和将我们的查询转介给劳工处, 而后者又能给予我们明确的指导: 在升降台或棚架不适用时, 可以使用绳索及保护带。 这对攀树工作在香港的发展作出一个重要的里程碑。
有关工作前期的风险评估 “合资格人仕”的人选问题, 本分会向劳工处及政务司司长办公室推荐 “注册树艺师”, 或是更加合适的 “注册攀树师”(, 因为他们都受过训练和考核。 毕竟是, 一个没有使用过绳索及攀树腰带, 来进行高空树木工作的建造业 “安全主任”, 会否愿意承担这份评估工作的风险? 这是一个工作经验及实质知识的问题。 选择恰当的人选是必需的。
多年来, 本分会已向政务司办公室及特首办公室提供不少有关树木护理及管理的理据, 我们也十分感谢他们对 ISA 发展的全力协助。 这也是证明他们乐意为全香港的福祉而努力, 而不是专为某一个行业或某一个部门单一着想。 本分会会员应与本分会一样, 努力支持他们的工作。
顾问树艺师号RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
(以上由霍健, 香港注册房屋经理R.P.H.M.-119翻译。 一切内容以英文版本为准。 )
国内朋友请使用翻译软件阅读本文 ( , 亦可查閱 "百度博客" ( ) 以取得本文翻绎本和其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。如有查询, 请电邮至 。
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at in English, although images are usually not attached due to size. ***
Dear Station Members,
Further to our Station Mail of 14.9.2011 challenging Tree Work without ropes & harnesses, but with ladders & lifting platforms alone, the matter has gone all the way to the Chief Secretary Office in the HKSAR Govt. Through their help, we have obtained a reply form the Labour Dept on 29.9.2011 of below:
----- Original Message -----
To: Sammy Au
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: ISA HK/China --- Tree Work without Ropes & harnesses
Dear Mr. Sammy AU,
Thank you for your email of 14 September 2011 addressed to the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office concerning tree work safety, and your further email of 21 September 2011 on the same subject.
The Labour Department is highly concerned about the work-at-height safety of workers. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Cap. 509), contractors or employers (including those undertaking tree work) shall provide and maintain a safe system of work to ensure the safety and health at work of their employees. Where any work at height is involved, the contractor or employer shall, among others, conduct a pre-work risk assessment by a competent person to identify and evaluate risks involved and determine the most suitable, and safe, work method for the job. A
specific method statement for the work should be prepared and properly documented.
In determining the work method, the following hierarchy of control measures should be adopted -
Work on or from ground and avoid working at height wherever possible.
Where work cannot be safely done on or from ground, use elevating work platforms or suitable scaffolds as safe means of access and support for the work.
Where use of elevating work platforms or scaffolds is not practicable, use of rope access or other work positioning techniques may be considered.
If you have any further questions on the matter, please feel free to
contact me at 2852 4960.
Yours sincerely,
NG Ho-wang
for Commissioner for Labour
We are truly grateful for the help of the Chief Secretary Office for their interest & re-direction of our enquiry to the Labour Dept. On the same hand, the Labour Dept has given a clear indication for allowing Rope Access (i.e. tree climbing with ropes & harnesses), in the event that lifting platforms or scaffolds are impractical. This is an important milestone for the development of tree climbing in HK.
As for the "competent person" who would perform the "pre-work risk assessment", ISA HK/China has recommended our Certified Arborist, or even better, our Certified Tree Worker ( to the Labour Dept & the Chief Secretary Office as the qualified personnel due to their training & testing. After all, would an ordinary Safety Officer of construction background be willing to bear the risk for conducting such assessment, while he has no experience in using ropes & harnesses to carry out tree work aloft? This is a matter of experience & knowledge, & the right personnel is required for the job.
ISA HK/China has been supplying good information on Tree Care & Tree Management to the Chief Secretary Office & the Chief Executive Office for some years by now. We are always grateful for their help in our development. This event is yet another example that both Offices are working for the good of all of HK, not just for a profession or for a Dept. Our Station Members should support both Offices in their work as ISA HK/China does all the time.
We wish to thank again the HKSAR Govt for this excellent guidance & clarification on our daily Tree Work. ISA HK/China now looks forward to producing more qualified Tree Workers to serve our territory all the time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
继本分会在2011年9月14日的会员通讯里, 质疑树木工作只能采用梯架和升降工作台, 而不能使用绳索和攀树腰带的说法, 本分会将事件提升到香港特区政府政务司办公室里作出反映。 经过他们的热心协助, 本分会在9月24日得到香港政府劳工署的回复, 现将原文节录如下:
“ 欧先生:
多谢你2011年9月14日给政务司司长的电邮, 关乎于树木工作的安全问题, 和9月21日再传达给我们有关同一题目的电邮。
劳工处对工人高空工作的安全问题至为关注。 根据香港法例第509章的职业安全及健康条例, 承办商或雇主(包括树木工作行业) 需要提供及维持一个安全的工作系统, 以确保其雇员的工作安全和健康。 任何涉及高空工作, 承办商或雇主除了要注意其它事项外, 还需要委聘一名 “合资格人仕”, 来进行一项工作前期的风险评估, 去识别和估计可能涉及的风险, 然后制定有关合适而又安全的工作方法。 同时具体的工作方法必须刊利用书面编制及记录在案。 在确定工作方法时, 应采取以下控制措施层次:
>工作尽量在地面进行; 如有可能, 应避免高空作业。
>当工作不能在地面进行时, 应使用升降台或棚架作为一个安全工作落脚点及支撑点。
>当升降台或棚架不适用时, 可以考虑使用绳索及其它工作定位技术。
有关此事宜, 如你尚有其它疑问, 可随时拨2852 4960, 致电给我。
(吴豪宏代行) “
我们十分感激政务司办公室对事件的关注和将我们的查询转介给劳工处, 而后者又能给予我们明确的指导: 在升降台或棚架不适用时, 可以使用绳索及保护带。 这对攀树工作在香港的发展作出一个重要的里程碑。
有关工作前期的风险评估 “合资格人仕”的人选问题, 本分会向劳工处及政务司司长办公室推荐 “注册树艺师”, 或是更加合适的 “注册攀树师”(, 因为他们都受过训练和考核。 毕竟是, 一个没有使用过绳索及攀树腰带, 来进行高空树木工作的建造业 “安全主任”, 会否愿意承担这份评估工作的风险? 这是一个工作经验及实质知识的问题。 选择恰当的人选是必需的。
多年来, 本分会已向政务司办公室及特首办公室提供不少有关树木护理及管理的理据, 我们也十分感谢他们对 ISA 发展的全力协助。 这也是证明他们乐意为全香港的福祉而努力, 而不是专为某一个行业或某一个部门单一着想。 本分会会员应与本分会一样, 努力支持他们的工作。
顾问树艺师号RAC#497 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号IPA-010908 (
“不深入诊断和参照研究来批出处方, 是专业失当。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只会作出胡乱的树木评估。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
(以上由霍健, 香港注册房屋经理R.P.H.M.-119翻译。 一切内容以英文版本为准。 )
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