尊敬的客戶, ISA HK/China 和 TCHK 的会员们:
本分会长欧永森, 将会在 2012年 12月 20 - 29日期间, 离开香港前往台湾, 作为 "台湾樹木医疗中心" (政府全资拥有) 开幕典礼的嘉宾讲者, 和开始训练全台湾政府部门派出的60位博士和教授公务员, 有关基礎樹艺知识。 在台期间, 歐先生也会接触台湾的攀树人员, 來评估他们报考攀樹师牌照的能力。 我们相信, 在这次拜访和训练以后, 台湾的樹艺行业将会很快发展起來。
如在上述时段需要寻找歐先生的话 (因公务、访问、考试 、训练、海外联系、法律咨询、树木攀爬等等), 请以电邮、短讯、电话留言等方式敬作联系。 欧先生在台湾时候将会购买当地的手机号码, 但因工作关係不一定会全天候开机。
在离港期间, 本分会的周讯将会暂仃服务,敬请留意。
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
Dear Respected Clients & Station Members ,
Please be kindly informed that the undersigned will be flying away from HK on an important trip to Taiwan from Dec 20 - 29, 2012 inclusive. He will attend the Inauguration Ceremony of the Taiwan Tree Doctor Association (wholly owned & run by the Taiwanese Govt) as the Guest of Honour, & conduct training in Fundamental Arboriculture to a group of 60 PhD & Professors from various Taiwanese Govt Depts. He will also meet several Taiwanese Tree Climbing Groups to assess the possibility of starting the Certified Tree Worker credential there. It is anticipated that the Arborist Profession will begin after this visit & this time, it will start up in a proper manner with little resistance in Taiwan.
For anyone wanting to catch the undersigned for anything (projects, consultation, media interview, exam, training, research, conferences, tree climbing, overseas liaison, legal advice, tree news, TCHK, etc.) , please kindly contact him before his departure, or upon his return. During his stay in Taiwan, it is best to reach the undersigned by email. He will be using a local mobile no. for which he will buy upon arrival.
ISA HK/China weekly Station Mail will be suspended during the above-mentioned period. A report of the events will be issued shortly upon the return of the undersigned to HK .
Thank you all for your kind attention & understanding.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Tree Climbing) 康樂攀爬 挑戰《人在野》
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
下面看到的是近期一辑有关本分会攀树的报导, 本來可以用超连结方式送上, 但又考虑到国内的情況可能报导会被 "和谐" 掉, 所以把全文刊出來, 以便两岸四地的会员都可以看到。
本分会从 2005 年到今, 已经被香港、国内和新加坡的传煤访问过两百次以上。 除了新加坡媒体是采用英语, 其他的包括香港的西方报刊, 都是采用中文來作访问。 有趣的是, 从來没有媒体关心过本分会的架构和组织, 也可以说他们对这方面, 是完成没有兴趣。 很多时候, 本分会的12个字长的名称, 干脆被简化成为 "樹木专家", 因为如此做法, 媒体也就省略编幅了, 而我们也不介意。
媒体有兴翅采访的, 往往是我们的专业知识, 和对某些樹木事件的判断能力, 对此我方也就不能拖拖拉拉, 要冲口而出讲上正确答案, 因为本地媒体的工作量大, 时间又少, 根本就不能等。 好像下面的报导, 从第一个电话到见稿为止, 全部只用了三个礼拜的时间, 可见传媒这口饭也不容易吃。
本分会与传媒之间的关係可说是如鱼得水, 我方供应活泼生动的知识經验给读者, 媒体由此得到了群众支持, 可谓双得益彰。 由于我方乐意与传媒合作, 媒体也就愿意报导我们。 从 2005 年至今, 从來没有一篇对本分会有过负面的报导出现过, 在这方面本分会是非常感谢各媒体的大力支持。
本分会将会继往开來, 百尺竿头, 为各会员的福祉和樹艺行业的成功不仃努力 !
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html )
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html )
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html )
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html )
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
Attached is yet another report, this time on tree climbing by the largest newspaper of HK which has a 2.5 million + copies per day, on ISA HK/China. ISA HK/China in average is interviewed bi-weekly by a media group in HK or China from 2005 to now. We are one of the most popular Green Group in our territory.
Note the young lady in the photos are not wearing proper PPE in tree climbing. She was a model brought in by the newspaper & they specifically asked to show her pretty face. After all, she only went up 2 m from ground highest, with the Station Manager (SM) cushioning her underneath just in case. The newspaper regarded this to invite a warmer welcome by the readers, although this should not be regarded as a proper practice.
ISA HK/China has been immensely popular among the media in HK & China. How the SM has analyzed it would be that we can meet the requirements of the media in giving them what they want, without sacrificing our professional image & principles. The media are not interested in our organization & structure in general. In fact, it has never been asked, because that would be regarded as self-promotion. They are not even interested in how we are called. Many a times, the name of the SM would just come out as "Tree Expert". However, they are interested to learn exciting stories, working experience, personal achievement & professional comments of tree affairs, e.g. Lam Tsuen fatal tree failure. They would ask technical judgment & problem solving skills. One would need to be a genuine expert in the field to satisfy their needs.
For any interview to touch on tree climbing, the SM would need to climb on the spot almost without exception. The media would photograph the techniques & ask on the equipment. There are times that the SM would need to dangle up high for minutes just for a few of their professional shots. Chainsaw cutting is also frequently demonstrated.
The media do have a deadline to meet for their work. In HK, this is usually very short. For example, the story below from the first call to the final appearance on newspaper, took only three weeks. The SM would usually answer media calls from 6 pm top midnight during times of an impacting tree event, because the time for submission of the media would be before 1am in the morning to go out for printing. Media production in HK is highly efficient indeed.
ISA HK/China does not put up all our media reports in Station Mail, because some of them are just repetitive. However, with the help of the media, ISA HK/China is gradually becoming a household name, for the Arborist Profession & Tree Climbing. We intend to work hand in hand with the media for mutual benefits. We'll give them good stories without infringing our professionalism.
Such is our direction & we shall carry on our course. May it benefit all at the end.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
康樂攀爬 挑戰《人在野》
小記每逢星期三晚都唔逛夜街,點解?因為 要追睇《人在野》(Man Vs. Wild)。每集主角Bear深入不毛,表演絕地求生真人騷,見佢手腳並用抱樹幹、爬藤蔓,真係一步一驚心。講起求生,攀樹確實係其中一項必學技巧,而香 港樹木學會便有專人教授康樂攀爬(Recreational Tree Climbing),一嘗猶如《人在野》主角般挑戰大自然!
「《人在野》主角Bear擅長徒手爬來 爬去,但真正的攀爬運動必須加入輔助工具。」香港樹木學會會長歐永森(Sammy)指出,徒手爬樹只限於直上直落,如果沒有利用繩結 製造支點,是無法於樹上橫向移動。他續道:「基本攀爬運動講求三大重點,第一是透過引繩上樹尋找設置支點的樹椏。接着是利用連接結將 身體穩固綁緊繩扣,以及靠摩擦結令身體在繩上移動。最後要熟習身體推進法(Body Thrust),攀爬時躺臥身體、雙腳穩定樹身,同時一下一下拉動繩子令自己往上升。」
第1步 檢查樹木
攀樹前首先要檢查樹木有否枯、老、病、 死,同時觀察樹椏有否蜂巢等。
引繩上樹的技巧在於將投擲包,以鐘擺方式拋上目標樹椏來 製造支點。
第2步 引繩上樹
引繩上樹的技巧在於將投擲包,以鐘擺方 式拋上目標樹椏來製造支點。
身體推進法:攀樹時躺臥身體,同時腰臀發力及雙手向上拉 動繩子。
雙繩腳鎖法:重點在於雙腳繞繩子作踏點,手腳並用盤繩向 上。
安全坐帶:主要承托腰部及臀部,兩側及背部繫有攀爬繩、 安全短繩及分叉繩,方便作上落用途。
第3步 攀爬樹幹
身體推進法:攀樹時躺臥身體,同時腰臀 發力及雙手向上拉動繩子。
安全鋼扣:爬樹鋼扣必須是保險鎖式並能自動關閉,鋼扣使 用時虎口位必須成相反方向,防止誤開。
安全帽及護目鏡:攀爬時可避免枝葉、樹皮、昆蟲等雜物撞 傷頭部或掉進眼睛。
手鋸:無論職業攀爬或康樂攀爬都必須佩戴,但多於職業攀 爬時作枝節修剪。
雙繩腳鎖法:重點在於雙腳繞繩子作踏 點,手腳並用盤繩向上。
吊索爬法:俗稱「天纜」的吊索系統,利 用爬樹繩在樹與樹之間製作滑輪穿梭其中。
攀樹技術並非無中生有,Sammy解 釋,有系統的攀樹活動可追溯至百多年前的北美洲移民潮。「當地人為了開拓土地而大量砍伐樹木,後來重新綠化栽種,他們卻無法爬到樹上 進行修剪,於是想到利用繩子及滑輪懸掛木板載人上樹,發展成所謂『職業攀爬』。」而現今的康樂攀爬可說由此演變而來。此外,謹記活動 前要檢查樹木主幹及枝莖情況,若然太細便無法承受攀爬者重量,還要留意樹上有否蜂巢、蟻窩等,避免發生危險。
康樂攀爬屬近年新興的戶外活動,由於大 眾對樹木保育意識提升,令不少人透過爬樹來親近大自然。香港樹木學會便提供有系統的訓練課程,由淺入深讓學員掌握不同技 巧,Sammy藉此分享箇中玩法:「康樂攀爬是適合一家大細的戶外運動,初學者會先認識如專用裝備、繩結方法、身體推進法等,到了中 階便可學習尋找攀爬場地、用投擲包引繩上樹等,至於高階訓練則集中高技術攀爬方法,如雙繩腳鎖、枝上行走等。」學會同時舉辦相關課程 如樹藝理論、樹上拯救等,學成後可考國際認可牌照做攀樹師,將樹木知識傳承開去。
Jessica於4年間由零開始到考獲 教練牌,今年更到訪美國挑戰巨樹。她形容:「一般人以為爬樹很吃力,其實只要靠繩結幫助,女孩子也能輕易爬到5米以上。這令我更有自 信,希望能將攀樹的樂趣跟其他人分享。」
下面看到的是近期一辑有关本分会攀树的报导, 本來可以用超连结方式送上, 但又考虑到国内的情況可能报导会被 "和谐" 掉, 所以把全文刊出來, 以便两岸四地的会员都可以看到。
本分会从 2005 年到今, 已经被香港、国内和新加坡的传煤访问过两百次以上。 除了新加坡媒体是采用英语, 其他的包括香港的西方报刊, 都是采用中文來作访问。 有趣的是, 从來没有媒体关心过本分会的架构和组织, 也可以说他们对这方面, 是完成没有兴趣。 很多时候, 本分会的12个字长的名称, 干脆被简化成为 "樹木专家", 因为如此做法, 媒体也就省略编幅了, 而我们也不介意。
媒体有兴翅采访的, 往往是我们的专业知识, 和对某些樹木事件的判断能力, 对此我方也就不能拖拖拉拉, 要冲口而出讲上正确答案, 因为本地媒体的工作量大, 时间又少, 根本就不能等。 好像下面的报导, 从第一个电话到见稿为止, 全部只用了三个礼拜的时间, 可见传媒这口饭也不容易吃。
本分会与传媒之间的关係可说是如鱼得水, 我方供应活泼生动的知识經验给读者, 媒体由此得到了群众支持, 可谓双得益彰。 由于我方乐意与传媒合作, 媒体也就愿意报导我们。 从 2005 年至今, 从來没有一篇对本分会有过负面的报导出现过, 在这方面本分会是非常感谢各媒体的大力支持。
本分会将会继往开來, 百尺竿头, 为各会员的福祉和樹艺行业的成功不仃努力 !
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html )
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html )
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html )
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html )
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
Attached is yet another report, this time on tree climbing by the largest newspaper of HK which has a 2.5 million + copies per day, on ISA HK/China. ISA HK/China in average is interviewed bi-weekly by a media group in HK or China from 2005 to now. We are one of the most popular Green Group in our territory.
Note the young lady in the photos are not wearing proper PPE in tree climbing. She was a model brought in by the newspaper & they specifically asked to show her pretty face. After all, she only went up 2 m from ground highest, with the Station Manager (SM) cushioning her underneath just in case. The newspaper regarded this to invite a warmer welcome by the readers, although this should not be regarded as a proper practice.
ISA HK/China has been immensely popular among the media in HK & China. How the SM has analyzed it would be that we can meet the requirements of the media in giving them what they want, without sacrificing our professional image & principles. The media are not interested in our organization & structure in general. In fact, it has never been asked, because that would be regarded as self-promotion. They are not even interested in how we are called. Many a times, the name of the SM would just come out as "Tree Expert". However, they are interested to learn exciting stories, working experience, personal achievement & professional comments of tree affairs, e.g. Lam Tsuen fatal tree failure. They would ask technical judgment & problem solving skills. One would need to be a genuine expert in the field to satisfy their needs.
For any interview to touch on tree climbing, the SM would need to climb on the spot almost without exception. The media would photograph the techniques & ask on the equipment. There are times that the SM would need to dangle up high for minutes just for a few of their professional shots. Chainsaw cutting is also frequently demonstrated.
The media do have a deadline to meet for their work. In HK, this is usually very short. For example, the story below from the first call to the final appearance on newspaper, took only three weeks. The SM would usually answer media calls from 6 pm top midnight during times of an impacting tree event, because the time for submission of the media would be before 1am in the morning to go out for printing. Media production in HK is highly efficient indeed.
ISA HK/China does not put up all our media reports in Station Mail, because some of them are just repetitive. However, with the help of the media, ISA HK/China is gradually becoming a household name, for the Arborist Profession & Tree Climbing. We intend to work hand in hand with the media for mutual benefits. We'll give them good stories without infringing our professionalism.
Such is our direction & we shall carry on our course. May it benefit all at the end.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
康樂攀爬 挑戰《人在野》
小記每逢星期三晚都唔逛夜街,點解?因為 要追睇《人在野》(Man Vs. Wild)。每集主角Bear深入不毛,表演絕地求生真人騷,見佢手腳並用抱樹幹、爬藤蔓,真係一步一驚心。講起求生,攀樹確實係其中一項必學技巧,而香 港樹木學會便有專人教授康樂攀爬(Recreational Tree Climbing),一嘗猶如《人在野》主角般挑戰大自然!
「《人在野》主角Bear擅長徒手爬來 爬去,但真正的攀爬運動必須加入輔助工具。」香港樹木學會會長歐永森(Sammy)指出,徒手爬樹只限於直上直落,如果沒有利用繩結 製造支點,是無法於樹上橫向移動。他續道:「基本攀爬運動講求三大重點,第一是透過引繩上樹尋找設置支點的樹椏。接着是利用連接結將 身體穩固綁緊繩扣,以及靠摩擦結令身體在繩上移動。最後要熟習身體推進法(Body Thrust),攀爬時躺臥身體、雙腳穩定樹身,同時一下一下拉動繩子令自己往上升。」
第1步 檢查樹木
攀樹前首先要檢查樹木有否枯、老、病、 死,同時觀察樹椏有否蜂巢等。
引繩上樹的技巧在於將投擲包,以鐘擺方式拋上目標樹椏來 製造支點。
第2步 引繩上樹
引繩上樹的技巧在於將投擲包,以鐘擺方 式拋上目標樹椏來製造支點。
身體推進法:攀樹時躺臥身體,同時腰臀發力及雙手向上拉 動繩子。
雙繩腳鎖法:重點在於雙腳繞繩子作踏點,手腳並用盤繩向 上。
安全坐帶:主要承托腰部及臀部,兩側及背部繫有攀爬繩、 安全短繩及分叉繩,方便作上落用途。
第3步 攀爬樹幹
身體推進法:攀樹時躺臥身體,同時腰臀 發力及雙手向上拉動繩子。
安全鋼扣:爬樹鋼扣必須是保險鎖式並能自動關閉,鋼扣使 用時虎口位必須成相反方向,防止誤開。
安全帽及護目鏡:攀爬時可避免枝葉、樹皮、昆蟲等雜物撞 傷頭部或掉進眼睛。
手鋸:無論職業攀爬或康樂攀爬都必須佩戴,但多於職業攀 爬時作枝節修剪。
雙繩腳鎖法:重點在於雙腳繞繩子作踏 點,手腳並用盤繩向上。
吊索爬法:俗稱「天纜」的吊索系統,利 用爬樹繩在樹與樹之間製作滑輪穿梭其中。
攀樹技術並非無中生有,Sammy解 釋,有系統的攀樹活動可追溯至百多年前的北美洲移民潮。「當地人為了開拓土地而大量砍伐樹木,後來重新綠化栽種,他們卻無法爬到樹上 進行修剪,於是想到利用繩子及滑輪懸掛木板載人上樹,發展成所謂『職業攀爬』。」而現今的康樂攀爬可說由此演變而來。此外,謹記活動 前要檢查樹木主幹及枝莖情況,若然太細便無法承受攀爬者重量,還要留意樹上有否蜂巢、蟻窩等,避免發生危險。
康樂攀爬屬近年新興的戶外活動,由於大 眾對樹木保育意識提升,令不少人透過爬樹來親近大自然。香港樹木學會便提供有系統的訓練課程,由淺入深讓學員掌握不同技 巧,Sammy藉此分享箇中玩法:「康樂攀爬是適合一家大細的戶外運動,初學者會先認識如專用裝備、繩結方法、身體推進法等,到了中 階便可學習尋找攀爬場地、用投擲包引繩上樹等,至於高階訓練則集中高技術攀爬方法,如雙繩腳鎖、枝上行走等。」學會同時舉辦相關課程 如樹藝理論、樹上拯救等,學成後可考國際認可牌照做攀樹師,將樹木知識傳承開去。
Jessica於4年間由零開始到考獲 教練牌,今年更到訪美國挑戰巨樹。她形容:「一般人以為爬樹很吃力,其實只要靠繩結幫助,女孩子也能輕易爬到5米以上。這令我更有自 信,希望能將攀樹的樂趣跟其他人分享。」
Monday, November 12, 2012
ISA HK/China --- 2012 HKTCC is on Nov 17-18 ! ( 2012 香港攀树锦标赛就在本周末举行 ! )
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
2012年度的 "香港攀树锦标赛", 就在这周末 11月17 - 18日举行, 地点是新界沙田马安山乌溪沙安俊街2号的YMCA渡假营里面, 入场费用全免, 但须用身份证作简单登记去换取识别手镯, 以便进场。 场门口有 TCHK 柜台协助登记手续。
是次锦标赛共邀得两岸三地和新加坡的四十余位高手参赛, 令是次比赛成为远东区目前参加人数最多的攀树锦标赛, 全程赛例完全按照 "国际攀树锦标赛" (ITCC) 的标准进行, 是中国地区唯一一个 ISA 承认赛果的比赛项目。
举办攀树锦标赛的目的是为了找出更安全快捷的攀树技巧, 在树上工作。 树上工作是充满危险, 使用棚架和升台往往不切实际和费时失事, 使用攀树技巧有时候是唯一方法, 在什麼劳工安全和职安健条例出现以前, 攀树技术已在100年前出现了。 如果有人依然坚持用搭棚来取代绳索攀树的话, 可能已经与世界潮流唱反调, 也漠视了攀树发展的历史。
2012 香港攀树锦标赛的出现, 是经过百多人多个昼夜工作的努力才会出现, 这些人当中, 他们的技术来自美洲、欧洲和澳洲都有, 也是不分门派背景, 同心一致, 为是次比赛付出血和汗, 完全值得所有人的敬佩。 但愿是次比赛, 能再度提高本地区的树上工作安全和效率, 为社会作出贡献。
11月17 - 18日在现场相见吧 !
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
The 2012 HK Tree Climbing Championship (HKTCC) will be held in Wu Kai Sha YMCA in Ma On Shan, HK this coming Saturday & Sunday. Please check out the promotional materials in the attachment for details.
The HKTCC this year is the conglomerated efforts of over a hundred volunteers for much hard work in the past year. Tree climbers of various training background have joined hand to come together to make this event happen. TCHK is the organizer of the event, under the watchful eye of ISA HK/China. Nearly every TCHK & ISA HK/China staff has taken part in the preparation of the HKTCC, from planning, gathering sponsorship, sourcing venue, preparing invitation to site preparation.
The 2012 HKTCC will be run to the stringent standards of the International Tree Climbing Championship without deviation. Our judges have training hard for a year already. We are also very grateful to our sponsors for their generous support to make the event break-even financially. We are indebted to Wu Kai Sha YMCA for providing this wonderful venue that can house thousands of spectators. We expect the event to run smooth without the difficulties of the past this time.
45+ tree climbers from HK, Taiwan, China & Singapore will compete in the two day event at the HKTCC this year. The 2012 HKTCC is by far the biggest TCC in the Far East without govt support, & we anticipate thousands of audience will visit the event. HKTCC Committee has already informed the media on the details, & promotion has been made through our contacts for months to attract public attention.
All are free to come to visit the HKTCC this weekend. Any visitor just has to register at the gate with ID, & will be given a bracelet as a pass to enter this private holiday camp for the day. No parking facility will be available, because the MTR is nearby. It will be a great family out for the weekend indeed.
Come & support the 2012 HKTCC. See you all this weekend !
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Friday, November 2, 2012
ISA HK/China --- Tree Failure in Lam Tsuen to kill (2012林村塌树杀人事件)
*本分会特别致谢刘文忠先生提供部份现场照片 !*
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
2012年10月11日上午10点半左右, 位於香港新界大埔林村范围内, 的一棵估计有80年以上的细叶榕的其中一枝横干, 在毫无警告之下突然断塌下来, 击中一辆路过的大卡车, 把乘客座位迎头压扁, 令坐在此位置的南亚裔跟车工人被击中头部死亡, 成为本年度第二宗因为树木事故从而致命的不幸事件。
在发生意外的三小时之内, 本分会长已经被4家电视台和十多家报馆催促前往事故现场接受访问, 本分会长在现场所粗略见到的, 是一辆大卡车的乘客座位被压扁了过半, 而压下来的断枝已经被救援人员锯开移走了。 再看到的是断枝接口部份好像是有一根枯木被增生的榕树气根包绞住, 而断裂部份显现著 "树包皮' 现象。 "树包皮' 是结构弱势枝, 断下来不足为奇, 简单的目测检查都可以看到。
是次树木致命意外, 香港传媒差不多是一面倒的开声炮轰, 从下面连结可见一斑:
1. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_009.html
2. http://news.now.com/home/local/player?newsId=48013
3. http://hk.dv.nextmedia.com/actionnews/hit/20121012/18038400/20002857
4. http://news.now.com/home/local/player?newsId=48013
5. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_011.html
6. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_010.html
7. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_011
负责管理此树的政府部门发表声明说, 这棵树因为没收过投诉, 所以并未检查, 相等于国内的 "不告不理"。 但从此树距离邻近繁忙公路只有十米左右, 下面小路又经常有人车经过, 此 "不告不理" 结果是害了一条人命, 这又於心何忍?
有人放风说, 是有可能在大卡车后面的货斗先击中下垂枝, 然而导至全臂断落来压扁车头。 换句话说, 司机可能要负上部份责任。 但从本分会长在现场所看到的, 车头压扁部份的冲力应是从上往下, 以卡车当时正在前进的情况来看, 碰到下垂枝然后压下来的会是车斗, 而不是前面的车头。 但至於谁是谁非, 希望日后在各部门搜集所有证据, 查明真相以后, 可以还死者一个公道。
香港是两岸四地当中唯一一个由政府强制执行 "树木风险评估" 的城市, 但愿如此做法不负众望, 令此地的树木意外不再容易发生。
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
ISA HK/China wishes to thank Mr. Leon Lau for providing some of the site photos of the accidnet for this Station Mail !"
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
Very sadly, another tree failure has killed a person in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po, Hong Kong on 11 Oct 2012. It was described by the HK media that a huge branch of a senile Ficus tree had snapped off to hit the passenger in the front seat of a passing-by lorry. ISA HK/China wishes to offer our deepest condolences to the victim & his family for this unfortunate event.
The media has been very critical on this fatal incident. Some links in Chinese have reported the event in details, including movie clips, as follows:
1. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_009.html
2. http://news.now.com/home/local/player?newsId=48013
3. http://hk.dv.nextmedia.com/actionnews/hit/20121012/18038400/20002857
4. http://news.now.com/home/local/player?newsId=48013
5. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_011.html
6. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_010.html
7. http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20121012/00176_011.html
Within 3 hours of the incident, the Station Manager (SM) Sammy Au was called up by 4 TV stations & 10+ local newspapers to view & comment on the event. By the time the SM arrived, the fallen branch crushing the lorry was already removed, although the remains of the broken tree were still standing there. From the tattered ends, it appeared to the SM that there was a dead tree of some kind, strangled by the Ficus growing over it. There was an apparent Included Bark at the branch junction, which snapped off to hit the lorry below. There was decay at the broken joint, but it was not sure whether it was caused by the rotting dead tree inside, or it happened with the living Ficus.
There was a hypothesis that it was the lorry which hit the lower portion of the broken limb to cause the whole limb to fail onto it. However, from the indentation mark on the front passenger seat so crushed by the fallen limb, & the fact that the lorry was moving forward at a speed, it would make it hard for the SM to believe that this is the case. Because if it is, the fallen branch would have hit the cargo compartment behind instead. The lorry apparently did not stop at any time during the collision as it probable did not anticipate it, and the passenger compartment was seen to be crushed from vertically down & not in front. In any case, it would be up to the other experts to make the official judgment later, as the SM has seen only part of the evidence. It would be wrong for him to make his own professional judgment with so little facts obtained.
This tree was said to have had never been inspected by the govt authority managing it, with the reason that it was never complained. The tree was situated within a striking distance from a nearby busy road, & the side path under it has traffic & pedestrians passing through from time to time. It would be good in an event as such that a mature tree can be inspected for safety sake in future.
Lam Tsuen Tree Failure is the second accident related to tree that has killed in HK in 2012. ISA HK/China does not want to see another one anytime & anywhere. May the good Arborists in our territory can be brought in to help on that.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
冧樹再次殺人 徹查懶官失職
如果真係有人咁樣提醒大家,就唔使驚冧樹大禍臨頭啦。奈何世事呢家嘢,邊有咁多提醒吖,一棵大樹砰嘭一嘢仆落街,避又冇得避,閃又唔識閃,冬瓜豆 腐三長兩短死咗都唔知發生乜嘢事。
呢嗱嗱嗱,冧樹殺人事件再次重演嘞,今次嘅事發地點係大埔林村一帶,仲係一死一傷添。尋日朝早十點左右,有一架貨車由大埔塘上村駛出林錦公路,忽 然之間斜坡上面一棵十五米高嘅大樹塌下,貨車當堂被壓至嚴重損毀。結果咯喎,有位乘客重傷被困車內,消防員用咗粒幾鐘先至能夠鋸走樹幹抬出傷者, 可惜最終送院搶救都係不治身亡。至於貨車司機,亦都受傷送院,好彩情況穩定。
點解會冧樹嘅呢?樹木專家歐永森現場視察過之後就話嘞,冧嘅嗰棵樹係細葉榕,相信倒塌原因係樹木結構出現問題。歐永森解釋,呢棵樹出現分枝大過主 幹嘅情況,行內稱為「樹包皮」,相信呢個現象已經持續十年或以上,平時如果經常檢查,透過目視都可以見到相關情況,只要將分枝剪短或者用繩纜拉穩 主幹,倒塌係可以避免嘅。
講到呢度,又係時候訪問一下樹木辦班官僚。喂喂喂,樹木辦呀樹木辦,乜你哋嘅工作範圍唔係包括經常檢查全港樹木嘅咩?如果有檢查,因乜事幹冇發現 潛在危險呀?如果冇檢查,又因乜事幹懶得咁交關呢?
樹木辦最初之所以橫空出世,原因係赤柱有一棵刺桐冧咗落嚟殺死一位女大學生,政府事後孔明急忙補鑊,由當時嘅政務司司長唐英年擔正大旗左研究右研 究,終於開設樹木辦,顧名思義就係管理樹木以防慘劇再次發生。點知樹木辦成立冇幾耐,一○年沙田圓洲角就有大樹倒冧壓死途人,而尋日又有人死於非 命,樹木辦係咪玩忽職守呀?
地政總署署長甯漢豪講得好好笑,佢話喎,由於幾年來都冇人投訴出事嗰一棵樹,所以一直冇巡查過。功夫茶想請教甯署長,無端白事點會有人無無聊聊走 去投訴一棵樹嘅呢?與其投訴一棵樹,不如直接投訴甯署長仲好啦。不如咁嘞,功夫茶家陣就投訴甯漢豪,首先投訴閣下偷懶,其次投訴閣下亂噏,麻煩立 即展開調查!
嗱,人命關天呀,真係要徹底調查有冇懶到出汁嘅官僚失職。正所謂咯喎,我不殺伯仁,伯仁因我而死。家陣情況係,你不殺路人,路人因你而亡。冧樹殺 人慘劇不斷,今次仲釀成一死一傷喎,咁大件事唔查唔得啦,吓話?
人搭錯車 樹殺錯人
時來風送滕王閣,運去雷轟薦福碑,說的是人有三衰六旺,好運之時順風順水,歹運之時五雷轟頂。本地有一位南亞裔男子,毫無疑問交上了非常惡劣的歹 運。他在大埔林錦公路塘上村搬運磁磚之後,登上貨車乘搭順風車,途經村內小路突然飛來橫禍,路邊一棵十五米高的百年細葉榕隆然坍塌,貨車被壓毀, 男子慘死了。貨車司機稍為好一點,死裏逃生僅受輕傷而已。
為甚麼好端端一棵大樹會塌下來?非常明顯地,樹木辦官僚疏於職守,沒有嚴格巡查,致使香港再次發生一宗塌樹殺人事件。須知道,樹木辦當初成立的導 火線是赤柱有一棵刺桐塌下來殺了一位女大學生,特區政府亡羊補牢急急設置這一個衙門,為的就是防止類似慘劇重演。所以嘛,如今又見塌樹殺人,樹木 辦難辭其咎。
若說那位不幸身亡的南亞裔男子是搭錯車,那麼世光痞人我會說,坍塌下來的百年細葉榕乃殺錯人。此話何解呢?讓我先跟大家溫故知新,幾年前電話推銷 氾濫成災,市民大眾無不受到滋擾,官員照例不聞不問。可是啊,有一回前特首曾蔭權在內地高官面前出洋相,當眾給電話推銷滋擾,不旋踵,特區政府雷 厲風行監之管之,電話推銷大規模減少了。那就是說,如果受害者是掌權者的話,問題是可以很容易解決的。
Thursday, October 18, 2012
ISA HK/China --- Pruning Demonstration at the 2012 China Green Leaders Forum 2012 中国园林领袖会议里的树木修剪示范
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
本分会长在 2012中国园林领袖会议里, 展出过两场的 "树木修剪示范", 受到了一致好评, 详情可见附页。
修剪是树艺学当中一门非常重要的课题, 是所有 "执业树艺师" 必须掌握的知识。 对很多大树老树而言, 修剪往往是唯一可行的护养技术和减免风险的方法, 所以正当修剪对树木管理尤为重要。 修剪的理论看上去好像很简单, 但在现场操作起来, 许多未能预见的问题经常都会出现。 比方说, 切下去才看到枝条里面有腐烂、层裂或其他毛病, 哪还该再切多少, 才不会影响树体的结构和健康, 这动作会改变日后树体对周边的公众安全吗? 多过及年, 树体又将会变成怎样样的发展?
树木修剪其实就好像人体手术一样, 必须先经过专业检查和监定以后, 厘定修剪方案, 再由合资格的树艺师监督进行, 进行的人又以采用攀树师最为理想。 树木修剪涉及树艺学里面的生物学、结构学、病虫学和法律责任, 乱剪的树木日后会变成乱长, 最终更可能变成 "不定时炸弹", 为害社会。 在中国地区, 目前去讲 "树木修剪理论" 的人很多, 但当中又有多少个敢爬到树上, 使用电油锯把枝条运用溜缆技术安全的切下来? 又有多少个能指揮攀树师在树上的工作? 如果自己只会光讲而不会做, 这又能有说服力吗?
树木从生产、种植、护养到检查,都要涉及修剪。 换句话说, 不懂得正当修剪的话, 到头来也就得不到优质树木种植。 哪所谓 "优质树木种植", 就是指既安全, 又能提供种种好处的城区树木种植。 坊间说的所谓 "好看" 的树木设计, 也必须要照顾到公众安全, 不然的话再 "好看" 又有啥用? 其实所谓 "好看", 也需要与人家比较。 咱们目前的城区树木能与西方国家的来较量吗? 不能的话, 哪咱们的到底 "好" 在那里, 也为什么不能比较啊?
但愿树艺学和树艺行业能尽快的在中华地区发展起来, 造福社会。
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-fristbcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com. Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
The Station Manager (SM) gave a Structural Pruning demonstration at the 2012 China Green Leaders Forum & the event was widely publicized on national newspapers in China as per attached. The SM is known as the "Founder of the Arborist Profession" in the China media nowadays. This is an honour & would help to develop the Arborist Profession there against all odds.
If there is anything that the China Tree Care Industry would miss out most, the SM would call it on pruning than anything else. Topping is a common & acceptable practice all over China, & it is taught specifically as a skill of art in many academic institutions. This includes every university in China. The tradition is deep rooted & buried.
When the SM talked about pruning in several "Landscape Bureaus" in China in the past, he was mostly met with suspicion & doubt. The "tree experts" there would insist on what they were taught & what they were practicing, as the one & only method. To them, Target Pruning would be a waste of time, & the tree would not "look good" afterwards. Flush Cut is preferred because it does not leave a bulge at the wound, & it is thought that Topping would generate more sprouting to show the true vigour & "good health" of the tree. The SM kept seeing what he had seen in HK of 10 years ago, & the word would mostly come out from landscape designers & maintenance parties in China.
No doubt China has become the second economy in the world & has achieved many technical advances in the past 30 years. However, there are hardly any mature trees of larger than 1 m diameter left in their 600+ cities. The SM wonders whether bad pruning has something to do with it. He was told by the press that there is at least one person getting killed by tree failure in Beijing alone every year, & the incidence would usually be played down to avoid public attention. Having the SM there to bring up an occasional voice to speak for the trees, would hardly change a thing.
Anyway, somebody has to do the work, or China will take a long time to get good trees. At his age, the SM has no more to lose or fear, & he is an expert China Hand. ISA HK/China will find a way to rally support for proper pruning for the benefits of China trees.
Our mission will continue.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
ISA HK/China --- 2012 China Green Leaders Forum 2012 中国园林領袖年会
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
本分会长有幸获邀参加了由中国花卉报和其他国家级单位主办的 "2012年中国园林领袖年会", 并被安排了在讲座发言和现场示范多次, 给参会者留下了深刻的印象。
从9月19日下午5时抵步后, 本分会长晚上7时就开始参加了由全国苗木生产大户出席的苗木发展前瞻研讨会, 分享了他个人对未来国内苗木生产与销售的意见, 供参会者作为参考。 在9月20日上午, 本分会长提供了 "国际通行的行道树生产标准" 的讲座, 现场数百听众反应良好, 而且很多都是第一次与国际树艺知识作出接触, 感觉新奇讶意。
同日的下午2点, 大会在公众地方安排了一场 "树木修剪和大树风险评估" 示范, 刻意的弄来两课生长差异的小树来作表演。 事前并未有看过示范苗木的本分会长手起刀落的示范了 "撕皮切"、"错切" 和 "三刀法" 等的切法, 把原来生成一团的两棵小苗, 分别建立了 "中央主干"、"活冠比"、"螺旋分干" 和 "强接枝" 的扰势树体, 嬴得了全场百多观众的热烈掌声。 接著下来的 "大树风险评估" 表演, 是就地取材的利用马路旁边的行道树作示范对象。 分会长首先让观众们先道出他们所能看得出的树体缺陷, 然后再给每个意见提出了科学论证, 之后再分享了国际方面在此等评估的惯用手法和理论; 如此友善的交流态度和专业精神, 再一次博得了全场掌声。
当在现场示范修剪和评估的同时, 会场内正在举办 "理事单位年会"。 为了让参会理事们没有错过观赏树木修剪的机会, 本分会长当仁不让的再次在众理事专家面前, 把另一课长得乱作一团的树木样本, 使用国际修剪技术把它的树体结构重新建立起来, 令参观者惊叹不已。
在是次参会以后, 本分会长深深感受到 "树艺行业" 这门科学在中国土地上建立起来的重要性和逼切性。 树艺知识可以为国家的绿化事业省很多钱 (优质树木设计种植), 创造庞大就业机会 (市内树木风险评估), 把农闲的劳动力释放出来 (冬季修剪移植), 为读书不成的年青人创造就业机会 (成为攀树师), 好处实在太多了。
本分会愿意倾全分会之力, 去协助所有热心单位去举办第一届的 "全国树艺知识研讨会", 当中只须一天理论讲座, 加一天攀树修剪示范就够了, 只要找到合适的场地、大树和参会者便行。 我方可以派出本地区最好的树艺师和世界级的攀树师来演讲示范, 相信必然引起广大兴趣。
树艺行业对国家、民族和社会都是有益有利, 但愿它能早日在我中华大地里遍地开花吧 !
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
It is the pleasure & honour of the Station Manager (SM) to be invited to speak & demonstrate at the 2012 China Green Leaders Forum (CGLF). This Forum is the biggest & most influential in China, & has gathered all recognized personnel from plant production, design, landscape construction to academic research to meet once a year, to discuss the latest development. The attending VIPs are on an invitation basis, & the SM has been given the honour of being the Guest Speaker for the 2 full days while he was there. Please see the attached photos for the various events.
According to the original planning, the SM was there to talk for an hour in the morning session of Sep 20, & then to conduct a site demonstration for tree pruning & tree inspection only. Upon his arrival at 5 pm on Sep 19, the SM was told that the Forum participants would like to see & hear from more of him. Then in total, the SM spoke at the China Nursery Trade Development Seminar in the evening of Sep 19, delivered a Tree Standards seminar at the Forum, conducted a pruning & tree inspection in the afternoon of Sep 20, spoke & demonstrated the second time tree pruning at the CGLF Board Meeting that immediately followed, & then attended the Guest of Honour Dinner in the same evening. Even at breakfast before his departure on Sep 21, the SM was still crowded by the participants for many many questions. Every minute of his presence was desperately wanted.
The success of the SM on this trip can be accounted for by his fluent Mandarin & profound knowledge in Arboriculture, from tree production to design, installation, maintenance, inspection, protection & consultation. He can practically answer any question thrown at him on tree care in China. The SM is currently the highest qualified Arborist in Asia & is an ethnic Chinese. He has worked widely in our territory since 1984. This helps very much. Although such are his merits but, the SM is already approaching the retiring age. It is very important that our second generation of Arborists can soon come & take over on our course. It has been the continuous task of ISA HK/China to train up our younger generation to maintain the steam on the Arborist Profession. It may take some time to train up leaders like the SM, but Rome was not built in a day. We must insist.
The Chinese Authorities are pragmatic administrations not bound by any colonial past to accept what is good for them in their greenery development. Practices in China are very different from HK. HK will not be the model for China in developing the Arborist Profession. Our brothers up north are intelligent enough to make the correct decision. Cultural & historical sentiments bear an important part in this development. Commercial interest is another consideration. There are practically millions of "Tree Experts" working everywhere in China. To win their hearts & gain their support would require great skills & eloquence among them.
ISA HK/China has been discussing with CGN to hold the first regional conference for Modern Tree Care in China . The response has been positive, although running such a new venture there would require to overcome many hurdles. Protectionism is still strong in China among the traditional practitioners. The academics have their own knowledge & thinking. It will take great efforts to win an event as such.
ISA HK/China will relentlessly promote the Arborist Profession & ISA in our territory. This is our objective & nothing is going stop us from now.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
ISA HK/China --- China Tree News (Contemporary Tree Pit Design) 现代树穴设计
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
附上图片所看到的, 是国内目前流行的树阵设计。 从表面上来看, 确实是充滿了时代气息, 香港八十年代的设计,有些与此非常相似。
作为一个树艺行业工作者, 我们知道大自然里树木的根部伸展, 往往是由中心发根点, 平均往外辐射到超过了树冠滴水线的切面之外, 作为抗风站穩和吸收水肥。 此外,根部往下的伸展,大部份都长在泥土一米的深度之内, 因为再往下走就没有氧气, 根也长不活了。 在松软的泥土里面, 土壤颗粒之间是充滿空气和水份, 那里的吸收根会长得特别多特别好, 对地上部的养份供应充足, 树体会长势茂盛。 反之者, 如果泥土被压实板死, 土壤颗粒之间的空气和水份都被挤压出去, 泥土的密度大得连新生根都长不进去, 哪树根只会在树干下面团团转, 自然的产生 "盘根效果", 造成上重下轻, 风雨一到, 自然塌下。
看图1和图2, 那四边凸起的 "座椅", 不就等如四张闸刀一样, 把树根的伸展, 牢牢的卡死在 "座椅" 的匡匡内吗? 树根还可以长到树冠滴水线的以外吗? 哪树冠长大以后, 当受风程度增加以后, 此树能站得稳吗?
再看图3, 树穴以外都铺了一层又厚又重的花岗岩表层, 在它下面的泥土, 颗粒之间的空气和水份, 早就被挤压一光了, 这里的土需要压实平整, 来承托上面花岗岩和行人的重量, 其密度之大, 会令新生根无法往外开展, 造成的效果就与图1和图2一样, 创造了 "盘根效果"。
明白了科学理由以后, 我们要决定我们的设计是想要什麼, 是要一个有 "即时效果" 和 "好看" 的树阵, 还是要一个有安全、长寿和省工省钱去管理的树阵? 聪明人会怎样决定啊?
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
Attached is a recent set of photos in a China newspaper, giving admiration to the Tree Pit Design so shown. Particular attention was given to the elevated boarders of the planting area to serve as a seating location for the visitors underneath.
It is noticed by Arborist that the weight of the "seats" would serve as a chopping gate to enclose the viable planting soil to within the less than 1 m x 1 m growing area inside. The weight of the structure would likely wipe out any macrospores in the planting soil, to completely eliminate any air or water pockets, with which the absorbing roots will need to survive. The soil directly under the "seats" would also be compacted to a bulk density so high, that any root penetration to beyond would be impossible. Therefore, the tree roots would be confined to within the tree pit, & may perhaps produce Girdling Roots in a few year's time. Girdling Roots are known to constrict tree trunk to kill tree.
Another effect is that as tree canopy continues to grow & expand, the Girdling Roots underneath have nowhere to spread for safe anchorage. A top heavy structure is then produced. In time, it will come to a point where the wind may topple the tree. This would usually happen in storm. Would the tree owner then claim it an "Act of God" ?
Practically millions of tree pits as shown are now installed in China, as well as in HK. Many will turn into Time Bombs in time.
Good luck to these beautiful Tree Pits in our territory. May they stay safe in our cities, especially in those with typhoons.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
附上图片所看到的, 是国内目前流行的树阵设计。 从表面上来看, 确实是充滿了时代气息, 香港八十年代的设计,有些与此非常相似。
作为一个树艺行业工作者, 我们知道大自然里树木的根部伸展, 往往是由中心发根点, 平均往外辐射到超过了树冠滴水线的切面之外, 作为抗风站穩和吸收水肥。 此外,根部往下的伸展,大部份都长在泥土一米的深度之内, 因为再往下走就没有氧气, 根也长不活了。 在松软的泥土里面, 土壤颗粒之间是充滿空气和水份, 那里的吸收根会长得特别多特别好, 对地上部的养份供应充足, 树体会长势茂盛。 反之者, 如果泥土被压实板死, 土壤颗粒之间的空气和水份都被挤压出去, 泥土的密度大得连新生根都长不进去, 哪树根只会在树干下面团团转, 自然的产生 "盘根效果", 造成上重下轻, 风雨一到, 自然塌下。
看图1和图2, 那四边凸起的 "座椅", 不就等如四张闸刀一样, 把树根的伸展, 牢牢的卡死在 "座椅" 的匡匡内吗? 树根还可以长到树冠滴水线的以外吗? 哪树冠长大以后, 当受风程度增加以后, 此树能站得稳吗?
再看图3, 树穴以外都铺了一层又厚又重的花岗岩表层, 在它下面的泥土, 颗粒之间的空气和水份, 早就被挤压一光了, 这里的土需要压实平整, 来承托上面花岗岩和行人的重量, 其密度之大, 会令新生根无法往外开展, 造成的效果就与图1和图2一样, 创造了 "盘根效果"。
明白了科学理由以后, 我们要决定我们的设计是想要什麼, 是要一个有 "即时效果" 和 "好看" 的树阵, 还是要一个有安全、长寿和省工省钱去管理的树阵? 聪明人会怎样决定啊?
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
Attached is a recent set of photos in a China newspaper, giving admiration to the Tree Pit Design so shown. Particular attention was given to the elevated boarders of the planting area to serve as a seating location for the visitors underneath.
It is noticed by Arborist that the weight of the "seats" would serve as a chopping gate to enclose the viable planting soil to within the less than 1 m x 1 m growing area inside. The weight of the structure would likely wipe out any macrospores in the planting soil, to completely eliminate any air or water pockets, with which the absorbing roots will need to survive. The soil directly under the "seats" would also be compacted to a bulk density so high, that any root penetration to beyond would be impossible. Therefore, the tree roots would be confined to within the tree pit, & may perhaps produce Girdling Roots in a few year's time. Girdling Roots are known to constrict tree trunk to kill tree.
Another effect is that as tree canopy continues to grow & expand, the Girdling Roots underneath have nowhere to spread for safe anchorage. A top heavy structure is then produced. In time, it will come to a point where the wind may topple the tree. This would usually happen in storm. Would the tree owner then claim it an "Act of God" ?
Practically millions of tree pits as shown are now installed in China, as well as in HK. Many will turn into Time Bombs in time.
Good luck to these beautiful Tree Pits in our territory. May they stay safe in our cities, especially in those with typhoons.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
ISA HK/China --- Chicago trees in October 2011 2011年美国芝加哥市的市区树木种植
国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (http://hi.baidu.com/%B9%FA%BC%CA%CA%F7%C4%BE%D1%A7%BB%E1/blog ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至 egc@netvigator.com 。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。
附上的图片是副分会长梁永强和王卓粤, 在2011年参加 "ISA领袖训练班" 时, 在美国芝加哥市内拍到的。 本分会从来都致力培养第二代的接斑人, 也为发展树艺行业努力不懈, 只愿我中华大地到处种上优质树木, 改善社会生活环境, 也能为广大纳税人省工省钱。
图片上很多的成年树, 其实栽植时间与国内许多大城市里开始搞绿化的时间也差不多, 大概也是30年左右吧, 但从这些树木的树体结构、整体健康和绿化效果来看, 与我们的来相比, 却有相当大的差別。 看起来芝加哥的种树要求是重"质", 而不是重"量", 他们会在合适的地点种上了合适的树种, 给地上部份合理的修剪, 给根部有足够伸展的空间, 也给予时间和耐心去让小树长大成荫, 种树的目的着眼在长期效果,而不是 "即时效果"。 这样子, 30年后得出来的结果是一份份的社会资产, 而不是一个个的 "不定时炸弹"。
芝加哥的市区种树,从30年前开始到现在, 都是由他们的 "市立树艺师", 从设计、栽种、护养、检查和保育, 来全盘负责,再由其他行业辅助。 芝加哥人爱树, 也同意树艺师是懂得护理树木的专家, 完全把市内种树交给树艺师去打理, 得出来的成绩是有目共睹。
树艺行业在大中华地区尚未发展起來,凭我中华民族的智慧和毅力,理应很快可以建立起來。 但愿有一天同样的文章能被某国外专家,写上在我某大城市里的树木种植, 能够让他们国家来取经。
如此的日子, 希望不离目前很远。
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
It may be a little bit late, but attached are the photos brought back by our Deputy Station Managers Mike Leung & Chiky Wong, during their trip to the ISA Leadership Workshop in Chicago, Illinois, USA in October 2011. ISA HK/China is giving every opportunity to our second generation of Arborists to train themselves to carry on what we have built since 2005. We are here to build the Arborist Profession in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We need to advance our next generation to continue on what we have developed.
In the photos, please note the quality, the spacing, the species selection, & the end results of the tree planting in Chicago. Also note the trees are not that old, perhaps planted at around the same time, to a lot of the mature trees in the cities of HK & China. Then please compare the contribution of the Chicago trees with a lot of our existing trees. Which one is the asset?
It is known to us that the urban trees in Chicago are monitored by their City Arborists from design, installation, maintenance, inspection to protection. Their Arborists have done a fine job, well to be admired by any tree care specialists all around the world. How we wish we can have trees similar to theirs in our territory.
It is important that trees are placed into the hands of the correct professionals. Trees are long living. They may not give an "instant effect" of the mature trees just after installation. They also take a long time to show any damage, & would enter a "spiral of decline" gradually to total failure. People who do not know enough about tress would pack trees like in a refugee camp for an "instant effect". Some even pulled out mature trees from a forest into the city to try to buy history. Then the trees will eventually take revenge.
Design & installation are usually the most critical stage of any tree planting. If done incorrectly, Mother Nature makes the Rules. Look around us for our city trees in our territory. Are they giving us the end results of the trees in Chicago, or as in Portland as shown before? Do we need to ask ourselves why? Are we using our Arborist Profession properly?
Give trees back to the Arborists. Let the right professionals look after our urban trees, or Mother Nature will make the Rules in the long term.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Thursday, September 13, 2012
ISA HK/China --- Absence of Sammy Au in HK from Sep 19 - 21, 2010 (分會長 歐永森 於 2012年9月19-21日 不在香港)
尊敬的客戶和 ISA HK/China & TCHK 会员们:
本分会长欧永森, 有幸被邀在 2012年 9月 19 - 21日期间, 前往山东昌邑参加 "2012年中国园林苗木行业领袖年会', 作为嘉宾讲者和示范现代先进树艺技术, 详情请参阅附上资料。
由於本分会长将会在9月21日的下午6点左右才回抵香港机场, 当晚7点开始的 "ISA树木讲座第17节 --- 香港树木虫害', 将会由各副会长们代为准时进行, 直到本分会长赶抵为止。
如在上述时段需要寻找本分会长 (因公务、访问、考试 、训练、海外联系、法律咨询、树木攀爬等等), 请以电邮、短讯、电话留言等方式敬作联系。 本分会长的香港手机号 +852-90906719 将会漫游到山东, 也可以随时保持通讯。
在离港期间, 本分会的周讯将会暂仃服务,敬请留意。
国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人
美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)
\澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
Dear Respected Clients & Station Members ,
Please kindly note that the Station Manager Sammy Au will be absent from HK from Sep 19 - 21, 2012 inclusive. He will be attending the 2012 China Green Leaders Forum in Shandong, China during this period. He will speak & demonstrate Modern Arboriculture to the 500+ invited VIP from all across China. Various Depts from the Beijing Central Govt will be attending this Forum to listen & study from him. This is a very important event to begin the Arborist Profession in China.
For anyone trying to catch the Station Manager for anything (business, media interview, exam, training, tree work, risk assessment, research, conferences, tree climbing, overseas liaison, legal advice, tree news, TCHK, etc.), please kindly contact him before his departure, or after his return. During his stay in China, he can be reached via his HK mobile no. of +852-90906719 which will be forwarded to China. Naturally the Station Manager can be reached by phone text, voice messages or email, & will reply once convenient. He will be a busy man in China.
Our weekly Station Mail will be suspended during the above period. A report of the Forum will come out shortly upon Sammy Au's return to HK .
Thank you for your kind attention & understanding.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
Thursday, September 6, 2012
ISA HK/China --- From Certification to Qualification
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is given for reference without liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
ISA Certification Department has recently published an article on Certification & Qualification. This article is now attached for our Station Members viewing with ISA Cert Dept's blessings. Please kindly take note on the subtle differences between Certification & Qualification, & its recognition internationally.
In our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China, only HK practices the British format of qualification due to our colonial history. When ISA HK/China brought the ISA Certifications such as Certified Arborist, Certified Tree Worker, Board Certified Master Arborist, etc. into HK in 2004, these credentials have been taken up as the same as Qualification, & are given in contract specifications & requirements.
Outside HK in the rest of our territory, the translation for Certification & Qualification into the Chinese language & its understanding, is practically the same. The Station Manager would hesitate at this early stage to advise our China brothers & sisters that, there is indeed a subtle difference between the two, as no ISA credential is recognized in the China tree care system so far. This may confuse them to further their hesitation. Therefore, this message is not translated into Mandarin in our Station Mail system, & is not circulated into China.
Taiwan & China are both trying to start up the Arborist Profession, with the Station Manager helping as their Chief Adviser so far. It has been going on smoothly, although not always reported in our Station Mail system. As far as we can say, Taiwan will begin the Arborist Profession hopefully by this December, & China may be within a year or two. The Station Manager is heavily involved with the design & politics of the Arborist Profession in both places. We are steering our course very carefully. To us, there is no point of announcing glory. We just want to see the right things done. When the profession can begin there, all will benefit.
In time, the advanced ideas & practices of the West can be gradually brought in to grow in our territory. HK is lucky to have most of our professionals understanding English, maybe not so in the rest of our territory. Less than 0.1% of our brothers & sisters in China can manage English to a level of most of the HK Certified Arborists. This is a reality in our place.
ISA HK/China will continue to develop & advance the Arborist Profession in our territory as our duty. With it installed, we can talk about everything else.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
By Marya Ryan ISA Director of Certification
Qualifications, Certifications, and International Recognition of Credentials
With the planned rollout of ISA’s tree risk assessment qualification, ISA is setting out on a new path. We have twenty years of certification experience behind us, but we are learning quite a bit as we venture into qualifications— including where our new type of credential fits in globally.
Qualifications Versus Certifications
In the December 2011 issue of Arborist News, we outlined the difference between the two types of credentials. Key differences are summarized below.
ISA Qualifications
ISA qualifications are currently being developed under the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E2659-09 standard. The plan is for ISA to develop a number of qualification programs over time. We envision the programs to comprise a few days of training, immediately followed by an assessment. For each program, we will establish a period of validity based in part on how frequently new knowledge and skills are developed in each subject area. Once that period has expired, a person will have to take the program again to ensure that they have received training in current knowledge and methods. Programs will vary to some extent, but we anticipate that most of them will follow this model.
Because qualifications are so different from certifications, we are developing a separate set of policies and procedures for them. For instance, certification policies require a strict wall of separation between the exam and preparatory training. Anyone who sees exam questions is not allowed to help candidates to prepare to take the exam or to develop
any training materials. By contrast, a qualifications instructor will usually be very familiar with the exam and might even administer it. This is because the program focuses on a specific set of learning outcomes that need to be tested. Again, by contrast, certification exams focus on testing a broad body of knowledge that a person gains through education and experience.
ISA qualifications differ from certifications. They share important similarities with qualifications offered worldwide, but they also have their own unique characteristics that make them different from the types of qualifications that people in the United Kingdom (UK), New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere may be familiar with.
ISA Qualifications and National Qualifications Frameworks
The UK, New Zealand, Australia, and several other countries have well-established national qualifications frameworks, tied to their educational frameworks. Under these frameworks, a qualification or set of qualifications has a status similar to a diploma in the United States. In fact, diplomas and other academic degrees are usually included within the national frameworks. The frameworks define various levels, from basic through highly advanced, and designate which qualifications satisfy the requirements of each level.
Qualifications under these frameworks differ from the qualifications that ISA is developing:
• In both cases, qualifications are tied to well-defined, measurable learning outcomes; however, under the national frameworks, a specific training program is not always an integral part of the credentialing pro-
A summary of the difference bet ween qualifications and certifications.
Qualification Certification The exam assesses a defined set of learning
outcomes. The exam assesses a broad body of knowledge.
The program includes training as an integral component.
Assessment questions may be well known to trainers.
Trainers may assess their own trainees, depending on the requirements of a given program.
Qualifications may be valid for life, but many have a set period of validity. Credential holders must retrain and retest at the end of that period if they want to continue to hold the credential.
Certification is independent of any specific training program.
Exam questions are shielded from anyone teaching preparatory courses or developing preparatory material.
Trainers may not assess their own trainees.
The credential is periodically renewed, subject to recertification requirements, such as participation in continuing education opportunities.
cess. By contrast, ISA’s qualifications require a training component. • The period of time required to obtain qualifications under the national frameworks typically varies from several weeks to several years; ISA qualifications will be tied to shortterm training programs of several days’ duration, with the possibility that there may be programs that combine a series of short trainings. • The national frameworks often include provision for recognition of prior learning without undergoing a specific training, where ISA credentials will require training as part of the program.
• National-framework qualifications are typically good for life; although some ISA qualifications may be good for life, most will have a set period of validity, after which they will expire.
International Recognition of Credentials
Under the UK, New Zealand, and Australian frameworks, equivalences can often be made between credentials issued one country and those issued in another country. As we develop ISA qualifications, we seek to establish equivalencies between ISA qualifications and national-framework qualification levels. The possibilities are truly exciting, as they would help arborists who work internationally to have their hard-earned credentials recognized across national borders.
Establishing such equivalencies for qualifications will take ISA into new territory: We have not established any national-framework equivalencies for our certifications. Our certifications are recognized internationally, and they are fully transferrable among countries. In fact, the ISA Certified Arborist® credential is accredited under an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard. In spite of this recognition, employers are not always sure how our certifications equate with the nationally based credentials that they are familiar with.
It is important for our credential holders that employers can readily understand what knowledge and skills they bring to the table. Therefore, we have investigated whether we can equate ISA certifications to the various levels within the national frameworks. The short answer is that it is complicated; the types of credentials are not similar enough in scope and objectives. For example, unlike qualifications, certifications do not have a training component and are not tied to specific learning outcomes. Another important difference is that qualifications do not typically have a continuing education component, whereas commitment to continuing professional education is a hallmark of certification.
Even though we have not been able to equate ISA certifications to nationalframework qualifications levels, the Certification Board seeks to recognize national-framework qualification levels as eligibility criteria for taking certification exams. Qualification at an appropriate level would make a candidate eligible to take a certification exam, but the candidate would still have to take the exam.
With our venture into qualifications, we believe it will be easier to equate ISA qualifications to national-framework qualification levels. It is a new pathway that we are eager to explore. We continue research and outreach for mutual recognition of credentials across national borders to foster transnational recognition of expertise. It all comes back to the value we place on a robust global exchange of tree care knowledge and practice. A•N
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