Dear Station Members,
TCHK ( has recently published a public reply in Chinese on the enquiry of the benefits of Tree Climbing by an outsider. It is written in a language second to none by a professional to explain the good of Tree Climbing to a non-believer & translated complicated knowledge into laymen term for public understanding. It is worth broadcasting in our 'Professionals' Channel for public viewing.
Tree Climbing has always been part of ISA Arboriculture. It is on Arborist News in every edition & there is an International Tree Climbing Championship in every ISA Conference in the world. Despite its popularity, there is very few literature on the description of Tree climbing, because it is such a fast moving industry that by the time the book is printed, the technology has already moved ahead.
Please enjoy this interesting article written in colloquial Cantonese for the understanding of the majority of TCHK Members.
best regards,
TCHK ( has recently published a public reply in Chinese on the enquiry of the benefits of Tree Climbing by an outsider. It is written in a language second to none by a professional to explain the good of Tree Climbing to a non-believer & translated complicated knowledge into laymen term for public understanding. It is worth broadcasting in our 'Professionals' Channel for public viewing.
Tree Climbing has always been part of ISA Arboriculture. It is on Arborist News in every edition & there is an International Tree Climbing Championship in every ISA Conference in the world. Despite its popularity, there is very few literature on the description of Tree climbing, because it is such a fast moving industry that by the time the book is printed, the technology has already moved ahead.
Please enjoy this interesting article written in colloquial Cantonese for the understanding of the majority of TCHK Members.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Station Manager
攀爬一族 重要家書 2號 (攀樹有何好處?)
我唔係你地族人,但係上網成日見到你地係度吹噓話攀樹点正点好,咁我玩第二D運動唔得嘅咩,点解要學攀樹? 你地有無D乜野可以Ling出黎詳細解釋吓點解攀樹咁好丫!
我又見過有D大則師大工程師,平日Jit 到唔笑,但係一立住條繩上樹就馬上成只開籠雀咁、鬼咁多野問,鬼咁多野講,跟住一「豬仔爬」上去就用埋飲奶D力,咬牙切齒咁一邊唱「誓要去,入刀山,浩氣壯,過千關 ……..」,死都要捱埋果三、五米高度,拉到成双手甩晒皮都無所謂,上到去上便果陣叉開双手係度大鵬展翅映相,落番地果陣重解壓過考完果大學畢業試,咁你話有益定無益?
由此可見,攀樹有乜好?就係真情歡樂,身心健康,精神減壓,注意力集中,服從紀律,建立自信,熱血自豪,環境保育,回歸自然 ……… 重有……… 重有… 我地‘攀爬一族’ 嘅口號係:
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