Friday, March 1, 2013

ISA HK/China --- TRAQ transfer "ISA 树木风险评估员" 的资格转换

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附上的是 ISA 总会给予所有持有原 PNW 分部 "树木风险评估员" 证照的换证通知书, 而新的证照将会简称 TRAQ。 以后名片上凡写有 TRAQ 的樹艺师, 也就是同時拥有 "ISA 树木风险评估员" 的资格, 这点请所有分会员留意。

新的 TRAQ 证照的有效期是5年, 并不能用 CEU 學分來续牌, 而需要重新考试。 新旧证照之间的最大区别在於樹木风险评分的方法;旧的是采用數字评分, 而新的是采用一个方格表, 把树木倒塌的可能性, 匹配於后果的严重性,來作出评分。 也就可以说, 新的评分方法較为全面, 但所需的环境证据和树艺知识都相对为多, 可说是毫不容易。

目前在本分会管辖整个大中华的 650+ 个城市当中, 只有一个会讲英语的香港, 是由政府推行著 "树木风险评估" (简称 TRA) 的活动,用的也是旧的数字评分系統, 也用了3年有多。 假如香港要推行 TRAQ 去赶上國际潮流, 那可能相关的政府和私企人员, 都需要重新受训和考牌, 所涉及的资源將会是非常庞大, 如果做的不好的话, 可能会招惹投诉满天飞。 又假如香港说是要不变而維持现狀, 不再赶上国际潮流啦, 那又怕再有发生塌樹死人事件而需要闹上法院去的話, 到時候那理据何在, 目前还无人知晓。 香港目前的处境, 可能是进亦难时退亦难。

台湾和大陆方面则可能是因后而得福, 目前 TRA 在这两个地方都尚未开始, 要进行的话可以马上采用最新的 TRAQ 来擁行, 没有了旧制更新的痛苦。 话虽如此, TRAQ 采用的全都是高深英语, 没有中文, 要准确翻绎是绝不容易, 看來本分会为达此目标而將会很忙了。

TRA 在大中华地区进行, 只不过是时间上的問題。 当大树老樹越來越多的时候, 出意外的系数也相应提高, 目前本地区内的所有的城市人口都在增长, 维权意识也越來越高, 媒体也不仃地在找新闻, 假如塌樹伤人能造成头条盛事, 何不?

但愿 TRAQ 能为本地区樹木安全作出贡献, 但愿所有人都能理解 "予防胜于治療' 。


国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人

美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 ( )
澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
ISA 树木风险评估员
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (

“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”

“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to  . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at  , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***

Dear Station Members,

By now, those who possessed the ISA PNW TRACE credential, should have received the notice of transfer from ISA into the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) as per attached. The TRAQ is the first of such qualification given by ISA among all the years of providing credentials. The difference between ISA Qualification & ISA Credentials was given in our Station Mail of 7.9.2012.

Tree Risk Assessment (TRA) has not really started in our territory in major, except for the English-speaking city of HK. HK is the only one city out of our 650+ in which the local authority has established a systematic TRA system with public funding. This funding is said to increase to HK$50+ million in the fiscal year of 2013-2014.

The DEVB TRA Form 2 of HK is following the old numeric rating system to estimate on risk. In the latest TRAQ of ISA, it is moving on to a Risk Rating Matrix (p. 39 of ISA Best Management Practices on Tree Risk Assessment) which qualifies the level of risk as the combination of likelihood of tree failure & impact, against the severity of the consequences. If the DEVB Form 2 is to follow this latest practice, it may require a major renovation & fresh training for most of the HK tree assessors. This may affect the thousands who have already attended the training classes in Govt Depts, as well as in the private sectors. The impact will be huge.

Then if HK is not to follow the TRAQ, she is seen not to be in line with the latest development internationally in TRA. This may lead to consequences if a Court case is raised in a future major tree failure incident. We must not forget HK lies on the typhoon track of the South West Pacific. There have been fatal tree failures after typhoon in the past.

Taiwan & China may be luckier in this sense to have waited. They can now move on to the TRAQ as a start, if TRA is to be introduced over there, although a great deal of translation will be involved to turn the knowledge from English into Mandarin. ISA HK/China is likely to bear the fore front of it, with our knowledge & connection over there.

It is now interesting to see how the TRAQ will develop in our territory. ISA HK/China has not yet received any notice on training on it so far, & the indicated cost of US$625 per person will be subject to scrutiny by our Station Members. However, if one needs to stay in business with TRA as his daily work, this is considered to be a small amount to invest. It is better to stay ahead than behind. ISA HK/China will encourage all our Station Members to go for it when it arrives.

Looking forward to TRAQ gradually spreading in our territory, to make our trees safer & healthier from time to time.

best regards,

Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment.   Mother Nature makes the rules."



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