Saturday, December 15, 2012

ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Tree Climbing) 康樂攀爬 挑戰《人在野》

国内朋友请查閱 "百度博客 --- 国际树木学会" (  ) 以取得其他文章。本分会的发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人都可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。 任何人仕都可以申请免費加入本分会, 本分会员名单从不公开, 有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮和手机号传真到 +852-2679-5338 便可. 如有查询, 请电邮至  。本分会的一切发表内容, 谨供参考。


下面看到的是近期一辑有关本分会攀树的报导, 本來可以用超连结方式送上, 但又考虑到国内的情況可能报导会被 "和谐" 掉, 所以把全文刊出來, 以便两岸四地的会员都可以看到。

本分会从 2005 年到今, 已经被香港、国内和新加坡的传煤访问过两百次以上。 除了新加坡媒体是采用英语, 其他的包括香港的西方报刊, 都是采用中文來作访问。 有趣的是, 从來没有媒体关心过本分会的架构和组织, 也可以说他们对这方面, 是完成没有兴趣。 很多时候, 本分会的12个字长的名称, 干脆被简化成为 "樹木专家", 因为如此做法, 媒体也就省略编幅了, 而我们也不介意。

媒体有兴翅采访的, 往往是我们的专业知识, 和对某些樹木事件的判断能力, 对此我方也就不能拖拖拉拉, 要冲口而出讲上正确答案, 因为本地媒体的工作量大, 时间又少, 根本就不能等。 好像下面的报导, 从第一个电话到见稿为止, 全部只用了三个礼拜的时间, 可见传媒这口饭也不容易吃。

本分会与传媒之间的关係可说是如鱼得水, 我方供应活泼生动的知识經验给读者, 媒体由此得到了群众支持, 可谓双得益彰。 由于我方乐意与传媒合作, 媒体也就愿意报导我们。 从 2005 年至今, 从來没有一篇对本分会有过负面的报导出现过, 在这方面本分会是非常感谢各媒体的大力支持。

本分会将会继往开來, 百尺竿头, 为各会员的福祉和樹艺行业的成功不仃努力 !


国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人


美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 ( )

澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (

资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT ( )

执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 ( )

专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 ( )

如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”

“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to  . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at  , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***

Dear Station Members,

Attached is yet another report, this time on tree climbing by the largest newspaper of HK which has a 2.5 million + copies per day, on ISA HK/China. ISA HK/China in average is interviewed bi-weekly by a media group in HK or China from 2005 to now. We are one of the most popular Green Group in our territory.

Note the young lady in the photos are not wearing proper PPE in tree climbing. She was a model brought in by the newspaper & they specifically asked to show her pretty face. After all, she only went up 2 m from ground highest, with the Station Manager (SM) cushioning her underneath just in case. The newspaper regarded this to invite a warmer welcome by the readers, although this should not be regarded as a proper practice.

ISA HK/China has been immensely popular among the media in HK & China. How the SM has analyzed it would be that we can meet the requirements of the media in giving them what they want, without sacrificing our professional image & principles. The media are not interested in our organization & structure in general. In fact, it has never been asked, because that would be regarded as self-promotion. They are not even interested in how we are called. Many a times, the name of the SM would just come out as "Tree Expert". However, they are interested to learn exciting stories, working experience, personal achievement & professional comments of tree affairs, e.g. Lam Tsuen fatal tree failure. They would ask technical judgment & problem solving skills. One would need to be a genuine expert in the field to satisfy their needs.

For any interview to touch on tree climbing, the SM would need to climb on the spot almost without exception. The media would photograph the techniques & ask on the equipment. There are times that the SM would need to dangle up high for minutes just for a few of their professional shots. Chainsaw cutting is also frequently demonstrated.

The media do have a deadline to meet for their work. In HK, this is usually very short. For example, the story below from the first call to the final appearance on newspaper, took only three weeks. The SM would usually answer media calls from 6 pm top midnight during times of an impacting tree event, because the time for submission of the media would be before 1am in the morning to go out for printing. Media production in HK is highly efficient indeed.

ISA HK/China does not put up all our media reports in Station Mail, because some of them are just repetitive. However, with the help of the media, ISA HK/China is gradually becoming a household name, for the Arborist Profession & Tree Climbing. We intend to work hand in hand with the media for mutual benefits. We'll give them good stories without infringing our professionalism.

Such is our direction & we shall carry on our course. May it benefit all at the end.

best regards,

Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."


康樂攀爬 挑戰《人在野》

小記每逢星期三晚都唔逛夜街,點解?因為 要追睇《人在野》(Man Vs. Wild)。每集主角Bear深入不毛,表演絕地求生真人騷,見佢手腳並用抱樹幹、爬藤蔓,真係一步一驚心。講起求生,攀樹確實係其中一項必學技巧,而香 港樹木學會便有專人教授康樂攀爬(Recreational Tree Climbing),一嘗猶如《人在野》主角般挑戰大自然!


「《人在野》主角Bear擅長徒手爬來 爬去,但真正的攀爬運動必須加入輔助工具。」香港樹木學會會長歐永森(Sammy)指出,徒手爬樹只限於直上直落,如果沒有利用繩結 製造支點,是無法於樹上橫向移動。他續道:「基本攀爬運動講求三大重點,第一是透過引繩上樹尋找設置支點的樹椏。接着是利用連接結將 身體穩固綁緊繩扣,以及靠摩擦結令身體在繩上移動。最後要熟習身體推進法(Body Thrust),攀爬時躺臥身體、雙腳穩定樹身,同時一下一下拉動繩子令自己往上升。」

第1步 檢查樹木

攀樹前首先要檢查樹木有否枯、老、病、 死,同時觀察樹椏有否蜂巢等。

引繩上樹的技巧在於將投擲包,以鐘擺方式拋上目標樹椏來 製造支點。

第2步 引繩上樹

引繩上樹的技巧在於將投擲包,以鐘擺方 式拋上目標樹椏來製造支點。

身體推進法:攀樹時躺臥身體,同時腰臀發力及雙手向上拉 動繩子。

雙繩腳鎖法:重點在於雙腳繞繩子作踏點,手腳並用盤繩向 上。

安全坐帶:主要承托腰部及臀部,兩側及背部繫有攀爬繩、 安全短繩及分叉繩,方便作上落用途。

第3步 攀爬樹幹

身體推進法:攀樹時躺臥身體,同時腰臀 發力及雙手向上拉動繩子。

安全鋼扣:爬樹鋼扣必須是保險鎖式並能自動關閉,鋼扣使 用時虎口位必須成相反方向,防止誤開。

安全帽及護目鏡:攀爬時可避免枝葉、樹皮、昆蟲等雜物撞 傷頭部或掉進眼睛。

手鋸:無論職業攀爬或康樂攀爬都必須佩戴,但多於職業攀 爬時作枝節修剪。


雙繩腳鎖法:重點在於雙腳繞繩子作踏 點,手腳並用盤繩向上。

吊索爬法:俗稱「天纜」的吊索系統,利 用爬樹繩在樹與樹之間製作滑輪穿梭其中。


攀樹技術並非無中生有,Sammy解 釋,有系統的攀樹活動可追溯至百多年前的北美洲移民潮。「當地人為了開拓土地而大量砍伐樹木,後來重新綠化栽種,他們卻無法爬到樹上 進行修剪,於是想到利用繩子及滑輪懸掛木板載人上樹,發展成所謂『職業攀爬』。」而現今的康樂攀爬可說由此演變而來。此外,謹記活動 前要檢查樹木主幹及枝莖情況,若然太細便無法承受攀爬者重量,還要留意樹上有否蜂巢、蟻窩等,避免發生危險。


康樂攀爬屬近年新興的戶外活動,由於大 眾對樹木保育意識提升,令不少人透過爬樹來親近大自然。香港樹木學會便提供有系統的訓練課程,由淺入深讓學員掌握不同技 巧,Sammy藉此分享箇中玩法:「康樂攀爬是適合一家大細的戶外運動,初學者會先認識如專用裝備、繩結方法、身體推進法等,到了中 階便可學習尋找攀爬場地、用投擲包引繩上樹等,至於高階訓練則集中高技術攀爬方法,如雙繩腳鎖、枝上行走等。」學會同時舉辦相關課程 如樹藝理論、樹上拯救等,學成後可考國際認可牌照做攀樹師,將樹木知識傳承開去。


Jessica於4年間由零開始到考獲 教練牌,今年更到訪美國挑戰巨樹。她形容:「一般人以為爬樹很吃力,其實只要靠繩結幫助,女孩子也能輕易爬到5米以上。這令我更有自 信,希望能將攀樹的樂趣跟其他人分享。」

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