Friday, November 2, 2012

ISA HK/China --- Tree Failure in Lam Tsuen to kill (2012林村塌树杀人事件)

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2012年10月11日上午10点半左右, 位於香港新界大埔林村范围内, 的一棵估计有80年以上的细叶榕的其中一枝横干, 在毫无警告之下突然断塌下来, 击中一辆路过的大卡车, 把乘客座位迎头压扁, 令坐在此位置的南亚裔跟车工人被击中头部死亡, 成为本年度第二宗因为树木事故从而致命的不幸事件。

在发生意外的三小时之内, 本分会长已经被4家电视台和十多家报馆催促前往事故现场接受访问, 本分会长在现场所粗略见到的, 是一辆大卡车的乘客座位被压扁了过半, 而压下来的断枝已经被救援人员锯开移走了。 再看到的是断枝接口部份好像是有一根枯木被增生的榕树气根包绞住, 而断裂部份显现著 "树包皮' 现象。 "树包皮' 是结构弱势枝, 断下来不足为奇, 简单的目测检查都可以看到。

是次树木致命意外, 香港传媒差不多是一面倒的开声炮轰, 从下面连结可见一斑:



负责管理此树的政府部门发表声明说, 这棵树因为没收过投诉, 所以并未检查, 相等于国内的 "不告不理"。 但从此树距离邻近繁忙公路只有十米左右, 下面小路又经常有人车经过, 此 "不告不理" 结果是害了一条人命, 这又於心何忍?

有人放风说, 是有可能在大卡车后面的货斗先击中下垂枝, 然而导至全臂断落来压扁车头。 换句话说, 司机可能要负上部份责任。 但从本分会长在现场所看到的, 车头压扁部份的冲力应是从上往下, 以卡车当时正在前进的情况来看, 碰到下垂枝然后压下来的会是车斗, 而不是前面的车头。 但至於谁是谁非, 希望日后在各部门搜集所有证据, 查明真相以后, 可以还死者一个公道。

香港是两岸四地当中唯一一个由政府强制执行 "树木风险评估" 的城市, 但愿如此做法不负众望, 令此地的树木意外不再容易发生。


国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人

美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (

澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (  
资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (
专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (  

如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”

“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”

ISA HK/China wishes to thank Mr. Leon Lau for providing some of the site photos of the accidnet for this Station Mail !"

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***

Dear Station Members,

Very sadly, another tree failure has killed a person in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po, Hong Kong on 11 Oct 2012. It was described by the HK media that a huge branch of a senile Ficus tree had snapped off to hit the passenger in the front seat of a passing-by lorry. ISA HK/China wishes to offer our deepest condolences to the victim & his family for this unfortunate event.

The media has been very critical on this fatal incident. Some links in Chinese have reported the event in details, including movie clips, as follows:


Within 3 hours of the incident, the Station Manager (SM) Sammy Au was called up by 4 TV stations & 10+ local newspapers to view & comment on the event. By the time the SM arrived, the fallen branch crushing the lorry was already removed, although the remains of the broken tree were still standing there. From the tattered ends, it appeared to the SM that there was a dead tree of some kind, strangled by the Ficus growing over it. There was an apparent Included Bark at the branch junction, which snapped off to hit the lorry below. There was decay at the broken joint, but it was not sure whether it was caused by the rotting dead tree inside, or it happened with the living Ficus.

There was a hypothesis that it was the lorry which hit the lower portion of the broken limb to cause the whole limb to fail onto it. However, from the indentation mark on the front passenger seat so crushed by the fallen limb, & the fact that the lorry was moving forward at a speed, it would make it hard for the SM to believe that this is the case. Because if it is, the fallen branch would have hit the cargo compartment behind instead. The lorry apparently did not stop at any time during the collision as it probable did not anticipate it, and the passenger compartment was seen to be crushed from vertically down & not in front. In any case, it would be up to the other experts to make the official judgment later, as the SM has seen only part of the evidence. It would be wrong for him to make his own professional judgment with so little facts obtained.

This tree was said to have had never been inspected by the govt authority managing it, with the reason that it was never complained. The tree was situated within a striking distance from a nearby busy road, & the side path under it has traffic & pedestrians passing through from time to time. It would be good in an event as such that a mature tree can be inspected for safety sake in future.

Lam Tsuen Tree Failure is the second accident related to tree that has killed in HK in 2012. ISA HK/China does not want to see another one anytime & anywhere. May the good Arborists in our territory can be brought in to help on that.

best regards,

Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."


冧樹再次殺人 徹查懶官失職


如果真係有人咁樣提醒大家,就唔使驚冧樹大禍臨頭啦。奈何世事呢家嘢,邊有咁多提醒吖,一棵大樹砰嘭一嘢仆落街,避又冇得避,閃又唔識閃,冬瓜豆 腐三長兩短死咗都唔知發生乜嘢事。

呢嗱嗱嗱,冧樹殺人事件再次重演嘞,今次嘅事發地點係大埔林村一帶,仲係一死一傷添。尋日朝早十點左右,有一架貨車由大埔塘上村駛出林錦公路,忽 然之間斜坡上面一棵十五米高嘅大樹塌下,貨車當堂被壓至嚴重損毀。結果咯喎,有位乘客重傷被困車內,消防員用咗粒幾鐘先至能夠鋸走樹幹抬出傷者, 可惜最終送院搶救都係不治身亡。至於貨車司機,亦都受傷送院,好彩情況穩定。

點解會冧樹嘅呢?樹木專家歐永森現場視察過之後就話嘞,冧嘅嗰棵樹係細葉榕,相信倒塌原因係樹木結構出現問題。歐永森解釋,呢棵樹出現分枝大過主 幹嘅情況,行內稱為「樹包皮」,相信呢個現象已經持續十年或以上,平時如果經常檢查,透過目視都可以見到相關情況,只要將分枝剪短或者用繩纜拉穩 主幹,倒塌係可以避免嘅。

講到呢度,又係時候訪問一下樹木辦班官僚。喂喂喂,樹木辦呀樹木辦,乜你哋嘅工作範圍唔係包括經常檢查全港樹木嘅咩?如果有檢查,因乜事幹冇發現 潛在危險呀?如果冇檢查,又因乜事幹懶得咁交關呢?

樹木辦最初之所以橫空出世,原因係赤柱有一棵刺桐冧咗落嚟殺死一位女大學生,政府事後孔明急忙補鑊,由當時嘅政務司司長唐英年擔正大旗左研究右研 究,終於開設樹木辦,顧名思義就係管理樹木以防慘劇再次發生。點知樹木辦成立冇幾耐,一○年沙田圓洲角就有大樹倒冧壓死途人,而尋日又有人死於非 命,樹木辦係咪玩忽職守呀?

地政總署署長甯漢豪講得好好笑,佢話喎,由於幾年來都冇人投訴出事嗰一棵樹,所以一直冇巡查過。功夫茶想請教甯署長,無端白事點會有人無無聊聊走 去投訴一棵樹嘅呢?與其投訴一棵樹,不如直接投訴甯署長仲好啦。不如咁嘞,功夫茶家陣就投訴甯漢豪,首先投訴閣下偷懶,其次投訴閣下亂噏,麻煩立 即展開調查!

嗱,人命關天呀,真係要徹底調查有冇懶到出汁嘅官僚失職。正所謂咯喎,我不殺伯仁,伯仁因我而死。家陣情況係,你不殺路人,路人因你而亡。冧樹殺 人慘劇不斷,今次仲釀成一死一傷喎,咁大件事唔查唔得啦,吓話?



人搭錯車 樹殺錯人

時來風送滕王閣,運去雷轟薦福碑,說的是人有三衰六旺,好運之時順風順水,歹運之時五雷轟頂。本地有一位南亞裔男子,毫無疑問交上了非常惡劣的歹 運。他在大埔林錦公路塘上村搬運磁磚之後,登上貨車乘搭順風車,途經村內小路突然飛來橫禍,路邊一棵十五米高的百年細葉榕隆然坍塌,貨車被壓毀, 男子慘死了。貨車司機稍為好一點,死裏逃生僅受輕傷而已。

為甚麼好端端一棵大樹會塌下來?非常明顯地,樹木辦官僚疏於職守,沒有嚴格巡查,致使香港再次發生一宗塌樹殺人事件。須知道,樹木辦當初成立的導 火線是赤柱有一棵刺桐塌下來殺了一位女大學生,特區政府亡羊補牢急急設置這一個衙門,為的就是防止類似慘劇重演。所以嘛,如今又見塌樹殺人,樹木 辦難辭其咎。

若說那位不幸身亡的南亞裔男子是搭錯車,那麼世光痞人我會說,坍塌下來的百年細葉榕乃殺錯人。此話何解呢?讓我先跟大家溫故知新,幾年前電話推銷 氾濫成災,市民大眾無不受到滋擾,官員照例不聞不問。可是啊,有一回前特首曾蔭權在內地高官面前出洋相,當眾給電話推銷滋擾,不旋踵,特區政府雷 厲風行監之管之,電話推銷大規模減少了。那就是說,如果受害者是掌權者的話,問題是可以很容易解決的。


