Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ISA HK/China --- Chicago trees in October 2011 2011年美国芝加哥市的市区树木种植

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附上的图片是副分会长梁永强和王卓粤, 在2011年参加 "ISA领袖训练班" 时, 在美国芝加哥市内拍到的。 本分会从来都致力培养第二代的接斑人, 也为发展树艺行业努力不懈, 只愿我中华大地到处种上优质树木, 改善社会生活环境, 也能为广大纳税人省工省钱。

图片上很多的成年树, 其实栽植时间与国内许多大城市里开始搞绿化的时间也差不多, 大概也是30年左右吧, 但从这些树木的树体结构、整体健康和绿化效果来看, 与我们的来相比, 却有相当大的差別。 看起来芝加哥的种树要求是重"质", 而不是重"量", 他们会在合适的地点种上了合适的树种, 给地上部份合理的修剪, 给根部有足够伸展的空间, 也给予时间和耐心去让小树长大成荫, 种树的目的着眼在长期效果,而不是 "即时效果"。 这样子, 30年后得出来的结果是一份份的社会资产, 而不是一个个的 "不定时炸弹"。

芝加哥的市区种树,从30年前开始到现在, 都是由他们的 "市立树艺师", 从设计、栽种、护养、检查和保育, 来全盘负责,再由其他行业辅助。 芝加哥人爱树, 也同意树艺师是懂得护理树木的专家, 完全把市内种树交给树艺师去打理, 得出来的成绩是有目共睹。

树艺行业在大中华地区尚未发展起來,凭我中华民族的智慧和毅力,理应很快可以建立起來。 但愿有一天同样的文章能被某国外专家,写上在我某大城市里的树木种植, 能够让他们国家来取经。

如此的日子, 希望不离目前很远。


国际树木学会 中华地区分会 会长 暨 创办人


美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-rac-in-asia.html)

澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)

资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-frist-bcma-in-asia.html)

执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-tree-news-1441-report.html)

专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)

“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”

“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。 ”

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Anyone can join ISA HK/China by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to egc@netvigator.com  . Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice. Station Membership is never publicly disclosed. Please note that Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com  , although images are usually not attached due to size. All our information is for reference without liabilities. ***

Dear Station Members,

It may be a little bit late, but attached are the photos brought back by our Deputy Station Managers Mike Leung & Chiky Wong, during their trip to the ISA Leadership Workshop in Chicago, Illinois, USA in October 2011. ISA HK/China is giving every opportunity to our second generation of Arborists to train themselves to carry on what we have built since 2005. We are here to build the Arborist Profession in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. We need to advance our next generation to continue on what we have developed.

In the photos, please note the quality, the spacing, the species selection, & the end results of the tree planting in Chicago. Also note the trees are not that old, perhaps planted at around the same time, to a lot of the mature trees in the cities of HK & China. Then please compare the contribution of the Chicago trees with a lot of our existing trees. Which one is the asset?

It is known to us that the urban trees in Chicago are monitored by their City Arborists from design, installation, maintenance, inspection to protection. Their Arborists have done a fine job, well to be admired by any tree care specialists all around the world. How we wish we can have trees similar to theirs in our territory.

It is important that trees are placed into the hands of the correct professionals. Trees are long living. They may not give an "instant effect" of the mature trees just after installation. They also take a long time to show any damage, & would enter a "spiral of decline" gradually to total failure. People who do not know enough about tress would pack trees like in a refugee camp for an "instant effect". Some even pulled out mature trees from a forest into the city to try to buy history. Then the trees will eventually take revenge.

Design & installation are usually the most critical stage of any tree planting. If done incorrectly, Mother Nature makes the Rules. Look around us for our city trees in our territory. Are they giving us the end results of the trees in Chicago, or as in Portland as shown before? Do we need to ask ourselves why? Are we using our Arborist Profession properly?

Give trees back to the Arborists. Let the right professionals look after our urban trees, or Mother Nature will make the Rules in the long term.

best regards,

Sammy Au

Founding President (Station Manager) of ISA HK/China (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com)

Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)

Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (www.iaca.org.au)

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2011/03/isa-hkchina-first-bcma-in-asia.html)

Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)

Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2012/01/isa-hkchina-mediation.html)

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."

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