Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ISA HK/China --- Domains of Arboriculture 树艺学领城

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Dear Station Members,

After the Stanley Tree Failure in 2008 in HK, the city has gone on a frenzy to conduct Tree Risk Assessment (TRA) apparently to respond the political pressure. 95+% of the HK Arborists in the private sector right now would focus on TRA alone, because this is the biggest share of the pie. Courses of variable quality have sprung up everywhere on TRA. Laymen want to be Certified Arborists instantly because of the sudden market in TRA. The Arboricultural Discipline appears to be all about TRA alone in the small city of HK.

ISA HK/China, managing ISA activities for hundreds of cities in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China, does not see practicing TRA as the only domain in HK as healthy. This is like keep on pushing vitamin pills alone & ignore general food. The Arboricultural Discipline contains many more subjects other than just TRA. This is represented in the highest credential of Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) of ISA, where in all 19 Domains of Arboriculture are required to be tested. They include:

1. Abiotic Influence

2. Tree Biology

3. Biotic Influence

4. Diagnostic Process

5. Plant Identification & Selection

6. Soil Science

7. Climbing, Rigging & Removal

8. Installation Practice

9. Integrated Pest Management

10. Irrigation

11. Pruning

12. Soil Treatment

13. Support & Protection

14. Business Relation

15. Inventory & management Plans

16. Plant Appraisal

17. Tree Risk Assessment (TRA)

18. Safety at Work

19. Tree Preservation

It can be seen that TRA is just one Domain among the rest. An Arborist is supposed to master all-round knowledge & not biased on one single subject alone, because the knowledge of the other subjects will help him to make better observation & decision on that single subject. This appears to be a common fact in any scientific discipline.

In the above, a Certified Arborist is tested in multiple-choice around a combination of 10 Domains in basics. Only around 10% of the questions are on TRA. The Registered Consulting Arborist ( ) credential requires the candidate to further deliver all the above knowledge in oratory & writing to international skills. Arboriculture is much broader than just filling in forms for TRA.

ISA HK/China has over the years recommended our Arborists to master profound knowledge in Tree Biology & Wind Mechanics, before attempting to conduct something so sophisticated like the TRA. If not, it is always true that Mother Natures makes the Rules. We also need to find why our trees have turned into risks in the first place, & stop them. Otherwise, we shall keep on producing risky trees.

HK is just one city out of hundreds in our territory, & HK cannot influence how ISA is developed here. In our Exchange Visit to China next week, ISA HK/China will deliver a complete package of knowledge in Tree Standards, Installation & Pruning, Tree Climbing & TRA to our brothers & sisters, who do not know much about Arboriculture nor ISA. Arboricultural knowledge links to one another & one subject alone cannot be taken out to represent all. ISA HK/China keeps an open mind & clear vision on how to develop proper Arboriculture in our territory under ISA Mission. Nothing can deviate us from that.

May the HK Arborists spread out to develop other skills of Arboriculture to meet the world. If not, HK Arborists will soon be marginalized, when they come to meet others on knowledge whether locally or overseas.

Just think about those coming to ISA Sydney Conference with us to meet the world ...

best regards,

Sammy Au

President / Station Manager
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."


自2008年香港赤柱塌树后,香港似乎是由於政治压力而对树木风险评估(TRA)产生了一股狂热。有九成多的香港树艺师会只专注於 TRA上,因为这是整个馅饼中之最大份量。质数参差的TRA课程如雨後春笋般崛起。 外行人以TRA为生意, 都想成为 “注册树艺师”。在香港这个小城市, 树艺学似乎全是只关注单一的TRA而矣。

本分会是管理在香港, 澳门,台湾及中国境内数百个城市的ISA机构,对香港树艺师只从事TRA认为毫不健康。树艺行业不只是操作TRA而矣, 而是非常广阔。在ISA 的最高级文凭 “资深树艺师”(BCMA)内,所有19个树艺领域都要经过测试。它们是:

1. 非生物界的影响

2. 树木生物学

3. 生物界的影响

4. 诊断过程

5. 植物识别与选择

6. 土壤学

7. 攀树,索具及移除

8. 安装和实践

9. 病虫害综合管理

10. 灌溉

11. 修剪

12. 土壤处理

13. 支撑和保护

14. 业务关系

15. 统计和管理计划

16. 植物鉴定

17. 树木风险评估(TRA)

18. 施工安全

19. 树木保育

从这19个领域中, “注册树芸师” 只是被测试其中10个领域,及局限於基本常识。至于 “顾问树艺师”(  之认证, 考生更是被要求以口述及写作能力来传达上述知识至国际满意的程度。

由此可见,在ISA众多领域中, TRA仅仅是其中一个。本分会多年来都建议任何树芸师, 都要掌握好对树生物学及风力学之渊博常识後,才可尝试处理类似TRA之复杂事项。不然, “由大自然决定成败 ” 经常是对的。

香港仅仅是我们领域里数百个城市当中的一个 ,而且,香港不能影响本分会如何去发展ISA树艺。 例如,在我们下一个进入中国之交流参观会内,我们将传递一套 “树本标准,安装及修枝,攀树与TRA” 的完整基本知识。这些知识互相连结,而且不能剔除当中任何一项去宣称这就是这样了。本分会在ISA使命下对如何在我们领域上发展适当树艺, 保持着开放的态度及清晰的视野, 没有什么能令我们由此偏离。

但愿香港的树艺师们, 能伸展出去发展其他树艺技能去衔接世界。否则,当香港树艺师与海外树艺师相比之时, 将会被再次边缘化。

试想想,那些与我们前往ISA悉尼会议的同伴们会如何面对世界 ...


国际树木学会 中国地区分会 会长


顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (
资深树艺师 / 注册攀树师号 no. HK-0174BT (
执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (



(以上由罗叶明注册树艺师 HK-0538A 翻绎。一切内容以英文版本为准!)


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