Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ISA HK/China --- China Committee

Dear Station Members,

ISA HK/China is pleased to inform you that we have recently set up the very important China Committee to help us enter the China market. Please check out our latest Organization Chart in the attachment.

The Station Manager will initially take up the lead of the China Committee with his past connection & influence in China Greenery. The Committee currently consists of two Committee Members, namely Thomas Chow & John Chong, both working as volunteers to contribute their time & effort to bring ISA into the Land of Old Dragons. We shall continue to recruit the right personnel with knowledge, integrity & passion to man the China Committee, & we shall do so without prejudice.

Thomas Chow is a retired teacher of Fung Kai Secondary School who now runs his own consultancy company called China Arbor Ltd. John Chong is a partner of Muni Arborists Ltd which is perhaps the largest arboricultural consultancy for Govt & private sectors in HK at present. Thomas has a degree in Economics, & John possesses a MPhil in Biology. Both are Certified Arborist, & speak good Mandarin to promote ISA in China.

The first task of the Committee Members will be to translate our Station Mail into Simplified Chinese for public viewing within China. Station Mail is the corner stone of ISA HK/China, & it has an immense impact on the greenery industry in our territory. With it now to be in Simplified Chinese, our brothers & sisters will not need to use translation software to obtain guessing messages. The translation of Station Mail will need to be done quickly by our Committee Members, in fact to be within 24 hours since we need to win on speed. Station Mail will need to catch the right sentiment at the right time. Otherwise, only English messages will appear.

Therefore, if we do no get a steady flow of weekly Station Mail because of the translation, the pressure will be on these Committee Members. All our 1,500+ Station Members & overseas partners will be reading this. That's why not everyone can serve as a Committee Member in this important China Committee.

ISA HK/China is now growing & expanding like a rising sun. The Station Manager is known to be a determined man, & he will live up his pledge to bring ISA into China. This is also the expectation of ISA HQ & our Station Members. We have also not forgotten our overseas partners, as we shall bring them in along with us. China is a big enough market to accommodate everybody, & their bigger trees in their 900+ cities now will need our care.

Support your China Committee. To our local Station Members, set your eyes away from just HK. There is a virgin land full of greener pastures up north waiting for us to explore. This is how we can sustain our growth for the next generation & more.

Let us work hand in hand to open up this Final Frontier with our Integrity, Professionalism, Participation, Fact-finding & Truth-telling. Let us promote proper arboriculture with research & education, along with the benefits of trees to our brothers & sisters.

We shall have faith, & China will be ours.

best regards,

Sammy Au
Station Manager
Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/12/isa-hkchina-first-rca-in-asia.html)
Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (http://isahkchina.blogspot.com/2010/04/isa-hkchina-hk-tree-news-14410-report.html)
ISA Certified Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174AT (www.isa-arbor.com)