Saturday, August 14, 2010

ISA HK/China --- ATV program on 14.8.2010

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Dear Station Members,

An ATV News Magazine program was shown last night at 7pm about Tree Risks in HK. Both the local Tree Experts & Tree Management Office (TMO) were present on show to talk about Hazard Trees & general Tree Planting. This program can be retrieved from Web TV at when it is updated later in the week.

This particular show appeared to probe deeper into Tree Assessment than a similar TVB program on 5.8.2010, with the smell of a smoking gun, at least from the Tree Experts. It is also interesting to note that the Tree Experts were always talking in front of Hazard Trees on site, where the TMO was talking in front of beautiful graphics & drawings in office, instead of standing in front of the same trees for any debate. Then which one becomes more convincing?

Tree Experts were also demonstrating skills in proper Tree Assessment in front of real trees, & gave recommendations for further action. The audience would find it educational. It does not appear that the TMO has ever done the same on TV programs so far.

Interesting comment in the program includes consultant company was quoted to be able to give example of successful tree planting of Terminalia catappa in a 1m x 1m planter box from past experience. Terminalia can grow to 20+ m tall & 15+ m wide in the field. It would be quite an education to the Arborists to see it developing "successfully" in a 1m x 1m concrete box, without getting blown over in storm.

The program ended by querying the resulting effects of spending HK$360 million public fund for the Greening Master Plan in 18 Districts in HK, with special focus on Tree Planting.

ISA HK/China is not involved in the production of this program. We would also take a neutral stance in any of the comments.

Please browse through this interesting program at your leisure.

best regards,

Sammy Au
Station Manager

"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."

"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."


  1. Your government is loaded. $360 millions!! Huh! Ours dont even have a dolar to spare.

  2. Only if we can have a trickle of money to spare fo rour government, we can do our work better. Your $360 million is like a dream to us. Has it been well spent?
