Friday, February 5, 2010

ISA HK/China --- HK Tree News (Felling of the Maryknoll Araucaria)

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***

Dear Station Members,

ISA HK/China received the media report underneath this morning, much of its contents are self-explanatory.

ISA HK/China is not in a position to comment on the two reports mentioned in the media coverage; one by a local company & one by an overseas company on the Maryknoll Araucaria at links below:

1. Local Report ---

2. Overseas Report ---

Station Members may want to download them for your own studies from the DEVB website above.

One thing that ISA HK/China wish to clarify in the media message below is that, the name of the 'Qualified Arborist' so mentioned in the Local Report has been searched, but could not be found as a Certified Arborist on ISA website ( under the heading of 'Certification - Verify an ISA Certification'.

Another question that was commonly asked in the past two days was on the title of the Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) & how to get it. The BCMA credential tests for a total of 165 scenario-based Multiple Choice Questions in a computer room only, & no written report or demonstration of practical skills are required. Please find other requirements for taking the BCMA on ISA website under the heading of 'Certification - Which credential is the right one for you?'.

As for evaluating reports, it is a contemporary practice for report of any kind to be written as understandable, readable, logical, defensible & not excessively wordy. ISA HK/China would recommend our Station Members to view the following literature in report writing as a guidance:

1. Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative by Edward R. Tufre; Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT. ISBN 0-9613921-2-6.

2. Franklin Covey Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication, 3rd Edition, ISBN 188321982-5.

3. The Chicago Manual of Style , 5th Edition; University of Chicago Press, 2003.

4. StyleEase for Chicago Manual of Style and Turabian's Manual for Writers; Style Writer-USA,

The above literature may help our Station Members to understand how good reports should be written, as well as resolving some of the queries of the media message (見表)mentioned below .

best regards,

Sammy Au
Station Manager

"If a tree is not designed, installed, maintained & inspected properly, it is likely to become a liability rather than an asset."

"Trees are good for the community. Trees need care like human beings. Arborists are the Tree Care Professionals."


2月6日 星期六 氣溫 17°C 濕度 91 % 詳盡天氣報告

鬼樹今處斬 瑪利諾舊生報警 校方評估報告被質疑欠證據

(x報)2010年2月6日 星期六 0x:10


當局將於今日清晨約5至10時在瑪利諾南洋杉附近封路,據悉,校方清晨6時起移除鬼樹,承建商會以「分件移除(Sectional Felling)」,把樹分成每50至100公斤一件,再即時用吊機逐一吊離現場,以免大樹倒下阻礙通道。


傾斜12度 減兩成支撐力

據註冊樹藝師胡煜文撰寫的報告,南洋杉逾半樹根受損,包括兩條直徑達100毫米的樹根,認為該樹已不穩定,需設結構支撐及每周巡視。校方隨後再聘請美國「國際樹木學會」註冊高級樹藝師(Board Certified Master Arborist)Eckert 於上月底檢視該樹,報告指鬼樹已向西傾斜約12度,指若失去有關根部,會減少逾兩成的樹木支撐力。





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