Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ISA HK/China --- Reply to Lo Tung's enquiry on Tree Transplantation

*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated. For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas. Please note Station Mail is sometimes given in Blog at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com , although images are usually not attached due to size. ***

Dear Mr. Lo,

Thank you for your patience for us to draft a reply on your enquiry on Tree Transplantation. Please note that we are giving the reply on technical ground only, without bias nor sentiment, from our professional knowledge as Practising Arborist. ISA HK/China is a research & education organization & we do not become involved with politics. Hence our reply will follow only our guided principles of Integrity, Professionalism, Participation, Fact-finding & Truth-telling, as we always should.

In any recommendation for Tree Transplantation, an Arborist would first study into two major areas: Survival after transplantation & Practicality of the transplanting work.

For Survival consideration, we would review the health & structure of a tree to determine whether it would be worthwhile to carry out the transplant. The guiding principle would be that what good is it to transplant a tree if it would not survive the transplant, or it may pose as a potential hazard to the public after the transplant. An Arborist would have various skills & methods to determine such requirement & it would take several days of lectures to tell you all this, rather than in a simple e-mail reply.

For Practicality of the transplant, we would usually require to lift a rootball of a size of 10 x trunk diameter to conform to the international requirement in tree transplantation. Therefore, a 2 ft trunk diameter tree would require a rootball of 20 ft in diameter, & so on. On the other hand, you are correct in pointing out that most lorries in HK can not accommodate oversized rootballs. The average width of a HK lorry is usually around 8 ft only. This would mean an acceptable rootball to sit on any lorry would be around 8 ft in diameter, giving the maximum trunk size of a tree to be transplanted to be about 10 inches in diameter. For any tree larger than that, the rootball will have to be cut off, leading to future death or poor growth as seen after many tree transplantation in HK.

Taking the lorry width of 8 ft into consideration, this would also limit the canopy width of any tree to be carried. A tree of 10 inch rootball would usually carry a canopy of natural width well over 20 ft in diameter. This would mean the tree canopy would need to be chopped down to 8 ft in order to fit. Any tree chopped, or better be called 'topped' , would usually lead to future decay at wounds. Decay is a tree is not known internationally to be stopped by chemicals or by cultural treatment. This tree may eventually become a potential hazard to fail in the wind.

Above are the simplified answer to your enquiry from our professional knowledge. Arborists are Tree Doctors & Tree Detectives. We are the specialists in tree care. If you would need more information on this topic, we would recommend you to visit International Society of Arboriculture (ISA at www.isa-arbor.com), or to consult any Practising Arborist for a more detailed answer. ISA was set up in 1924, & is the largest & oldest tree care organization in the world. Arborists are also friendly Practitioners & we are always ready to help. You can also find out more about ISA HK/China at http://isahkchina.blogspot.com in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China.

Thank you for your enquiry & please do not hesitate to approach us for further questions.

Please kindly note that we are forwarding this message on our Station Mail system for the information & knowledge of our Station Members.

best regards,

Sammy Au
ISA HK/China Station Manager
Practising Arborist, Professional Nurseryman & Landscaper

The ISA Mission - Through research, technology, and education, promote the professional practice of arboriculture and foster a greater public awareness of the benefits of trees. (www.isa-arbor.com)

----- Original Message -----
From: Lo Tung Lo
To: btang@aud.gov.hk ; dlcsoffice@lcsd.gov.hk ; ayscheung@lcsd.gov.hk ; wingsleung@lcsd.gov.hk ; mailbox@afcd.gov.hk ; cary_ph_ho@afcd.gov.hk ; yk_chan@afcd.gov.hk ; pk_chan@afcd.gov.hk ; landsd@landsd.gov.hk ; ddg@landsd.gov.hk ; ceshq@landsd.gov.hk ; cswai@hyd.gov.hk ; sla3.lu@hyd.gov.hk ; sla1.lu@hyd.gov.hk ; sla2.lu@hyd.gov.hk ; yuech@archsd.gov.hk ; ault@archsd.gov.hk ; wongv@archsd.gov.hk ; lewisah@archsd.gov.hk ; pi@legco.gov.hk ; rctho@capitalchina.com ; contact@alanleong.net ; info@liwahming.org.hk ; selina@selinachow.com ; jkstolegco@gmail.com ; yuenhan@ftulegco.org.hk ; bernie@bernardchan.com ; kamlamchan2004@yahoo.com.hk ; cksin@sinchungkai.org.hk ; az3286pw@netvigator.com ; jet@dab.org.hk ; howardyoung_legco@yahoo.com.hk ; kwlau@dab.org.hk ; miriamlau@liberal.org.hk ; elau@frontier.org.hk ; sychoy@pacific.net.hk ; chengkarfoo@dphk.org ; ttfok@netvigator.com ; arazack@netvigator.com ; albert.wychan@yahoo.com.hk ; kwaifong56@yahoo.com.hk ; kyli@dab.org.hk ; kkk@kkkwok.org ; hokming@ntas.org ; patricklau@gmail.com ; contactus@mandytam.com
Cc: lotunglo@yahoo.com.hk ; cahk@cahk.org.hk ; info@greensense.org.hk ; egc@netvigator.com ; secretary@hkila.com
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 7:10 PM
Subject: 是保育樹木,還是浪費公帑?


這棵樣子奇怪的樹是攝於馬鞍山的一個政府樹木移植接收場,它是眾多受不同建築工程影響而被移植的樹木之一。政府每年耗費大量人力物力去保護受發展影響的樹木,跟據發展局技術指引ETWB TC No. 3/2006規定,負責工程項目的部門必須盡力保護工地上原有的樹木,所有樹木必須被紀錄並由有關的部門對其最終的處理方法(原地保留、移植或砍除)進行審批。政策方向完全正確及對環境負責,但實際運作如何?政府部門如何審批處理受工程影響的樹木?究竟圖中的這棵樹為甚麼這樣奇怪?

圖中的樹是細葉榕(Ficus microcarpa 一般稱為榕樹),未被移植之前是甚麼樣子我們無法肯定,但跟據榕樹正常的生長形態我們其中一個推斷是,原來的樹要比圖中的大得多。移植後主幹已失,剩下來的其實是一條氣根和一節「斷肢」,樹木原來的樣子簡單推斷如下:








跟據發展局技術指引ETWB TC No. 3/2006第17條,任何政府土地上的樹木皆不可以被無故砍伐。發展必須首先考慮原地保留樹木,情況不許可時應考慮移植(除非該樹木的保育價值為低、移植後的存活率低或移植後將無法復原至正常之樹形),最後才考慮砍除。技術指引還清楚表明有關的考慮必須平衡成本及效益。指引內容清晰且合情理,對自然保育越來越關注的市民大眾來說,既為保育把了關,同時亦確保公帑不被浪費。



從圖四中可見,被移植樹木的品種包括本港非常常見的品種,而最令人感詑異的,是當中竟有些是有極高自行散播能力的品種──即等同於野草──典型的例子有血桐(Macaranga tanarius)及台灣相思(Acacia confusa)。另一點必須注意的是,有些外來品種(如台灣相思)本來就是廉價而生長極快的品種(故常大量使用於植林),由幼苗(成本約為港幣10元)起計只要少於十年時間便能成大樹;因此,政府動輒花費上數百倍價錢去移植一棵這樣的樹種是否合理?














發信人:Lo Tung
電郵: lotunglo@yahoo.com.hk


審計署 署長 鄧國斌先生 btang@aud.gov.hk

康樂文化事務署 署長 周達明先生 dlcsoffice@lcsd.gov.hk
康樂文化事務署 康樂事務經理(樹木及園景)香港 張裕生先生 ayscheung@lcsd.gov.hk
康樂文化事務署 康樂事務經理(樹木及園景)九龍 梁永生先生 wingsleung@lcsd.gov.hk

漁農自然保理署 署長 mailbox@afcd.gov.hk
漁農自然保理署 高級自然護理主任(南)  何秉皓先生 cary_ph_ho@afcd.gov.hk
漁農自然保理署 高級自然護理主任(北) 陳耀強先生 yk_chan@afcd.gov.hk
漁農自然保理署 高級自然護理主任(中區) 陳炳光先生 pk_chan@afcd.gov.hk

地政總署 署長 譚贛蘭女士 landsd@landsd.gov.hk
地政總署 地政總署副署長(一般事務)(地政處總部)  梁玉書先生 ddg@landsd.gov.hk
地政總署 總產業測量師(地政處/總部)  陳永堅先生 ceshq@landsd.gov.hk

路政署 署長 韋志成先生 cswai@hyd.gov.hk
路政署 高級園境師3  張美馨女士  sla3.lu@hyd.gov.hk
路政署 高級園境師1  梁錦鴻先生   sla1.lu@hyd.gov.hk
路政署 高級園境師2  郭德泰先生   sla2.lu@hyd.gov.hk

建築署 署長 余熾鏗先生 yuech@archsd.gov.hk
建築署 高級園境師/4 區李婷女士 ault@archsd.gov.hk
建築署 高級園境師/2 黃秋雲女士 wongv@archsd.gov.hk
建築署 高級園境師/3 盧偉思先生  lewisah@archsd.gov.hk


秘書: 馬海櫻女士 pi@legco.gov.hk
委員: 何鍾泰議員rctho@capitalchina.com、 梁家傑議員contact@alanleong.net
李華明議員info@liwahming.org.hk、 周梁淑怡議員selina@selinachow.com
涂謹申議員jkstolegco@gmail.com、 陳婉嫻議員yuenhan@ftulegco.org.hk
陳智思議員bernie@bernardchan.com、 陳鑑林議員kamlamchan2004@yahoo.com.hk
單仲偕議員cksin@sinchungkai.org.hk、 黃宜弘議員az3286pw@netvigator.com
曾鈺成議員jet@dab.org.hk、 楊孝華議員howardyoung_legco@yahoo.com.hk
劉江華議員kwlau@dab.org.hk、 劉皇發議員 c/o 委員會秘書、
劉健儀議員miriamlau@liberal.org.hk、 劉慧卿議員elau@frontier.org.hk
蔡素玉議員sychoy@pacific.net.hk、 鄭家富議員chengkarfoo@dphk.org
霍震霆議員ttfok@netvigator.com、 石禮謙議員arazack@netvigator.com
李國英議員kyli@dab.org.hk、 林偉強議員 c/o 委員會秘書、
郭家麒議員kkk@kkkwok.org、 張學明議員hokming@ntas.org
劉秀成議員patricklau@gmail.com、 譚香文議員contactus@mandytam.com


長春社 蘇國賢先生 cahk@cahk.org.hk
環保觸覺 info@greensense.org.hk
國際樹藝學會香港分部 egc@netvigator.com
香港園境師學會 secretary@hkila.com
各園境顧問公司 c/o 香港園境師學會

亞洲電視新聞部 news@atv.com.hk
無綫電視新聞部 news@tvb.com.hk
有線電視新聞部 story@cabletv.com.hk
香港電台 cnews@rthk.org.hk
蘋果日報 news@appledaily.com
太陽報 news@the-sun.com.hk
東方日報 news@oriental.com.hk
星島日報 info@singtao.com
明報 inews@mingpao.com
成報 dailynews@singpao.com.hk
文匯報 editor@wenweipo.com
大公報 dgw_editor@163.com
SCMP quinton.chan@scmp.com
The Standard editor@thestandard.com.hk
AM730 chiefeditor@am730.com.hk
頭條日報 editorial@hkheadline.com
都市日報 news@metrohk.com.hk


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