Tuesday, January 29, 2008

ISA HK/China --- Public Hearing for Proctorship Nomination

Dear Station Members,

As you all know, ISA HK/China Station is responsible for conducting ISA exams in our territory of HK, Macau, Taiwan & China. This is a vast territory, although ISA exams are only popular in the past 3 years & HK is currently the only exam centre in our region. We expect the exams to grow & very soon candidates from other cities in our region will come down to take the exams in HK, since HK has the exam security & facilities demanded for the requirement.

In order to do this, our Station will need to expand on the Proctor crew. ISA Proctors are required to hold a higher standing in Integrity, Professionalism & Participation with an attitude of fact-finding & truth-telling. Proctors belong to a different breed & they are respected & trusted in the ISA community. It is always an honour & privilege to become an ISA Proctor.

In our region of HK/China, we have devised a system to screen our Proctors by nomination by the Station Manager & then they have to go through a public hearing over communication within our Station Membership. The Station Manager is the key person in liaison with day-today running of the Station & gathers information on every Station Member including their personal quality. Yet his nominations have to pass through public acknowledgement to ascertain the social acceptance of the proposed Proctors to ensure no advice is slipped. ISA HK/China demands our Proctors to be of excellent quality & second fiddle is best left for somewhere else.

Upon careful observation & contemplation in the past 3 years, the Station Manager now would like to nominate the following Lady & Gentlemen to become ISA Proctors:

1. Kathy Ng --- Senior Landscape Architect at CEDD & is a person known to have good integrity & justice. Kathy is well versed with the landscape trade both in office & on site. She is energetic & respected by practically anybody in the landscape industry. Kathy is knowledgeable in modern arboriculture & is enthusiastic in encouraging our Govt to conduct proper tree care to help our community. Kathy is a CA & is a member of the prestigious CA Family.

2. Thomas CY Chow --- Senior Teacher at the now famous Fung Kai School. Our Station is always grateful for Thomas's past efforts to arrange exam venue for the CA & CTW exams. Thomas is also the Leader of the Fung Kai Tree Climbing Team & has participated in many public climbing events. He is enthusiastic to develop tree climbing for our next generation. Thomas is a CA, a member of the CA Family & is now also a CTW Evaluator.

3. Tony CH Ng --- Tony has over 20 years of tree climbing experience & is among one of the best climbers in our community. He has received arbor training in the UK & is knowledgeable in the art & skill of tree climbing. Tony works at the Tree Team of LCSD & is keen to participate in Station activities including training our next generation of climbers. Tony is a dedicated Buddhist committed to simple living, & with a kind heart to help others in our community. Tony is a CA, a CA Family Member & is also now a CTW Evaluator.

4. KM Li --- KM is one of the fittest local tree climbers known in our community. He is also a swimming instructor, a physical training instructor & a rock climbing instructor. KM has climbed for 20 years & is knowledgeable in the many techniques & equipment in tree climbing. He is active in Station activities & is keen to help our younger generation to climb. KM is a straight-minded, very physical & enthusiastic person. He is a CA, a CA Family Member & a CTW Evaluator.

These 4 Lady & Gentlemen will be nominated to ISA HQ to become Proctor in our region very soon, if this Station does not hear any adverse comment on any of them by 5pm Feb 10, 2008. On the other hand, if any of you would like to advise the Station Manager on something that he does not know about the above candidates, you are welcomed to phone 9090 6719 or e-mail him in confidence for second consideration. All communication will be treated in the strictest confidence with the integrity of the Station Manager not to disclose to a third party.

Thank you for your consideration & we look forward to work with our future Proctors in a team to develop ISA Arboriculture in our region soonest.

best regards,

Sammy Au
ISA HK/China Station Manager
ISA Chief Proctor in the HK/China Region

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