Monday, October 8, 2007

ISA HK/China --- Oct 7 Concurrent Training Sessions at ETF

Dear Station Members,

This Station wishes to thank the participants of the Oct 7 Trip to ETF for making the gathering such a hugh success. Despite the heat of 35C in the shade, everybody was finding it enjoyable & very educational indeed. Some have seen how nursery trees grown to international standard for the first time, & the tutorship on Plant ID & Pruning was excellent. The strong sunshine added enthusiasm to the learning & everyone has found the sessions well worthwhile for the journey so made.

We particularly wish to thank the Tutors Mr. KM Li & Mr. Tong Ng for their excellent Plant ID & Natural Target Pruning training. Mr. Li & Mr. Ng also refused to waive their share of payment of the trip & insisted to pay the RMB 180 person for transport, meal & drink like everybody. Such kind of selfless devotion will set an example in our Station history for bringing in fresh air to the landscape industry & gentlemen of this quality ought to deserve a round of applause form all of us. Thank you, our respectful Tutors...

Please kindly find attached the bunch of photos taken by this Station & sent in by Station Members for the footprints of the Oct 7 Trip. Please keep the one you want & share them with friends & family for the memorable occasion.

Upon the success of the Oct 7 trip, this Station is planning for other educational sessions at ETF such as Chainsaw Uses, Crown Restoration Pruning after Topping, Structural Pruning for Landscaping Trees after DLP, Tree Biology & Pathology, Tree Anatomy, Intermediate Tree Climbing, Basic Rigging, Tree Risk Identification, Fundamental Tree Inspection, Diagnosis & Treatment, etc. Now with help of volunteer Tutors, the above training have become possible instead of having just the Station Manger to do it all alone in the past. Our thanks to our wonderful Tutors indeed.

If any Station Member would like to offer any Arbor Training of above or beyond, you are most welcomed to contact this Station for arrangement anytime. We shall review & gather them into concurrent sessions to be run in HK or ETF as appropriate.

In view of the popular demand for Professional & Recreational Tree Climbing among our Station Members & public, this Station is planning to open up a Climber's Corner (CC) for anybody interested to join, hopefully within a month's time. The CC will communicate mainly in Chinese to facilitate understanding by our Chinese Channel Station Members who tend to be mostly Tree Climbers. There will be a separate class of Station Membership for CC & by tradition, Station Membership in CC is never to be disclosed publicly & will be kept alone by the Station Manager for privacy. However, the contributors for the CC will likely be experienced Tree Climbers & anybody is welcomed to contribute. The Station Manager's job is to distribute the CC Station Mail & may not have time to write on it. The CC Station Mail will be placed on Station Blog together with the usual English Station Mail for anybody's viewing.

Now for something to be celebrated. It is the pleasure of this Station to announce that our Station Membership has already reached over the 410 no. mark by Oct 1, 2007. We are also growing strong with weekly application to join this Station from all sectors of our society. The ratio of 70% Degree Holders & 60% Master Degree is still maintaining & we have more landscape architects in our Station than any other greenery institute in HK at present. We should also be by now the biggest & the most inclusive greenery organization in HK if we count in the complimentary Station Membership besides the official Station Membership of over 410 no. We have indeed proven yet another HK Miracle with no funding, no proper structure & no venue. All we have are knowledge, principles & enthusiasm, with ISA backing us behind all the way.

This Station wishes to thank all of you very much for your continuous support to develop proper arboriculture in our territory. ISA HK/China Station looks forward to grow successfully with our society to provide a better quality of living, with dedication, professionalism & integrity, one tree at a time.

best regards,

Sammy Au
Station Manager

ISA's Mission - Through research, technology, and education, promote the professional practice of arboriculture and foster a greater public awareness of the benefits of trees. (

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